Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1996-1997, page 16

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For Your Information Please Note The Wl Rose has been mistakenly referred to as the Centennial Rose. Please ask for it by its correct name ~ the Women‘s Institute Flose. Hear yel Hear yet The mandate of the Centennial History Commit- tee is to collect and record an historical summary of all the celebrations held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the WI. All Branches. Dis- tricts and Areas are to record their centennial projects and activities and send them to this Committee. All items will be placed in a large book of archival quality to be on view at the FWIO Provincial Office. This project will record all festivities held be- tween January 1. 1997 to December 31. 1997. Please send all reports of your tooth anniver» sary celebrations to Leda Archer. 34 Lorne St, Elmvale ON L0L 1P0. Book Launch Video For Home and Country: The Centennial History of the Women's Institutes of Ontario was launched at the University of Guelph on October 30. The day was also marked by the official opening of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario Archival Collection at the University Ar- chives. The day's events were documented on video by Town and Country; the video is avail- able on loan from the FWIO Provincial Office. Home at Country on Tape There has been some interest expressed to have the Home & Gauntrynewsletter transiered to caset‘te tape for those who are not able to read the printed lcrm. This is under consideration. depending on the response. If you are interested in casette versions of the Home & Countryor are interested in volunteering to record the informa- tion. please contact the Editor at the FWIO Provincial Office. Pesticide Safety Video “Pesticide Safety and the Rural Home and Gar- den" answers some of the most common questions about pesticide use around the home and garden. It is suitable viewing for the entire family. It covers the use of safe equipment, procedures and storage of pesticides. The video, produced for the Ontario Farm Women's Network by Ridgetown College Video Produc- tions, is available on loan from the FWIO Provincial Office. WorldBreest Cancer Conference This First World Conference on Breast Cancer will be held from July 13~17, 1997. in Kingston. Ontario. Among the Conference topics are: Pre- vention/Environment, Treatment & Care. Altemative/Compiimentary Therapies. Politics & Breast Cancer. The Media a Breast Cancer (etc). For more information write First World Conference on Breast Cancer, 841 Princess St.. Kingston ON K7L 1G7I Tel: (613)549-1118. Fax: (613)549-1146. 16 Home & Country. Winter 1596-97 About the Provincial Office FWIO did not buy, nor do we own. the Provincial Office. The FWIO Provincial Office is rented on a long<term lease from the Township of Guelph. Christmas Ornaments Requested The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) request that each delegate to Conven< tion '97 bring a handmade Christmas ornament to be sold for $5, the proceeds to support the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead. Everyone de- lighted in purchasing Christmas ornaments as mementoes ol the last Convention. Take this opportunity to show off your taientsl New Number to Book Exhibits To book an FWIO Exhibit Board through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. Food and Rural Affairs call David Doyle, Portable Display Coor- dinator, at (519)826-3619. It picking up the exhibit yourself. please note that the OMAFRA office is now located on Stone Fload at the south end of Guelph. so ask for directions. Wit and Wisdom The Women's institutes short story collection. Wit and Wisdom, is now available from the FWIO Provincial Office for $10. Donations for postage and handling are appreciated. Make cheques payable to the FWIO. Silver Thoughts Volume two of Silver Thoughts. Golden Words and a Nickels Worth of Stories is available for $10. plus $3 for shipping and handling. from Eda Van der Linden. RR 1. Metcalfe ON KOA 2P0, (613)8214936. Make cheques payable to the Eastern Ontario WI Poetry Committee. Waste Minimization Awards The Recycling Council of Ontario Waste Minimi» zation Award Ceremony is April 23. 1997. at the Boulevard Club In Toronto. For a nomination form or to register to attend the ceremony, please call Cara Henry at (416)960-1025. The deadline for nominations is February 28. 1997. Peterborough District Calendars This District's two-year (1996-1997) calendars, featuring light-hearted illustrations and prose. - are still available. at a cost of $4. plus $2 for postage and handling. To order. contact Ber< nadette Gaza. RR 1. Lakefield ON KOL 2H0. Tel: (705)6576430. Make cheques payable to the Peterborough District Calendar Fund. Bob the Beaver The FWIC Bail‘Out-Bucket proiect. or B.O.B the Beaver. will come to an end at Convention '97. The target of $1 per WI member in Canada for three years has not yet been met. To date. a total of $4.257 has been collected from Ontario. Not to worry. there is still timei; send your cheque. payable to FWIC. Bob the Beaver. to the FWIO Provincial Office today. POSITION OPINING Anyone interested in filling the posrtion r Executive Assistant for the Federaie Women’s Institutes of Ontario, please send a covering letter and resume to the FWIO 7382 Wellington Rd. 30, HR 5. Guelph Oil N1H 6J2. by Februrary 15. 1996. Position Description, must have good working knowledge of computers, word processing and other office software reports regularly to the President about progress toward organizationai obyec- fives. financial status and other issues of concem oversees the documentation of proce- dures and processes in a manual establishes operating procedures and makes decisions on matters of admin» istrative and supervisory detail in connection with the operation and maintenance of the organization. in consultation with the President and in accordance with Board policy. and not in conflict with the law prepares the agenda for Board meet- ings. under direction of the President attends all Board and Executive meet- ings and takes minutes provides the Board with adequate in. formation to help them reach sound decisions and establish policies oversees the implementation of all Board policies supervises the hiring. firing and evalu- ation of staff. under the direction of the Personnel Committee directs staff in their assignments and duties approves expenditures within the limits of the Board approved budget provides information to the Board re- garding purchases and expenditures promotes good public relations when dealing with other organizations, indi- viduals and the general public works with the Board to prepare a long- range plan for the organization carries out other duties as assigned maintains office confidentiality ensures work flow and pleasant atâ€" mosphere works independently and functions well in a multi-task environment knowledge of parliamentary procedure Return Address: FWIO 7332 Wellington Rd. 30. RR 5 Guelph ON N1H 6J2

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