Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1997, page 12

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Donors to the FWIII Headquarters Fund - From March 1 to April 30. 1997 UNDER $100 Adana: WI Neda McCornb AJqorrIa East Dislrict Wi AIME North Shore District WI Alienwood WI Allen WI Andardon Maiden WI Anna F, Lewis WI Appleton WI Apsley wr Arthur Centennlai WI Ashgreva WI Athens WI Auburn WI Aurora WI Ayton WI Begun wr Balllnlfad WI Balsam Hill VIII Barrie Island WI Beechburg WI Bear Creek WI Beckwrth WI - In Memory Beehive WI (ax) Belgrava WI Beflnore VIII Bent Hiver WI Benlpeth WI Bervle WI Bothei WI Bethesd a WI Blrkhall W1 Bishops Mills WI Blue Water WI Bluebell Wl Bolsover WI BOIII IIDIIII WI Bomanvllle WI Bridgeport Wl Brerntey WI aroolrlirr Wl Browns WI Bum North District WI Brueedale WI Burton! WI Burgoyne WI Burgoyne WI - In Mempry Carnoray WI Camden East WI Calhoarl WI Carleton West District WI Carilngiord WI Casllamora WI Centre Fins WI Chapman WI (2x) Cheslsy WI Clayton wr Clover Valley WI Clones WI Cluta WI Cold Springs WI - In Memory Consecon WI Corunna w Corunna WI » In Memory Dalston WI Dashwood WI - In Memory Deshnmls WI DerR~Best WI Don L Lorna McGrth - In Memory Denegal WI Dnrnoch WI Dorother Crone! Drernure WI Dunrocin WI Duntroon WI Ea st Oxinrd WI Ellord Community WI Elgin Ensl DISUICI WI Elgin WesI Distrch WI Falrtteld WI Ferndaie Swan Lake WI Fordwich WI Forest WI Franktown-Numogaie WI Frankville WI Fronlenac Disrricl WI Gamabrldae WI Glilres Hill WI Glenda Benton - In Memory Gordan WI Gowanstown WI Grand Bend WI Glandview WI Greenwood WI Grenviile DIslriel WI Grey Centre DIsIrieI WI Grey West District WI 12 Home &Country, Summer '97 Guthrie WI Hampden WI Harnetsville WI Hasu’ngs East Distria WI (2:) Hurley WI Helen M, Weaver Hillier WI Hill View WI Honeyda Ie WI Huron East District WI Hurondaia WI Ingiesida WI .la arson WI JunertCreimIlon VIII Jean Fleminng I2x) Jean Scart Jean Marie Thomson Kawanna Valley WI Keene WI Kemptviiie WI Kant Centre WI Ktnioss Kairshea WI Kippan East WI Lammon North District WI Lanark Nonh District WI Lansdowne WI Laura Rose WI Laurantian View WI Lee Anne Bryant Lily Dempsey WI Little's Corners WI Listnwei East W1 Lombard WI Londesboru WI Lookout Bay WI Lorna McGrth Lorne Sulherland Wl Lorna VI lie-Arger WI Louisa WI LUCkan WI Majestic VIII Marlene Matheson Margaret Armstrong Margaret Bruce Margaret Millar Margaret Opthai Marion Eganar Marion We nnamaker Marmara WI Marmara WI - In Memory Maple Grave WI Maple Flidge WI Markstay WI Maynard WI (Ex) Mcllquharn‘s WI Marie Mussalrnan Mindernoya WI Moleswdrlh WI Monkton VIII Moore Centre WI (2x) Moeralreid WI Mnminglon Nnnh WI Morrish WI - In Memory Mosboroug‘l WI Mount Hope WI Musknkn North District WI Napier WI Nausla dl WI New Dundee WI Newirrgton WI Nilestdwn WI Nedallt South District WI North Emily WI North Hitler WI Oxtord Mllle WI Parry Sound North District Wt Peace WI Perth Centre District WI (2x) Parlh South District WI Petarbarouyt District WI Pine Gruva WI Fn‘nee WI