Elsinore and District [by Mn. M. Gow-nlnckl JULY WJ. MEETING Mrs. Wilford Trask was the Hostess {or the July Institute meeting. We Roll Call was tell of sumething interesting at the Hobby Fair and the 16 mcmbers and frlcnds gave various answers such as the man doing pctï¬polnt, litllc animals. from stones and shells, children‘s intcrcsl in Ihr: mnunlcll animals and birds; the Fashiun show; the converter; gave lhl‘lr 2 min. rrpons ~ Agriculturc - Faling tips by Mrs. E. Mcscnm: Canadian lnllustricc - How husincss Is picking up in Cnlllngwoocl and ruporlï¬ the rem-Milan at mm by Mn. Richards: Education - High srltmil IL'LIL'IL'I‘! buliL-ve lhc quality ui Eduunliim has brcn lowcrud by Mrs J. Kirkland: Hospital Auxiliary-Mrs. Dtrtzcn rntn nunurtd Iur hrr scrvlm: by Mrs. Mum; Sumhmu ruplvrl by Mrs. 5mtth; I'ublit Rclatium- I'ho ï¬nding of one (it Fthcl rnnpnm x curly hunks .-n mt- v Bunk . a t tunl u very mll‘rckllng lt-ltcr [rum lilhcl Chapman by er Guwnltluuk. It was dwitll-(I ti» miw the gin. mic for m mg.- In IS with. Finns wtrl' mutlL‘ tn x-xhihit L'l'll'ls .11 (hr Muwum nnll lu malu' wrhhnul- suluLl lur ml cvcnt in Aug. Wlnti- rIi-nhnnt ilruws wch wtm Ivy Kllll uml (Indy l'hltlltut llml Mrk. lvtm Futvwit'k. Mn. R. Smith rinul Ilw Srrlpum and Mn. Dirk Rit‘ltnrth rctld th~ Cum-m th n. Mu. llir-lmrrlx was in 14mm nr uh. pnan and Hingn wm plnvml with Mnxnmnntnvk mun.“ mp Hum '71:“ mu] Mn. Ric unls lmmlmu uul lhu [)I‘IIUN. L iwm. wrvrd Pry nu- Hmlr'u .mlwu by Mrs, Wm. chu. VA mllil funcrnl wm ln-ltl lrunt Illc lintkc~5mtrrnw ltlncrltl pltrlnr [m Wm. Hnn Tln- RL'V Munnlng ulllu: Allrulurtl Unilrd ('Ilurt'h nll'u'tttlr-(l ulld lltt‘ pull hearers wrrc chmn mmilu-n A. NL'ISUKL H. (’unnur. Ii. Mt'DnugnL H. Millcr. L NL'IVnn and R. Aiken. Sympulhy i\ t'xlumlutl In Durix, Mn. ll. Hninlltnn, Mr. I'lnmiltuu. Brumlu. .lnnnv zturl Bl" ul OWL-n Suultd nnrl Lluyrl. Mrs. Hunt and Wendy :1! Ottawa and Mrs. Rcta Stewart at Hcpwonh. -Sa|urday was a pzrfzct day I'm the cclcbmlion of "It: 50th Wedding Anniversary 0! Mr. and Mrs. Ar Caukar Swuunded by beautiful buds of [legal Lille! and Roses and made [was lhc tables were \ct on the lawn {ar 40 guests. SonAinrlaw (J. Mllic-s ruad the telegrimv and lrztlcn nt congratulations [mm Prime Min< ister Pierre Trudeau. l’rcmlcr Wm. Davn, Fddic Sargent. Crawlnrd Douglas. "truth in Latvia and (:mada. Mr. K. Gurhurd ul' Huflzlu u qrut-iul friend 01 Mr. ('oulul's [rum their early (luyx wad an :uldrcu. Inlvian wnuk wcrc Minx. Mrs. Unwanluck \pukt: or her up prut’h’lllml nt in» triunmnip nl' tln: ('nnkn lilrtllly; Mrs. (unlit rcpllul lcllmg at w me mcl Mr (ruin. her llppn‘ ‘ i n! ltt-r (Intruhlrn nml "It" lalnllICin making nu:~ “mm. .1 mum-n- lmp. u inn. A mur- ul Mr. (unlit 5 from (.llllur m n tnrnrling :i wruk uith them ï¬nd mldtinu up nu rln- vrrrh \imr Iltt'v mrl. l'rll'mh 'rum lAIVlllltn {Ind [lumlm punt-4| Illnr lalvlun lnrmls hum muuntl tlu' lair. Mr. mull Mn. l'rlrnmnt; Mr. nnn Mn Vrnlt'uht‘ru. Mr and Mrs. Im-luu. Mn H’wrtu and Mr Sllnlck: Mr. vaglnu nil Snullmnnvtnn. Mr. Hill! Mrs ('ulxttl ('rnmcr (mil Mr. llml Mn. (inwnnlm x Wrrl‘ lllm “flesh. The «cunt nl Muthinln. Lnlvlu's Iltttlonnl flnwrr drtllt'd nut [mm n rimth hurl "cut [hr luvuw In thr rvutunx mlvancrd .tml own/Inna rt-llntt'rl nltL-t lltr mnpunnn rlinncr mm! In lhr .Inugnu-u. urnmlchlltln'n nan [Hr-nth ()u \mnm munhmm ltml lricruk ulllcrl lu mld llicu “mid mum. -()n 'l'lmrx llir flruu- (rltlu' lliill’lcl Wurm-n's lnamntr u l'rutlvt' nml Iht- llunhv Fnlr mmntittrr nirr nt (inmnlmh In Amer. the MI s ill the llolrhi Fnlr llntl ~1an p. t [nr Ilu- I071. l’nlr. Tht lvlrlnru latL-n ht Mr Thombum are very good Ind orders are being taken. Mrs. Maureen Craig and Min Phyllis ananlnck visitcd their parents after paying their to span to their Uncle Will Hunt. Mn. Annicc Blake returncd m hur hunt: in Barrie After spendlng : wcck wllh her parcnls. 