own smvmn Lot 12, Gone. 16 David Hetcalf bought the West half of Lot 12, Gone. 16 which was 50 acres of bushland in 1877. He built a log house and harm the latter is now a stra shed of the present barn after being movzd in 1923. There is no record of whrn tho first frame house was built or when the wells were dug. "Kit" ChristoPher Metoalf a brother of Davids bought the East half of Lot 12, Gone. 15. He never married. A leg house was buiit and ramsined there until 1970 when it was sold as a summer cottage. The log barn was burnt in 1903, and the barn was rebuilt in 1905. In 1918, John the youngest son of David took over the farm. He was a blacksmith and aiter leaving Lovatt where he Lad a shop he sen one up at his farm. He mos married to Elizabeth Polter and they ï¬aJ 3 children; David 3., Harry and Irene (Cooper). David I. or better klown as "D.J." and his wife Beryl (thcalf) took over the farm in 1937. They had A children; Lydia (usitlanfl) Verdella (Stare), Evelyn (Iflxugues) and Ken. They lived on this iroperty Lmtil 1&ho when the: wcved to Lot 8, Gone. 17. This farm regained in the “atoll: name until 1'76, when it mug sold to Glenn duwyer. A bulker silo :1“ built in.l77e \JoL. ?5- “