ELGIN STREET BAPTIST CHURCH *$H****$*** **********#** M Religion came close to lumbering in importance for Ottawa Valley lumber kings like John Edwards, who pioneered Baptist work in this area. As a result, congregations sprang up in places like Arnprior, Fitzroy, McNab and White Lake. The Regular Baptists of Arnprior organized in 187k and met in the German Baptist building until 1902, when Elgin St. Church was erected at the cost of $8,500. Through the years many families found a church home at Elgin St. and many persons came into the fellowship of Christ. Regretfully the congrega- tion has had to bid farewell to men enlisting in the forces, young people going off to college and jobs, some who agreed to disagree, and those whose earthly work was done. When lumbering declined in Arnprior, the effects were felt in church life. Many improvements have been made in the church building and no one would guess that a fire once ravaged the sanctuary. Hi-Fellowship, Couples' Club, Women's Missionary Society and Aid, Choir and Mission Bend are the main organizations of the church. The business and spiritual life are administered by the Boards of Deacons and Managers. At present the chief officers of the church are C.R.Moreland, clerk; Weldon Hunts, treasurer; W.H.Matheson, deacons' chairman; Leonard Spinks, managers‘ chairman; and Mrs. Gordon Scheel, W.M.S. president. Miss Iva Parsons is organist and Rev. Gerald A. Hunt, minister. Assisted by Mrs. Erwin Sullivan, W.H.Matheson superintends the Church School. Elgin St. Church is affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec and a member of the Baptist Federation of Canada.