The Elsinore ‘Polntér Sis ' l 4-H Club attended the Amiga:- , men: Day for ‘A Touch of Stltchery' in Wierton. The'girls ‘ presented a skit 'New Ideas in l Embroidery.‘ Those whn attained l thelr _lwn-project Award were 3 Tumml Harm", Paula Kirklnnd ‘ and'Velln: McCulloch. They‘ recelved their sterling silver" spoons and Culleen Miller. Margle Connor, Carolyn Walker, Cathy Mewhinney and Susan 5 Walker received a git}. Lenders ‘ were Mrs. Gowanlock and Mrs. ‘ Roy McCullnch. Mrs. Doug ‘ Hanan, Mrs. Gerald Walker. ‘ Mrs. Don Mewl'linney and Mrs. aG‘:ry Harron attended in the ernoon. The iris r their Leaders 5m. pglerï¬ml: spprecintion. . Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Aiken An envelope shuwer was held in the Elsinore Community Centre on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. David White. nee Lynn Nelson. Mr.‘ Angus McIntosh was chairman for a program of piano solos by Mrs. Wm. Legg. Carolyn Walker and Tammi Harron; Readingsrby Cathy Mewhinney. Mrs. Delqu Harron, Carolyn Walker and Allenford couple ‘ mark anniversary \lr um! .\1rs. \\ l. Aiken of Alienfurd were guests of hunnr m a dinner and recaptron m Allenford United mm h Huh n. rerngniljun of their diamond wedding . . b i 750 ‘ Long lime Southampton residents, Bill and June Welu, Conn“ Miller and Lorraine anm‘fm“ an°“%h°“‘1 “‘5 “9"†5 °“ ' “as s cclchmlcd their SOIh wedding mnhersury Saturday mar-loan u Dickinson: plum) duet by Barbara pa‘d "m" '“ mg “mp 5' the Walker House. Mun) friends and relatives were on hand to and Brian Eby. violin and piano W Vi ‘1'“ MW" “9-†mm“ 3' ’ha hm“? 0‘ the L‘nngmlulnlu the couple Ihel was married on Nnvernher ll, 1925, due! by MrS- Angus McIntosh “m†‘ Wm†"‘6 “3‘9 M“ and Mâ€- Hen’l E3†°f in Tm Mrs Weiss ls the daughter at the lnln Mr. and Mrs.. and Grace McIntosh: Highland “M‘ T"“ mm The 55mm“ “wk place Dec' 1' 1915 (‘hnrlns‘ lurks-"n nnrl Mr “'ei“ la the son of the late Mr. and “WW by Bub“ EbY» Piamv‘ banjo and bones trio by Helen‘ Gowanlonk. Bill Leg and Norm Gill: yodelling and mnuth organ . Mr. and Mrs. Weiss um the parents a! three . children. Glndy Mrs. Jim Gelles. Hnrley nnd An. They also Fallmrm; iheu‘ marriage. they farmed m Amabel. Mm 10h" Wei rellrlng lu Mlentord 10 years ago. Mrs. Alan has haenl r s ’ -‘ k M .Aik h . h . ~ l V a and mm an r, . 6° Ԡ"“m‘c‘l’a p ‘r mum run rntulnl'ums or friends nrlll relatives, the couple wu- Lynn and David were asked to and an ardent Furler r r E by [DH] . ‘ presented with a plaque from the Ontario Govemmenl _\ come to the front and Mrs. Doug The “3“?†"as ‘5 damgh‘e“ “’5' MW] Gree‘mw‘“ "f‘ M.l>.p. Munm Gaunt, and anolher rmm the Ontario Fire Haw)" read an address and Hamillfll’l and two sons Ross of Allentnrd and Leonard of: M h I ‘ Gmcc Mdmosh and Colleen 0mm ‘5 u ml There are nlne grandchildren There are a" "" Mme, read the good Wishes an inn nnuehlers and two grandsons deceased. ‘ the envelopes. After David and \lr-ssazes oi cangratulaliuns were received from Lynn expressed theirnppreciarion Premier \\llilnm Dams and MPP E. C. Sargent. and ‘Fpr they are jolly guud T‘lml and Merrl Lvlm Aiken were in charge of the guest ' :lelsgjs] sung' the lam“ inn-l. Ross Alien was master of ceremonies for thul u . , dmnel‘. Eldred and Gordon Aiken and Edward Ball spoke lrrlel‘w [l was noted that Mr. and Mrs. Aiken are the ï¬rst 1 couple in the Aiken clan to celebrate 60 years of merrled ‘ Me In 175 veers 11800]. Among the wash: ln attendance was Mrs. Cecil Coultar l vll’ Rnr‘rwlulli flower girl at the wedding 60 years ago. COD-IiOLQQDDhlflflflnfl-AQA-ï¬nnnnnnnn-g-----_--‘....r. nlmng [he evening refreshments were served by the arandrhddren. Guests attended from Gravenhurst. ‘Embro. Clinton. Chesley Fergus. London. Toronto. Themeslord. Tara. “ Southampton, Owen Sound. Peri: Head, Elslnure and Rockwood ' «"7 AUCE POWER 3 Lle Mrwmmlnf' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stcvens seen leaving the church sï¬er their autumn wedding. The lyride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gowanlock of R. R. l. Allenford. The couple have takenup 'res'idgcejn/ Sudrhury.