By Lorna Mchth On February 19 thousands of Women‘s Institute members participated in a common program. We learned bits and pieces of Women‘s Institute history that many ofus did not know. Our thoughts went back to how people lived one hundred years ago. How things have changed! Yet, some things are still the same. I hope that the common bond we shared on that date. as many members have shared before us. continues on forever. I hope that each member became inspired. encouraged and recommitted to the organization by taking part in the February 19 program. This is our heritage. Remember and cherish our past and draw strength from it. Take inspiration from those who went be- fore us and made a lasting difference. They were ordinary women, just like you and I. hey were women who latched onto the vision of a better world for families. But. we cannot live in days gone by. We are entering a new century of Women‘ s Institute work. We need plans for a future that equals or exceeds our admirable history. We need new members to assist our current dedi- cated followers. Make plans for the future that include strengthening the bonds that tie Imagine 6 small, small earth I Yo'ulve‘ heard of the global village. What oiild the world. look ilko if it really was a VI 99, reduced to 100people. withjhe popu- ‘ rations that exist in the world today} The following has been making the rounds recently on .lntemot discussionvgmups; there JAsians..21 Europeans. 14 from'the estern Hemisphere (North and "armaments,- us together. Gather in people who believe in our vision oftrying to make our communities “Safe and Healthy.“ Envision the future and strive towards the goal. Remember, however, to make the most of today. It is the only time we are able to control. Take achievable steps that will lead you in the direction of the tomorrow that you anticipate. Take on a centennial project that is both worthwhile and visible. Place a Women‘s Institute Sign at the entrance to your commu» nity. Plant a tree (orone hundred trees. shrubs or bulbs) to mark the occasion. A tree is a lasting tribute. a protector of our environ- ment and fits into our “safe and healthy communities" focus. Work on your Tweedsmuir History Books; preserve the past for future generations. Work on your public relations; it is important to promote the organization to get new members. Branch members need to work together in the decision making process. Involve as many members as possible and don't forget to reward all who help. My mentor from my own Branch advises that we need to treat our members right, She has a good point. Support each other when it is needed, Try to live “The Golden Rule" as described in our “Opening Ode" and “Mary Stewart Collect." Pass these ideals on to family and friends. Believe in the goodness of the Women's Institute and have an exciting learning expe- rience this year. The present is now. so live. learn. love and laugh. and make the most of each day. Lanm Mt'Gmih is the Membership Coordinator for the Federated Women ’r Institutes afOnlar-in. She ran be reached 11/ RR I. Elmmle ON L0L IPO. (705)322-IJZO. 51 would be female. 49 male 70 would be non-white. so would be white 30 would be Christian. 70 non-Christian 50 percent at the village's wealth would be in the hands of 6 people: all 6 would be Americans 80 would live In substandard housing 70 would be unable to read 50 would suffer from malnutrition 1 would be near death. 1 would be near birth 1 would have a college education no one would own a oompqu Source: Reprinted from the October 1996 edition afthe Chronicles. We Don ’t Need Anybody Different "Different" joined the group last fall. This person is keen. organized and capable. "Different" wants to contribute to our organi- zation and also develop skills and abilities. This doesn‘t sound too strange. Most of us join organizations to work for their better- ment. as well as achieve personal goals. What was odd is the group‘s reaction to the new member. The “We Can Do ll Ourselves Organizav tion“ (WCDIO) has fun meetings with lots of socializing and chit-chat. The members serve the community well. The members who are still around that is. So what's the problem? Well. “Different†felt that the organization was not performing well. their meetings were unorganized. and new people were not made to feel welcome. Members of WCDIO responded to the situ- ation by saying. “This is how it has always been. It you don‘t like It you don’t have to stay." No doubt WCDIO members said that to other recruits because most new members left soon after they joined. At this rate. WCDIO was heading for extinction! “Different†could have quit. but didn't. Despite the cold response. “Different†stayed with the group because their goals and objec- tives were worthwhile. Slowly. WCDIO began to change and became WCDIWY - “We Can Do It With You." As a member of an organization. why not ask yourself the following questions: o How many new members or leaders have we recruited in the last year? o How do we welcome and involve new members? 0 How can we improve our organiza- tion? Every organization needs at least one “Dif- ferent." New ideas and perspectives help our organization survive and grow. Be sure your group is on the right track and heading to a strong future. Welcome and involve new members so your organization can serve the community for years to come. Source: Wrillen by Sandra Apcdaile. Rural Cnmrnuniry Adrirnrt Carleton County. Reprinted from the Junior Women Ir Inslilure newsletter. Home 8. Country. Spring 1997 9