Kenn/and President Mary Pierce (centre) and Secretary Joyce Morgan (right) presented For Home and Counlry: The History 0/ the Women's institute in Onla no to Janet Glimmer (left) at the Srralhroy Public Library Submitted by Joyos Morgan. Secretary. Karwood WI. Middlasex wesl r ‘1". ‘l’lli'rlritiiz ' :i'w Last fall this Branch hosted the 25th anniversary of Mount Pleasant community. Over eighty people attended the pot- luck picnic at Guelph Township Park. The ï¬rst picnic was held in l972 to mark the occasion of the area farmers and home OWIIEI‘S who were displaced by the Grand River Conservation Authority in order for land to be flooded to form Guelph Lake. Games were organized for the children and the adults were quizzed about Wl accomplishments through the years, I“' 3-." “le "'il‘ll . Wilma ‘. ’1, 3’ Program Coordinator. Beverly Hare, arranged to have Wilton members tour the DuPont Plant in Kingston. Her husband James, a 33-year employee. explained in detail the manufacture of yarn from the liquid state to the ï¬nished product. This Branch also contributed food. clothing. blan» kets and diapers to a set of triplets bom in their community. Items were also provided for a baby shower organized by the United Church Women. "Happiness is Home-made" Cheny Valley WI won ï¬rst prize in the annual Alhol Township Parade in August. Their biggest project in 1997. howe van was the compila- tion of a cookbook. Recipes. wiin sayings. helpful hints and a number 0! group photographs were gathered together to malre lhis two hundred page book. Branch Secretary Maris Higgins arranged and Mail the book. while PRO Joan Laurie illustrated". Collectively, the Branch designed, collated and spiral bound their new cookbook; the y feel justiï¬ed in stating “Happiness is Harrie-made" on the cover. Submitted by Joan Lanna. PRO. Cherry Valley WI. Prince Edward. Some members of this Branch. known as the Beamsvrlle Players, performed a ski! entitled "The Birth 0! the Women‘s lnsiitute"at the Lincoln District Annual Mflflflng, the Enand Lee (Museum) Home and at a meeting of the local Hislory Clubt ii was written and directed by member Barbara Stones. The Beamsville WI has joined many other Branches across Ontario in me Adop!»A-Hoad Program and members are doing their part to clean up the much travelled section of their town. Submmed by Ea mara Stones. FRO, Bcamswllo WI. Lincoln WI Days Payl Duflerin South District held four WI Days at the Granger/ills Mall in 1997 - rwo in May and two in September. Members are pictured above at their display promoting iris Women’s Institute. And they are proud to say the y gained eight new members in the process. Submitted by Joan Folkaid. President. Dulleiin Sauih. West End Members Host English Visitors A dream was realized for W! mambo/Ma rgarei Ho y (centre, aim extended) from Norfolk County, England. She arranged a visrt for 54 lei/ow Wl members who wanted to meet their Canadian counterparts. The West End Branch in Welling- lon South accepted the challenge to host the English group. The group. representing 1 f Federations. had a lull da y ioun‘n 9 this Guelph area and enioying a picnic lunch in Guelph Township Park. Branch Pres/don! Hazel Wilson holds 3 picture of Sandringharn House that was presented by the English group. Submitted by Bony Lambert. West End WI. Welllnglon South Home 5 Country. Winter '97-98 15