Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall 2003, page 13

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u - wonlu'sf' ' l 1; Inn'an The Oxford North District Women's Instilute celebrated 100 years mm a sold aut"dinner, including 174 members and guests. at the Elm Hurst/rm in lngersoll last June. Special guests included numerous represenlalivus lrom FW/O, as wellas those from other organizations and go vemment, Shawn lrom id! to right in the photograph are Districl Pas! Pres/"den! Sheila Greason. Oxford County Warden David Ollphant. F WIO President Dianne Orr. Sn utnem Regional Board Director Carol Force and Oxford District WI Pres/den! Janet Uren, S rertht t Am F n .' r. r. pnvv Vinotm‘i'les:I‘x-niu"L‘ l On June 21, 2003, the Vlclaria Wes! Dlslricl celebrated H's 100th annlvcrsary The District was founded in March or 1503. Shu wn from left ra nghl am Sncond Vice-President Barbara Brown, Former Secrfllary Marilyn Graves, Provincial Advisory Councillor Victoria Hargraves, First Wee-President Sandra Thurston PresidenrMarg Anthony. Treasurer Earyl Connell (not clearly sho wrt), Secretary Barbara Hone and Tweedsrnurr History Curator Isach Wessall. a”:an m t mm! raw-um pun \z Cm'lmn ‘ 'i‘ .3.‘ n: :1"|‘Hll\‘lil'\ll‘l! Catt-run WI mornburs and anlde guesls Unjclyr‘d n calorz‘d luncheon In celebration althe Branch's mam anniversary Hoadtdblegum s lncludodFWIO PresidsnrDianne Orr, Hamilton Arm; President Margaret Crawlcy‘ Brant DISIrIEI President Wilila Hanoi: and Branch Prosrdcnt Donna Csnntu. along with Southern Rog/anal Board DIIDCIOI Carol Force and Provincial Advisory Councrllar {Subdlvisron 17l Mary Darbysnm'. Shawn In llw photo tram lot: to nghl in thebaclr row are Liz Fitch, Min Einrma, Dorothy Ful‘r‘ Shirlny Csanlo nrtd Iris Eanas. In the mtddla raw lrom left to right are Dvmm Csanto. Sharon Fmsvr, Helen Hack, Marian Shr'rtdan‘ Sumnn Thompson, Bz‘fly Dim-as: and (mint Swr'czny Srntoct lrom left to right mo Joy Poltvr‘ Ann Owttkns, .ert Gum”. Edlth Taylor and Dans Norman Anson! Tilfln‘s‘a Austin inn Alton Woman 5 Innrrlutn cnlnbrnlrvd IH Imrtlt mtmvnrmry in May rum Mambo" and "funds onlaynd {ramming ill .1 loan/church .‘lild rmnlrrlsrlnr) Atmul Ihnlr caper/(Incas in tho Woman's Instltutrv Shawn [rum in" lo riqlrl in ltm [Nick rawara Bonnlu McClellan. Manor/o Null. FIOIl'flEIi Munltt rrnrl Mug Vll'UIlTIr’Hl III tha Iran! row from full to rlghl um Bornlco TIthJIn. Wurilurn Hr'qlonrtl Ilanrd Dlruttor Joan Follrrlrd, Murgunrlto Camnran and Henlhnr Korrelrlyn .llmm w,l tram” flimwa‘ ‘ "mil El1 rill :3”, l uwlun JLlMl Calculating tin loom annlvurury oi the Huron South Dislrlcl Wnrnnn ‘9 lmrtltulu H Um Duhwood Community Contra am Lila Mrrmbrtrs, lrarn lrwll lo rlgltl. Fnrn Doug-it, Mullyn Pym. Joan Nari/r Juno Slawnrt. Grnco Pym, Dolores Slmptan find Shirley Coopnr. In tho mldditr row tram lull in right rtru Grrtcn Drummond, Mull" Dougall, Mon. Aldardlcrr and Jana During. Suttmd lrarn lull to right are Mir/orig Jahfll. Danna Lav/9 and Lois Hodylnrl. Guns! spartlmr Mnrlt Wlnng-rd-n told of hi. [ourmry- unrou Canada In ald ol diabetes. ‘urmm IlryHu-r‘ltl'lrt- I'llll Home 8. Country, Fall 2003 II!

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