5hr: visited Mr. and Mn. Lind-my Busch Ind family or We“ Aryan ‘Mn. Wm. Cowin is slowly ream/Ming lrom what turned out In ht‘ Slrcnt. thrust. Sh: had In rtlflrn In Hrmillnn to her mum Unclnr when she wun't improving after it dual" ding- nmcd ‘n m a rung-u. w: hapc \hu'll he able to rcturn to the .unaur. A Art-am came trut- [or Mrs. Hrur-t- Mclmd when ill: "3le- url hrr 'drcnni boat’ 2 RM (um-c this week. -Mr unit Mn. om“: Candle. Dmmn. Allan and hit ï¬lnczc l'nulrnr nl Hamilton arc vu- ntmning .1 their (nlliuc. They Mluldcd Ihc wcdaing at their nII-t't'. My“ Grady in Owen ‘wuml liunh ul Mr Ind Mrs. Jul Kirkland wtrt M1. and Mn. Huhulu nntl lnmtlr rrf Tillwn- hum. MI“ (nrnllm: lech n! Mmrltlalc. Mr. Jim Ind Inn Llnrlcrwmd nl' Part Eluin. Mr. l‘rtrl Mt'l'tlllnch o! Unhawfl Ind Mrv. llnruld (ianlhItuie nl llrnmnlcu. Mr. and Mn (’cnl McLeod M 1‘nruill «pm: Sun nl th: Ln: Mid Lnllnl nn Mr. Ind MI’!r ( mtkll. I'vrn nmmmu Ihmtl h u‘rlod ulnli- wdlt'rlnn 1h:- nuwcn I Mlllllt‘l “an. I 1m! ll’tr blrdr so ilu nut lihr In ust‘ puiwn nr in...†n. klll pun I pom hurling wnm uu-r um mull; nan Irrlr‘r (I. thcm Into tht‘ «toil. Manure nix-l an Italian lamlly Int-rm“ [nr “mm in humi- 1hr) (cu! thrrn flour ml rn-k . uuu'. so ant-y made two um um In~rr tn guthcr tlir in-llt lhrv hntl ukcd mr- In trap AH‘C fut thrm 'Tu rich hlt- oun‘, mm a w bom doing id these things l "mama! Pmflyudntw Mr . Maurico Gownnlnck b I um. a user and E’Ml’. She raves Alma! anythl‘ns hasu‘: aha Hurra- Ihe‘ll evcntually use it an “my: har saving, ruins. and doing qunlll‘tr; that nanad her mutinl bull! run. When 25 was told Ihn had moor. and la: lh‘gll - u per cent chance of unwary. her laugh ~ ' l GCU‘QQQQOOIIQOQQQQQQQ [lubed to her ntnrumnm. full at good matarlaL rtedmahn unnvnl rutulounlq harsng pamlttodfnuwr really "pour"; tn l aver use it in hat own hom- ut RR. 1. ‘11:“ lord. Endr winter Illa addld I few rows to .. rug. Thirteen yam lllll'.‘lfll n by llâ€"looura 3 guns tho centre other livln; room floor I.‘ | Gownnlock has Ilnba undo mlny hrnldod full.v and bar Itoraromn ls lull as lull. Mn.Gawanloclt.vrh0lskmwn u Naili- har trim-ids. can‘t rammbor whnn I'll! mm a good runny ul’ liar Interest: and helium. WV "l‘va quilted all my Illa." [dun l raume how I legrnod. l think { WI: lust born dolly thusthln ." llhtrr up we on. > . Slim is cï¬rwuy working on u qullt winch l1» volm th- nlmracturs tram th- balm; drlldlmnd book. Ultla Wanna. Each quill bl ' let: a scan or alhmllon [rum “reboot. Hat daughter mtmï¬ré’lmEh-sl ll. in M lug an . r Bat: and It in gal: on Mn. annnlock Ilifl nulltins prlnrluaa. mum Mn. Gawunlod wu born Helm daughter 0! the Into Mr, and Mn. Frill“ mall Sulth. Although Ihl hullvod In myâ€. Elma- during har married Illa. Incltrtlllt‘Y k hll villa. ha lltlll radix-d :Mmhrfanothor nvcnul at hrtamt. Sh- W call-dun wool-rhutllu. In MWJItB‘ bomâ€" um mod to decorat- vttndnw H.“ on the Wind. Th-I'I m n dubbed thu nlnca Vlrraur In. Full. name ., ' $th .. mm... tut ’ In. sit-got Im- pun-m