plane Gowan designs clothes ,, Sun~Timt_:s photh lyv Dung i'Iamp WJ. /7 75’ The Elsinore Women's Institute ‘ meeting was held in the Com» munity Centre on Wednesday evening with Mrs. David Kirk» land as lmstess. Guests for the evening wen the ZinnrAmahel. Tara and Arkwright Women's. Institutes The rnll call was answered by the 56 members with interesting answers to "A good example is the besl teacher. . Name one", The convenors / reports were agriculture»even the plowing match needs power by Mrs Messam; education-Why. Stay in school and a smile by Mrs.l J. Kirkland: consumer affairs Eargzmsl by Mrs. Cuwm, ‘ Mrs. .laclt Kirkland was init charge of the pragram with‘.’ Education as the themcr Mrsr ‘ Legg played for [lie singing of 0» Cnnadapnd Mrs. Kirkland rend Making Friends. Mrs. Graham Chambers of the Zion Institute and who is also our provincial, board member played selections . an the mauthorganr Mrs. Harold ‘ Simpson of Arkwright gave a reading at 3 Kindergarten tea- chcr's ï¬rst day: Mrs. Pearl Anderson at Sauble Beach sang ‘ He Lites and read a poem that v she had composed; Mrs. Nelson Diebel of the Tara Institute read When the Cost is on the Pumpkin and the Shock is in the price and The Son) Hhstm, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Thornburn of Port Elgin' showed slides of their trip in the Caribbean area highlighted by Lindsay's Comments. Mrs, R. Smith expressed appreciation and presented them with a gift Lunch ‘ was served by the Elsinore ladies 2an a sncial timr, tnjttycd. Earl] group expressed their apprecia- tion fur the program and the social enjoyment. Elsinore . @f owonlockl (Mrs. M. 4-H The ï¬rst meeting of the Elsinore r 4-H club was held on Munday evening at the Gowanluck's. Margit: Connor presided and opened the meeting with the' pledge. Laurie Harrcn was: elected as president: Tammi Harrun as virerprcsident; Paula Kirkland as telephone caller and the secretary was Colleen fur this nlcc‘llllgt Leaders are Mrs. ananlock and Mrs, MtCulloch and members are Cullen, Laurie and Tammi Harron; Cathy Me~ whinney, Margie Cmtnur. Grace Mtlutnsh. Carrie Cramp. Velma McCulloch. Paula Kirkland. Cami lyn and Susan Walker. The culour wheel was discussed and the backstimh demonstrated by Mrs. McCulloeh. Material for the projects was selected from the assortment Mrs. Chambers had i brought from Hamiltan. The meetings are to be held “ Monday evenings at ananlocks ‘ With the girls bnnging lunch. t,â€" w 1.3OMS-lllIi-lDEAD-ah...hogan-annn-AA-AA-----‘._-------_ is a: