swuzn swmo TBall Back row, 1m :0 ï¬ght' Murray Mswhinney, Bradley Lynns, Alyssa Vicnncau, Nancy Stafford [coach], Ben Underwood, Wes lnglis, Dave Mawhmney (coach). Front row Kelsie Mawhinney, Nathan Mawhinney, laurrn Mulholland, Chan» :ch Mawhlnncy, Garrett smï¬ord, Lindsay Kiefl'er‘ stuLH mum PreMne No. 2 Back row: Dave Eadie (coachll Middle row, left to right: Nancy Staflurd launch), Jory Wilma, Nels Aberhardt, Tara MacDonald, Maflhew Underwood, Jamie Dickson, Erica Wright [Enurlll Front row: Curtis Rutherford, Chad Martin, Car- man Stafford, Jason DeVos. Keri Hoskins, Jodi Eadie, Preston Eadic smmx Srumn Mile Girls Elaik mu“ m1 m nqu SUL- Ilcr'fu [r Ugh) Curch Du ksuu. mm llnLlrIWm’ul‘ rm badm, Ros: \Vchr [l umh) Mullllz‘ IH\\’ .le'lll‘a Wullcr, k .anr llunlcl a, OLVK: MLKuguP, wussa 5mm Frunl mw Kyla chfray, Stcphmm' Imm, He'amer Re- mmmn Alanna Dunc, Krlby Lamwn .srnny Bonesuhanslirr mum: S'lllnn PreMite No. 1 Back row, left I0 right, Deb Vexsleeg, Wayne Brown. Lease Kerr [coachesl‘ Mids dle row: Russ Dem-nan, Trams Brawn, Matthew Kerr, Chryl Inglis, Mary Verr stceg, Jenna Curran, Travis Kan. Front row. Ben Fischer, Phillip Bane. Colc Weisher, Damelle Renwick. Jenna Detzler, Anson lnglrs, Rebecca Mulholland. Belmore Minor Baseball 1999 Belmore Minor Ball had a great season, with more than a hun- dred players in action The Belmore Pee Wee boys team were Tr) County and WOAA champions for 1999, and the Bantam glrls softball team were Undefealt’d through the regular sr'asnn‘ ï¬n- ishing in ï¬rst placc. ln plaioff actlon they defeated Brussels and l’lansvllle to win thr‘ ’l‘rvrf‘num' ‘A' r'hnmplnnship‘ and pH» ceded to the WOAA playoffs were they evenlually defeated Shakespeare to win lln: WOAA Home Brew crown. Sponsored by The Workshop, Belmore Feed Mill, OK Wright 98 Farms, Maple Belle Farm, Belmoral Farms Ltd., Little Curran Acres ' . stnnu Slllmu Mite Boys Rm ll ILM lsll Io nghv Kathy Willlls (l (lat ll) «luulun Jdelm. Paul Snydcr‘ I'mv s (Jullnwuy, Kcn Cum-r [cum m, L‘qu. Hmnln‘ kyle Uetzlen Chns Nelcmans, Vick] Jacklln «0.15m mm H w Amln'w lugllx‘ “me Graham. Brcmmn Cmr tvcr‘ Evcn Runwlck. Brad Klullm, L'urv Mmllwliu tl‘ Lm' Mqulland