Home & COUNTRY HOME :9: COUM'RY is published quarterly by the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO). It has two objectives: L To provide educational material which cultivates more knowledgeable and re- sponsible citizens and promotes good family life skills. leadership development and community action . To provide a “communications link" among all members of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario and other related orgarumtjons. EDITOR Janine RoelerLs-Grant GRAPHICS Debbie Thompson Wilson © Willurtmn'nn 1994 EDITORIAL COWII'ITEE Cindy Ashton (Chair) Janine Roelerts~Granr (Secretary) Margaret Atkins, Donna Russett Lois Olmsted Deadlines: Winter Issue: November 1 Spring Issue: February 1 Please address all correspondence to: Janine Rodeos-Grant Editor, Home & Country FWIO RRS Guelph. Ontario NIH 612 PHONE NO. - (519) 836-8296 FAX NO. - (519)836-9456 Copyright © 1994 FWIO Copyrighted material (including graphics) may be reproduced as long as it remains in context, its source is recognized and it is not used for monetary gain. To reprint copyâ€" righted material under any circumstances please contact the Editori rssn 0701 mm ® Printed on recycled paper by Metroland Printing. Publishing and Dist‘tflhuï¬ng , Willowdaie. Ontario. 2 Home &Country. Fall '94 â€"â€"_’__â€"â€" Letters to the Editor: Home Away from Home By Marjorie Sharpe I was born and lived my ï¬rst 40 years in a small town called Tamworth in the County of Staffordshire in England. This area of England is known for both the mining ofcoal and the clay used in the famous Staffordshrre Potteries. In October. 1980, together with my tool- maker husband and two children, Stephen (20) and Jayne (I7), I arrived in London, Ontario. Two years later, at the height of the recession, the company my husband worked for closed all its Canadian operations and he was layed off. That same year, we had to re-mortgage the house; mortgage rates hadjust peaked at 22 per cent, It was impossible to buy ajob in the London area, or to sell the house for that matter, so we decided to rent our home and ï¬nd cheaper accommodation. Wetookajob onadairyfarminThomdale, Ontario. and a beautiful little house came with the job. It was here that I was first introduced to the Women‘s Institute. Al: though it was very strong in the niral areas of England. between going to work and bring- ing up two children I never had the opportunity to get involved The farm family in Thomdale was named Woods and the lady of the house was named Marian. She had become a good friend to us all. Marian was also a loyal and very active member of the Crumlin Women's Institute, and before long she was taking me along to meetings and introducing me to other mem- hers. I felt at ease with these women; they always made me feel welcome. I am indebted to both Marion and the Cmmlin WI for the support our family received during this very unsettled and emotional time in our lives. Through the WI, I was taught new cook- ing skills and other techniques that were quite different from those used in England. Even minor things, like the kind of flour used in Canada is quite different than what I had always used. And to put raw vegetables on the table or peas or carrots injello was unheard ofin my country, Soon, I was getting recruited to help with the catering at weddings, farm events and other community functions. I enjoyed these times. as well as the regular meetings and the day trips we took to interesting places. After almost two years, and with the reces- sion lifting, my husband went back into engineering and we moved back to our own home in London. Our taste ofrural life. how- ever. made us restless and a couple of years later we moved to Lobo Township, It was while my husband, who is a member of a Barber Shop Chorus, was performing in a concert that I was introduced to Rio Van Steeg, the wife ofone ofhis fellow members, She was and still is a member of the South Lobo WI and was not long asking me tojoi p This I did. and can only say that I could it have met a nicer or more friendly group ladies. They always make me feel very wel- come and important to their group, I am certainly enjoying my time with them and look forward to each meeting. The Women‘s Institute has certainly ï¬lled a void in my life and I would encourage anyone. young orold. to get involved with their local Branch. [Marjorie Slia rpe is a member of the South Lobo Women ’r hurt/ale in Middlesex North District. August 21, 1994 Dar ï¬lo/111's- J in marrow! will: [I]: shim/12'in of draw m! we eff/Marry 0/ {III minim/(l [It our WWW! ’s JIIS/t?!(/d}fdmiqlfl1f/tTi 6’16! V0! Jello/Mm mitt my tilt/lull]!!! {1! years 'e/Id, but am ’! mil - ï¬lmy fi/rd mrbsrd {r claim/w $700 Shaw/1y, .zl (arm/r xlrtru'lr/Irr'w 5‘]. x1 (my '5, (Marti; HS » [Fl/r 6mm! Ore/112g] mm a GRAND 0mmâ€! F WIO HR 5 Guelph, ON N 1 H 6J2