DTSTRTCT HISTORY Our earliest Minute Books contain the Rules and Re.ulation W v in which We learn that "each women's institute shall 1:: in affilfgiiogmmt: tï¬tguns v institutes in the district". The Institute year ended thy 31. The rirst-racora rrmars .91 strict ".1. is of Centre Bruce Di strict which had flash on Hand Mayjl 1903 0:03:82 Phere was no balance recorded for May SI. 1905 so the Bi strict must have come into {min after that. Membership fees that your more $20.55. At 259! per member, that makes 82 moms; in the District. The records for Kincardine that year show â€" Cash on hand May 51/04 32 8:28 Firs. J.C. Seymour of Paisley was Sec.â€"tres. members has “.00 (900. A1. Putnam Was Supt. of Tnstitutss In 1905 Branches in District are Paisley Kincardine and Riole . Branch s b a grant of $3.00 each ymar from Dept. of Agric. ‘ . y a 9g“ getting 'L‘he Annual District meeting was held at the same time and place as the farmer-3' annual meeting. The following Advertisement is for the Annual Meeting held on June 6th. 1907. " Centre Bruce larmers Institute wi 11 hold their annual meeting and Judging demonstration at ginden Hall, the home of Mr. LC. Paterson, South Side. Kincardine "down . commencinz at 1.5 p.m. h A business meeting for the election of officers and the transaction of general business will he held at 1 o'clock sharp. After which a Judging: Demonstration on'both horses and cattle will he held. conducted by Prof. Day of the Ontario Agricultur-xl Col legs, of Guelph. Rho animals to be used in the stock demonstration will be from the herd of Ur. R.H. Reid, of Pine River. The Ladies Branch of the Institute will hold their :mnual Meeting at the same time and place Which Will be addressed by Dr. Annie Backus. John Tomas MP. and Hugh Blark M.P.P. are expected to be present and address the m meeting. After the meeting is over lunch will he served by the Ladies on Mr. PatersonUs lawn. Everybody come and be entertained as well as instructed." 1906 ’B‘opiasâ€" Storing vegetables. paper from Mrs. Headless " Caring for the Sick“. Housecleaning and Breadmaki m2 . 1905 we hear first mention of W..T. pins. Sophia. 190b, in Kincardine, Bishon Stringer's wife talked about the Eskimos, their housekeeping and cooking and showed some curiosities. " The Annual Meeting of Centre Bruce r“loner-1's Institute was held on June ‘5 , 1906 at the farm home of Mr. Buwers south of Hinley. About 90 women were present. All the general officers were present and some of the directors of that vicinity. Cfi’ice-s e‘ectcd- Pres. Mrs. Don McIntyre; Sec.-tres. lira. E.R. Seymour: Wiseâ€"pres. Mrs. SJ‘. Jackson". Also " directors elected â€" Kincardine Mrs. Wm. Bell , Mrs. Jno. Watson. Mrs. T. Hardie Ripley Mrs. Wm. Ii. McDonald. Mrs. Jae Steele Paisley Mrs. Mcléilvray Mrs. E.R. Seymour, lire. Mcl‘ltyre. Mrs. Conn." This Was the Fifth District Annual. 'l‘he first was held at Paisley,“‘seconrl at Glammis. third at Ripley, fourth at Paisley . fifth at Iiinley and sixth at Kincardine. June 25. 1909 we read that Bervje VJ. organized and also 'v'lilliscroft. Sept. 1909, Chesley organized March 19, l9r2, lleids Corners organized :1le /7/5’ 1911- Aérmow organized. and Piukert on , Miss Laura hose 3 speaker amd organizer sent out by Dept. of Agric. 1910‘ Convention held in i'oronto instead of Guelph. Feb. 1912- hincardine had 10th Anniversary. hioley began holding regular meetings llov. 1908 1914- Branches in Di strict Wers- Kincardine. Bervis. Williscroft. Pinkerton, Paisley and Armo'l'. 1913- telephone calls first mentioned in exnenses 191=â€" Oonvention in London , . I conjcs at, this ti meâ€" Kai sinrz chickens and gettlni? them feed] for ’“drk'ï¬ "hat I think would be an ideal home The home reading table Care of cream and making butter 'Tousehold share of the income _ "ith We learn by attending exhihitrons "hat a submarine is How to use. the franchi so intelligently Relationshjn between the home 'Hï¬ school false oi‘ change 0;“ air ï¬elds Ooeners, hinley, Uhesley, _ I e, '. +ion in the snlw‘ls , a I, 1m 1919- Ledlcdl USMC" 1 f t '4 s uthel .hanmn , ‘. - , es gen. 3 reques, 0 Vs ‘ 1925â€" at Pinkerton District Annual enthe ï¬fleslfnpwulnfl in SLHB .45.,46t as lara. Tivert on. have Uhesley, 'Paisley and JarvaLâ€"lrlmraom » ~ ~ Bram D15.â€th to and Port Elgin. were amnointel from the 3 decide on c'l'lnqlnr? dlstri ate. 1027- so next 7.931» rgnresentatw‘ves