Princess Elizabeth WI Providence Sherrie WI Providence Snavfs WI - In Memory Purple Grove VIII Queen's Line WI Rainy River District WI Reeboro WI Richmond WI River Valley WI Ftocklyn wr Roebudt WI Rosebank WI Rugby VIII Ruth lieu - In Memory Ruthanord WI Ryistona WI (2):) Salidrd WI Sandlisld WI Saaiorth WI Selwyn WI Seymour West WI Sidney South WI Silvanaka Wl Strain Road WI Snake WI 'Snowtzirds" members South Saugaan WI Springlnrd WI Springmounl W St. Lawrence WI St. Pauls WI Slardale WI Subdivision ‘2 Education Committee - In Memory Sudhury West Disllict WI (22‘) Sunnldale WI Sunnyview WI Sunshine WI Sydenharn WI Thornhill WI Tray WI Underwood WI Unmdaia WI Uttoxeter WI Vendor WI Verne Bird Vickers Heights VIII Vrclorin Wesl Dislncl WI Violet Hall - In Memory Virgil VIII Walters Falls WI WaIIon WI Warsaw WI wamick WI Wash. 9o WI Waterloo North Dish“?! WI Wlllflnd West District WI - In Memory Wellington Nenh Dislricth Wentwnfm North District WI West Ops Wt Wesllrtount WI Wastalde WI Westwood VIII Woodhouse WI Woodvilie WI York Centre District WI Your East District WI Vnrk North Dislrict WI York Road VIII Zaaland WI Zephyr WI Zion WI Zion Amabei WI Zion Jubilee WI (2):) Zion Jubilee WI - In Memory Zurich WI FROM $100 - $249 Aitona WI Mall Wl Baiiieboro WI Baldersen WI Bannodcburn/Lun‘ ehousel Silverwood Wis Baamsvilie WI Belmore WI Bloomingdale wr Downtown WI Bowen Fload WI Brooksdale WI Bruce Centre District WI Caiton WI Cane WI Carleton East Disln‘ct WI (2x) Chastervilla WI Cedringtnn WI Conseoon WI Crumlin WI Cumberland WI Decew Falls WI Derothy Bell DorothyM. Elliott Durham Eusl District WI EEgIn West DiSlI'ICI WI Elm Grove WI Embro GI Waleorre WI Gertie Schalfer Haldimand East a West District WIS Hampsiaad WI Hemings Mills WI Huron South District WI Ilde non WI Jumbo Gardens WI Junetowrt WI Kent East District WI KIIIIIDII WI Kuhryvilia WI Lamblm Cenlre Dlslrict WI Lanark North District WI Lennon 5 Addingtan District Lincoln District WI Lynn Valley WI Maltland WI Meleehr wI Middieeex East D‘uirict WI ‘ Miriam WIMotoria East . District WI Molharwell wr Mount Eigin WI NassaaawayelDublinl Ca mpoellville Wis Nelson WI New Flos WI Nobieton WI North Lem WI Northu moorland West District WI Flalnfteld WI Reid's Corners WI Fienlrew South District W1 Reynolds Creek WI Sandturd VIII Shetland WI Simeoe-Kampenialdt District WI Sliver Maple WI South Line Brant WI South Lube WI Stanley WI Tanslay WI 5. Lioness Club OI Burtord Tec»Weâ€"Gwi|l WI Virgil WI Waisingham wr Welland East Districl WI (2:) Welland West District Wl Wellington WI Wellington Centre District WI Wenlworth South District V West Arran WI Westenleonsonbyl Riverside VIII 5 Vinnlerbouma WI Wnonidh Ever Fa ilhlul WI Zion Annabel WI FROM $250 - $499 Badenodt WI Ontario North District VIII Waterloo South Disinct WI FROM $500 - $995 Belwood Wl Mary Dean Mt. Brydges Wl Perth North District WI Slate Fliver WI February 19th Donations: $17,059.76 Headquarters Fund as at April 30, 1997- $496,512.73.‘

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