PERTH “OMEN FOR THE .NL'PI’ORT ()F AGRlCl'LTURl-i \ DI‘IL‘UJ} seminar was held at the beginning ol’ chmber called \lunciuril) Speaking The “orkshop included iiilurmuliori on ho“ to talls \Hlll yum banker and making ulllfarm lthsllllL'lllx (CAMDEN l-LAS'I WOMEN'S INHI ITl Tl-Z The leinperrilurc iii the food pi‘cpzii'flllnn urea and main dining nmiii (ii I minim Hume for [he AEL'LI in \.:p;inuu hLls dropped From a suniiiiL-r high ml :is much as 120 Llcgrccs l [0 aippiminiaicly 70 degrees ll lhis is u dirca resull ol’ ihc glunuiion mi 5750“ by ihc ('aniden Irisl WI # hull'wl [he L'ml nl'an air giiiirliiinnina system which “as i'uwiill). installed. Ihc other half Dl‘ lllL‘ emi was piiid by lhc Ontario Minisir} nl community and Social \L’T\|LL‘~. II(.I'.R Ill NLUP “'ONIEN'S INNI lTlTli | his WI I‘vruriL'h Ul’gilllllï¬'ll il specnil llL'lllellIL' llel) Eu siiliilc [he man “ho [he hiriiiLh is nrimul alter 7 Tiger lliiiilnp \Iclllfll‘ilblllll rclziling lo the lile \‘l \lr. [)lll'llllrk founder of (imlciirh. \ rlisplujicd 21nd LlisulissL-Ll Il()\\'l('l\} ,Il‘NlUR WOMEN‘S [\5 I I l l'Tl-. lii lune. llmvicls ,IWI linslerl u iuzi inr .iliuiii (1H sL'llIDT L'lll/L‘lls at (I IDCLI] klllllrh l-niuriuinnicni. rclrcshriienis .lllLl sewrul rlrrius were piirl nl 1hc pinyiziiii r\r LlliL'.ll'1lCTlllr:Cl1l1g.[lltlllCllleT‘s ul llim‘iLk [\Vl huird Marilyn ( huh]. .i LllL‘llllLlIl illld niiirillonist spunk un iiiiuruiai nermsri and hulcinizi. l\\0 curing disorders. Ill‘RHml) WUMl-IN'H INSTITUTE liiirluid “l is inmlxcd in a number iil ongonrg [‘IIQIL‘CIS. Th mark Onlarin‘s hiceniunniril in min, the branch assumed the responsibility of beauliâ€" I'ying th- grounds ui'ourid the [ownâ€" ship offices. This work has continued wuh )‘car since then. Members of the branch correspond wiih ihcir "sisicr" brunch in Oxfordâ€" r-H. . '1. Jï¬gfli‘ r . Him Peri/i Norm Dislric‘! WI and Maple Keys J W] raised money to purc'hir r m, enlargement grid for the mammography xâ€"ray unit at Lislawel Meni mi Huspllal. In llie photo above, from left to right: Vince Judge, head of rm. Rnnlla Herrforl, Perth North District President; and Nancy Vol/mar, {1"lll({ pilblfr' relali'ons officer. Bloomï¬eld WI recerill y presented two Commanï¬ve'flérampulers lo Pi'lf’tml Elemenlary School. The compulers have been put on mobile desks so iln’ï¬' W" be moved from classroom to classroom. The above photo shows branch ["75" den! Madlei'ne Hall working on one of the computers while Rather Herb Cooper and vice-principal Gerald McKeown look on. Io H & (' Ocluber. November. December 1987