SCOTT WEBB Lot 5, Cone. 16 \(OL-l Q33“ This 100 acres was obtained from the crown in F buary, 1873 by Javes Davies Junior, who was born in Scotland in 1837 and settled in Bruce County in last. The Davies moved to the Chesley area and the farm was solo to William Richardson in April 1895, who in time sold it to Allen Bell on Feburary 26th, 1901. It was I sold to William Sutherland on June 2nd 1906, and a post Oilice was here u,til the farm was sold again. Andrew Porter bought the farm in Feburiry 2lst 1912, and lived here u til 192h when they LOVSd to Pais‘ey n his son, Jack Porter took over the Iarm until 1937 wieu they moved to Tecswgter. The farm 5 tn h rented by Robert Jheridul Alex Rowlei, Harry Ketcalfe, William Clark, and Scott Webb. The firm use then bought by dcott Hebb in Ray 01 19u7. In 1915 dcott "7 Pearl Heilly win the“ = 0. six children; K 1, Tillrrn, aha Yorval never w 'ried, and live at hove; Jack married Audrey Neeihsm i1 lr52 ’h lives in Car- gill. They hive six children; urto D~vid, Rory, Yorlene, artha, Scott. Phyllis :narl‘iud Jim 351111, of ?ra1t Tow L. , 1L _, 9. They J"S two boys, lely ahJ onald. Karjorie nirried Lawrence Campbell in 1°51, and they reside in Paisley. Their family is; Sharon, Carol, Bob, Rick, and Lynne. on October 16th, 1873 a half an acre was sold to the section for a school house and in 1876 a second half acre was sold to the secticn known in later years as School Section Number 7. The barn was built in 1883 and we will assume the house was built around the same time. The barn is 56 X 66, and is made of timber. The house is built of brick and contains eleven rooms. The telephone was installed in 1912 and electricity in 1951, the bathroom was put in in 1954. The water is supilied by a drilled well, 129 feet de p. The windmill pummed the wet r until the pressure system was installed in 195A. The old mooqehed was demolished and the present one built the scxmor cf 19h9. . 3 is carried on he,e 3L1 U nal 01 hard or; Almost all killed the winter of 1934. There is almost 10 acres of bush On this farm. Ch July 10th 1956 the house has struck by 1i;htelihg u. the follovin; Junlay the Ado tossed of the a uth part of the roof on the . ‘ -,c and took the burn off. During the fall of 19o» The DATE iron Lot 13 Con. 17 ‘ 'Lto “ lurle ht sled mi th s. eh shied to the house 1L loo: 0; 11 We: .43. (Don't)