There are times when I sit in my ofï¬ce, here at the Guelph Agriculture Centre, for weeks at a time without making contact with the readers of Home & Country magazine. I receive some mail from these various groups, occasionally a phone call, and rarely a personal visit from someone who happens to be in the neighborhood. But there are still times when I don’t get the personal comact I need to keep informed about what readers are up to. . To help combat this problem â€" for how can you edit a magazine for a group of people when you don't know what they’re doing u the Home & Country Editorial Committee was formed in 1985. This August, I was happy to meet with a new group of committee members, ready to start work on the 1988 issues of the magazine. Basically, committee members pro- vide me with feedback on what they like and what they don’t like about the magazine. And then, they help to plan the content of upcoming issues. The committee runs on a fairly informal basis, acting in an advisory capacity. The conunittee members are anxious to hear from you, so on this page, you will see their faces and perhaps recognize them, as well as their names and addresses. Contact them if you’ve got an idea or a concern to voice. Of course, your other option is to contact e at the address on this page! $987418 HOME & COUNTRY IIURIAL COMMI'ITEE ary Ellen Norry Car (chairman) ural Organization Specialist, Sudbury ntario Ministry of Agriculture and Food 899 LaSalle Blvd. udbury, P3A 2A3 rs. Rena E. Cunningham W'IO Public Relations Officer . R. #1. Consecon, KOK 1T0 ' rs. Loretta P. Smith 'outhwestem Ontario Women for the Support of Agriculture . R. #2, Thorndale, NOM 2P0 rs. Ioa‘n Law ederated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario . R. #1. Moffat. LOP lJO Dawn Runualls' omen forthe Survival of k ' titre In 7 Editorial Carol Stewart-Kirkby Mrs. Nora Barber Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario R. R. #7, Belleville, KEN 427 Mrs. Jane Hall Junior Women‘s institutes of Ontario R. R. #1, Ariss, NOB IBO Meet the new editorial committee Mrs. Elma Van Trigi Norfolk Rural Women R. R. ill. Port Dmcr, NUA 1N0 Mrs. Lera Ryan Rural Women's Coordinator Rural Organizations and Services Branch Guelph Agriculture Centre PO. Box I030. Guelph. NIH 6N| Carol SlewarlAKirkl‘t)’ Editor of Home 8; COUlllt) (address same as above) The [987-88 Home & Country Editorial Committee â€" from row. from It’ll to right; Mary Ellen Norry Car, Jane Hall. Carol Sleivuri-lx’irklii: LOI't’lltl Spur/i. Rena Cunningham. In the second row. from left to rig/ii. Elma Van Dial, Lem Ryan, Nora Barber, Joan Law, Dawn ernalls. Congratulations Quite a few Women’s Institute branches and districts have held important anniversaries in recent months. Congratulations to the following: Winterbaurne WI, Waterloo North â€" 85 years Mount Albert Wl, York North â€" 80 years York North District â€" 80 years Queen’s Line WI, Rent‘rew North â€" 80 years Willougltby WI, Welland East â€" 80 years North Gower Wl, Carleton West â€" 80 years Napier WI. Middlesex West -â€" 80 years H & C OctoberI November. December 1987 3 Sebringvih’e WI, Perth South â€" 80 years Clay Bank WI, Rent'rew South â€" 70 years Sandï¬eld WI, Manitoulin East â€" 50 years Kinloss Karim/tea WI, Bruce South â€" 40 years Congratulations also to the following individuals: Dottie Watson and Ellen Thomas of Sandfield W] â€" life memberships Augusta Henley ol' Calabogic WI â€" honored for 25 years as a member of her branch Rose Blazing of Hampdcn Wl â€" certificate of merit