V‘Elwsmâ€"oiél By Mrs. M vamloclr ‘ EISINOREV WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING Mrs. Angus Mclrittish was hostess far the Octobcr meeting of the Elsinore Women's insti- tule on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Legg. assistant scr crclary read the minutes and Mrs. McIntosh gm llIE ï¬nan. cial Slalcmclll. The roll call was l mu, least liked lluusehuld clinic“ and from the ansncrs given by ‘ the l3 members and four visitors present. washing windows set-ms tr) be the least popular task nVL‘I dusting. sweeping. doing dishes. cleaning ovens and (rigs. ironing and waxing floors. l Mrs. 1:. Messanl and Mrs} Smith are to allt‘nll the Rail)" and Mrs. ananlnck is the vnting delegate m lhi‘ Area Cunvcniiun. Mrs. D. Kirkland gave the Millie "To make any easy thing lonk hard keep putting it off." The 27min convener's reports were - Agri» culture ‘Au experience oi a lifetime. by Brenda Trask: Dairy Princess - Mrs. Mcssani: Edit- cation <Mrs. J. Kirkland; Con- . sunier Affairs » Mrs. Cuw Funlili' Affairs . Mrs. Caukaz‘ Roslllulitins » Mrs. Patchell; l Sunshine 7 Mrs. Smith: Hospital Aid . Mn. Ml‘Rac. ‘ The white elephant draws were mm by Mrs. A. Miller. Mr). H. Mcssani. Allcnford. and l Mrs. lreue Part-hell. Mrs. Cuwln Convener tnr (‘nnxuniers Affairs was in charge of the program of jiikeh by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. vactl Pncnts 'Just Between Friends' by Mrs. Messani. ideas um funny things - Mrs. D. Klritland. Mnmcnts in friendship bv Mrs. Cowin. l Commercials an the TV Contcsls Wch enjoyed and a contest on cakes with prizes lor the winners. Lunch was served by Mrs. . McIntosh assisted by Grace 4 McIntosh unit Mrs. Kirkland. 3 Mrs. l. Fettwick helped supply the lunch but was unable to -,l attend. El . I SIIIOl‘e. . (by Mrs. M. ananlock) l _ W.l.MEE’l' The Elsinore deen‘s insu- lull: held their November ntCClA ing at the home of Mrs. Cnlvin Cnnpnr on Wednesday evening. The President read an article 'Hyacinths for the Suul‘. Mrs. Mt-lntrish mad the minutes of the last meeting and gave the ï¬nancial statement. The roll call nns “What you approve ur (lisiipprmc of in niodcrrl advcrr Iisenicnts." Many named certain Lonlnlcrcials they thought taste- less. highrprcss'ul'c selling of tins months before Christmas but iiruise was givcn fur the uchlV advertisements Tar cum» I). 0 shopping. Mrs. Mcssum and Mrs. Smith i brought interesting reports from ll‘tc Rnlly they attended. Mrs. Con-unlock gavc report of the Ai‘t‘d Convention. Ann Kelly's .l report was a very informatch one and the Sun-Times is to be t'oinuicndud l'nr th‘ gift oi IlIL‘ll' .l paper to delegiilcs. The short i l'L‘purls “'ch given by the L'nllvctlcts. Agriculture - The ltil'ilier's creed by Mrs. Mcssani; Ftltlulliiul . Him _l'up minds in tl'lsgiiiw the bitlL‘l‘ lust: of medicine bccuniu com cold by Ml“. .l. Kirkland: Family Affairs Foster children by Mrs. Can t: Resolutions 7 Make :1 l‘L‘htIlUllUll in in- ni rim Plowing Match in Brut-i: County next year by Mn. I’alchell. Mrs. MeRuc rcptirlcd nn plains rni- the Hnspitul unann- titid Mrs. Smith gave the Sunshine report and took up it collection. Mrs. E. Dickinson gave smile nuikiiig hints. The Wllilc Elt- pluilt Winners were Mrs. J. Kirkland. Mrs. D. Kirkland and Mrs. chg. Mrs. J. Kirkland read the current events. Mu. Pnnln-ll \\:t\ in i'ltlll'gt' nt lllu pl'ngrtlllL Scripture was read [13' Mrs. Cooper. Rcudings by Mrs. Kirkland. A columnist “rites on ‘Mctl who snan and Mrs. l’utchcll mud n papal ml Resolutions and another on pets .nnt people. The meeting nun-u and Mn. Caliper assisted by Mrs. Cnukn surde lunch. Lorne Baux dies suddenly D :h cnnie suddenly in Mr. Limit: Alvin Baux oi Cliippziiv: Hill near Southampton. on Sunday. November 23. Ht: was wclIAknnwn in Tara and are: tillch he spent his buyhood days. The late Mr. Bttux had spent lllL' past season sailing the Great Lakes on the hunt “The Yuu‘ L‘illlllck" \ilticli nits ducde tit 5. ill SIC. Maric. He was found in his cabin room liming diud «tune l|lI\L‘ early Sunday morning. Dut‘k‘nu‘d was 61 years of ugc. ant-n in Man 'rnninliip in ille- \L‘LIT NH. ll{‘\\:t\ u still nl'tltc lat: ' .nnl Mrs. William aunt ni .\ “as united .tgl.‘ ltl Mi». Elcuimr Lynn itl' Unvn Sound. d lll(' couple nlk‘l‘alc :t grlurtl store at (‘liipiizinn Hill. He was a member oi the Anglican church. and also the Canadian Order til’ Forre i-r‘ Surviving tn inouru . it «(its his wile. Elgantir. are children: Gerald of Kienardine: Cilrl and William ut Snuthnnipiou: Linda (Mrs. Murray Wolfe) of Dobbin tun; Bcity Anne and Bonnie at 4 home. Brother niKntlilccn (Mrs. R.B. Minnelli Toronto; Dr. . Gut-don Baux oi Calgary. Alberta: t Ada (Mrs. Tom Middlctmfl‘l'arn. The body rested at ll: Emkc-Srnrruw Funeral Chapel. Tara. until Tltrus l_\‘. November 27 at 2:00 pm. when Rev. J. Walsli oi ï¬t. Paul's Anglia“) l Church. Soittliriinpiun. “an ill charge of sern'ccs. ' lutcrincnt truth plum in Hill- I crest Cemetery. Tara. ’ . ‘