CHAMBER OF COMMERCE *t**t$$$$*#¢#*Â¥*t*t The membership of the Arnprior Chamber of Commerce is made up of people from industry, retail, business, profession and service industries. The Chamber is a member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and has been in existence in Arnprior for many years. The Arnprior Chamber came into being when the Arnprior Board of Trade was allowed to lapse. Generally one of the committees of the chamber is one pertaining to the Re- a tail Merchants. However, the Retail Merchants of Arnprior have now their own organization. The Arnprior Chamber has as always endeavoured to co-operate with this organ- ization, and has contributed financially towards the Santa Claus parade. The Chamber underwrites the expenses of maintaining a Tourist Infonnation Booth This booth has helped many tourists in locating sleeping accommodation, fishing lodges, historical sites, and assisted in every way to make the tourist happy to come to the Arnprior area. The Board of Directors is selected from the membership at large and endeavours to run the affairs of the Chamber for the benefit of the citizens of Arnprior. It is difficult at times to get sufficient support to do this, nevertheless, the Arnprior Chamber of Commerce is available and ready to do their part in the ‘ expansion of the Town of Arnprior. ] (This report was copied from the February 1969 issue of The Arnprior Guide) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ‘ p l,000th, Tourist Is \Varmly Greeted < Them was a bit 01 excnemem m Hz.» .n.‘ M lhe- mnpncr (‘Lmnber N 00th on Highnny 17 Inc: Wenne ay anPI'IL‘On n.- vho m.) 3 “mm nmz' - > n , 11w ellum‘u Ind l. ‘ -\ In I fmunmbjnn b I ‘ Monique Baker awaued mm and were wesemred “1th a _ Then the vxsnm-s. Mrs. M. k ez'icwn, Manachusstwa “on: 1 ï¬nd wen: dinner gums o; [In .man u) A." HELPFUL INFORMATION The l’hamhrr nf (ommm-u- Tourist lnmrmauun Booth. mum on Highway 17 about 0'“ and a nu; m. - “m a. \rnpnar hat srrvezl more lhnn 300 comm since it, opened shghuy more xhnn A w-cL .. , ,\nd\ )h-hlr, the npemmr. :- resident or ms area For many years is a good choice :\~ he (an prmidc IvllurnmLun nu .«nylhing "om znad hashing apuls In the best place to punt-as: bLmkcls u "mum hr- mu rmn n Texas muplm. The humh is in operatinn during July and Angus and pruwdrs .x “PL'dt‘d mnu- for both mun-ms spending Lime in this area‘ and local merchants? ‘ who Suppl) mm» tourists \nlh mnphe, and cquipmem, i ,“flflmm 9mm) v, , 7 J