DISTRICT HISTORY page 2 7 1 1927â€" Federated Standing Gommittees were â€" Education Agr‘lcultme E w L a, v â€" ' 0m economics, Tmmi ration Pnbéiziéglation, Hi storica1 Research and National events. Health-. ammunity Activitias'g 192 - Mam riot decided to hold both forenoon a af ‘ 1929- Miss Flora Burnin began working in Bruce Grointytemoon meet'ugs Hem year- 1932- " 10 years might be set as a limit {for an officer to hold office ‘ 1933â€" lively discussion at District Annual regarding women on school boardu 1934- Mr. Putnam present at District Annual . This is his 45th year in (501,312 Bar“ A contribution sent to World Federation of Gountry Women I - roe. 193% I: new cgnvenorghiup Pence Education and International Relationshins. gr_cu 111‘: an an. ndustries to be combined. A1 ' 1' ‘ * 6 years set as limit to hold any office so aommun'ty Mtjvjtjea and “luf- New handbooks almost ready 1938â€" ’nstead of 4 Bistricts. Bruce now to have 3 North Bruce unchanged Bast Bruee- Alleni’ord. Port Elgin, Pinkerton. South Line. White School. Arkwright Paisley, Wlkerton, Gheeley and Ears. V ' South West Bruceâ€" Tiverton. Bervie, Ri clay. Lucknow. Belmore, Kincarrline. Raids florners, Holyroorl, Whitechurch and Weesweter South Bruce held their District Annual that year in Belmore with Mrs. Aylmer Ackert l as President while Centre Bruce met in Bervie With Mrs. LR. White as President. Decided. to always have Gonvention in Guelph insteanmf moving around 50 Pirls attended Achievement Day in Walker-ton. 1944â€" 13 Homemaking Clubs in County with Miss Burnin as Home Economist 1945- South Bruce membership 360 1947â€" Purple Grove and Kairehea new Branches. Paramount organized in 1939 i‘iret Officers @onference held at Guelph Mrs. Thos. Means, a charter member of Kincardinc gave a paper on changes through the years 50 years as a District were celebrated at this meeting V 1953â€" A.C.W.W. met in Toronto and mny members of our Eietrict attended on Canada Day. 1956â€" County Rally started. and Mrs. Don McCoeh of South Bruce first President. 1958- new Grey-Bruce Area formed with Mrs. McCosh ist Tics -President. In 1959, the past district presidents Who were living were presented With the Women's Institute cup and saucer. They were- Mrs. Alymer Ackert, Mrs. J.R. White, lire. J.M. Reid. Mrs. P.8. Stewart, Three District Presidents have been presented with District Lite Memberships. They are- Mrs. R.-7. McKcllar. Mrs. Donald McGosh and Mrs. LE. ROWe. Mrs. Harvey Houston was presented with a F.W.I.C. badge in 1960. Mrs. Victor Emerson received an Instltiute cup and saucer when she retired as president in 1962. r _ 7 _ May 23, 1963. 3a.; ( §¢LJcK Column/«Ce MrS. Cliff lewitt completed two years as District President in May 27, l96b Institute cup and saucer. .‘H and wasgiven an Mrs. Cecil hollands completed a full six year t‘rm as District secretary- treasuer and was presented with an F.W.I. C. badge. The first one was held District 5 onsored Daffodil Teas. the p 1 Sponsored Teas were For a few years in .he 1950's , I in charge. Other- Women‘s Instltutes whlcl at Holyrood with Keir-Shea members HOIYTOOd, Ripley, neids Corners and Lisbur‘n. The Dion‘ch started sponsoring a Korean Child in May, 1952. Mrs. V1.14. Mackenzie of enor in early l950"s and were especially a part their support. At the County Musaum was 1 :er‘ member to ‘ u is jus 1,1,7 proud of its MuSeum at Southampton. v ‘ I h 315 Lrict was HLstorical nesearch onv ‘ ‘ ‘ ' s which 516 could see the need for“ stantlng tov‘preb'ez‘ve‘srnnye otifï¬zz "EEJEEFS gave 0f the the early days in our County. he Women a 115†J _ .Jistrjct Annual held in Rervie in 7‘53, W91‘9ixd tha? learn will receive W pledged bv members. The museum projï¬c" Close "0 “1"†1 ‘ ’ ' H w v ‘ . UOunCil in June. help in its eEi.Alï¬1lSllmtrlt. Selection of a Site WILL be madL Z} bellnltlichased for a Museum†3â€â€œ g I†hli School was built, in boutvhamp ton and the ol anilictln» items and serving on “ “ewd 1:“. Lrlt‘ll'l lie menoers helped with cleanlnfll (3331 times: ;hese ENE “pointy; by vs" en" ),. ~4 ' 7 , , _ . . 7 a S)“, L T} w†("m Lomml'"tec hos J institute members at a commlolees. me ‘15:. » B r'uce County Kair‘Shea B ranch in Bruce Souk " support for R rune it