egg “‘1â€" ;w . 5, Ms. ww‘h-‘_é §:*:»M 4" Each teacher received material collected from government sources, ‘ commodity groups and strategy info râ€" itmation. With the cooperation of ‘ "iiMiddlesex Board of Education, .3 “st video is being prepared on the presen- ï¬tation to be used with elementary gschooi students. ‘5 :éRIVERSIDE JUNIOR ~E-WOMEN’S INSTITUTE A variety of speakers made "ï¬neetings in the past year interesting ,ï¬or Riverside JWI members. They i eard talks on physical fitness, ï¬eflexology. scarf tying, the University .tu Guelph fundraising campaign. and zf‘lant care. The highlight of last year was a y [i The Grade 6 class at Princess Anne School in [ngersoll had a first-hand look ‘ a! farm animals recently, thanks to members of the Butler Committee. Pictured i above is a goat provided by Lori Kittmer; and two interested students, Pupils i, also got a chance to visit a dairy herd and a cheese factory. The Butler f, Committee is working towards placing pictures of farm animals in every Ontario school. if you would like to make a donation, write to The Butler Project. ‘ 6/0 The Manager; The Royal Bank of Canada, Thamesfora', NOM 2M0. special dance held to raise money for the Red Cross. HOWICK JUNIOR WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Last spring, this branch sponsored a community information evening to discuss the illnesses anorexia nervosa and bulemia. A dietician and nutri- llrIurray Dryden. father of two NHL goaltender; spoke to the Jean Semi Junior WI about an Urgtllilzfli'ltlll he starred called Sleeping Children Around the librld. This organization seeks finances to make beds for children who don't have them. Pre- tured above is a bed the Jean Scott JWI supported, and its recipient tionist spoke to the members and guests, providing details on the eating disorders. how to detect the diseases, as well as roads to recovery for the sufferers. In the summer. the members hosted a tea for local senior citizens. Over 60 people attended to enjoy the enter- tainment, draws and food. Successful Dufferin Farm Women‘s Day A successful farm women's day. called Expanding Our Horizons, was held in Dufferin at the end of October. Dufferin County used to sponsor a home day which ran in conjunction to federation clay at Farmer‘s Week until about six years ago. Because interest waned. home day was dropped. Early in 1987, two farm women in the community expressed interest in continued on page 22 H & C February. March 1988 17