Spending plans cure $ Farm families often think spending plant or budgets for family lining unis art: for people V-lli’i regular pa). Lithtlcx. Many persons do nnt haw a regular income: Real estate agcnh. cUll‘ilillLllIJn WHILLHVS‘ suppl) teacher. and snmll httslnuss owners In well an tarmcrs cannot predict maul). how IlllJi.il ii'ltJlilit.‘ the) \Ltll hat-i: Ur when H mil LUmL’ lint the). all l-trltM that they hum.- rt-t'ulur lunulj. expertst in “WC! “mint: :m irrcunlur Inwrne mambo tin; need it: n-.t- it spL’iltiliitg plan Here .m: mint- III!» In nmkc thztt plunnmtt tutuli'l l \\ itL‘I’I plnnninu, hr: rL'EIihlIL' (thrittt tit-.tht- ,tntl t"-.[1L'n~.t:» It i\ much t,‘.l‘.lt‘l In \ptfilli .t built Ill Lll‘iilltin l'tl illitlll"y limit it I‘» It: wtirrt dhttill‘ llltjtflilil' iilll,"-.[lt,‘le'ti expense" Ant] we .llL‘ .tll l.tttttl1tti with item ctnlx \L'Clli in nu: Imttt 'yt'.ll lll w.†2 kltrm \Hlli innit tttIIItlliii L'\PC"5L"lm l.lll|li‘y il'.li||' llictt t.tit‘tt|.l|t' ii’lL‘ Illllllliil‘i .Illlillllll lur uttntutlnhlc i.l|l||i‘v ittlltt' lillx \Hillili lllL‘ilILlL' rlt‘tiltli- mitt-tut“: unit at» t‘lnlltinu, l'llll‘ll-lllllllL'lli iIItti lt'kic‘dllilll l kt'cp t'.ttt'llt| VL‘LIiilIN We .lli Lituw Inm t'.|‘-\ II I\ lit NPL'IIKI tlitint'v' ll ltiliillllli In M ‘tllll' .timttl lnm LIIILI “Ill'lt' \ut- \lil'llti || llllil‘\\ “c hL‘CP icettttln Rt'ttt'wiiti: iiiL‘\L‘ rr‘rttrtlx dilti .|ti|ll‘~l1l’it' \l|l|l \[k'lllililll Pitlll‘n .tt‘utrtl Itit'itlll.“ l'll.|i~\'llIt',t\ttli.|i1it'lltlulu: .t \si't-lt'u t.n ‘Illliii m J [Int itlt‘tc Hi llllllilllll' l iu‘t'lt ilitll‘uL'llliili Illlitiw wlmmtc llIIIII illlx'lllt'a tunilx Nut ttllilr tlum ii anr lmnlkcrpttnt \ll'lll‘it'l. hut II .tlltmu ‘.l|I| (HIHICI Li'lilli'i nl \mtt i.|lllli\ [Hilly U\|‘Ci'lsL' * \i't .I‘vllit' lllllth Int tunes t'iittr llltlllllt‘ I't hm. We llt'l‘li illllt|\ in [HE mt t'h‘ll. tilHlllil \\ilt‘lilL‘l in [Int “u imit- mnittlth tin-tine Mum litmus lum- ntwntr unit ,t lt'u tittltw .t it." In L'lI'ulIlC l.illlli\ ilHllt‘ llittl'lt‘l. l.I\.lIi-li'il‘ mi .| tnntttith littsts. Mitt \lll il\lL'llli1IlltlHlt|l Illru' tn luttt llitilliih, tut t'mnttilc, lmnt tlic i.llllt i‘uuuc“ .tu‘t-ttnt .lllti tittthlct to ti wpumlc dktl'lllli lt'l l.tin||\ innit: litmtttt‘ Like lik‘ Itinntlilt tint“ limit tlmt \L‘l‘JlnliL‘ .Ittttltltl, it “me clit‘tltlcx tut mmt L‘\|‘Cll\¢lhtx nukes lL‘u‘l'ti kccptttt: \‘llllf‘ic‘t and helps many people resist impulse buying. 7. Negotiate with insurance people, for example. to schedule irregular expenses for months with higher income. An alternate way to handle irrcgtliar or seasonal expenses is to set unde- each month an amount equal to (inc-twelfth of the total yearly expenses. H, Discuss with everyone in your family just what the ï¬nancial situation i'x When children. especially teenagers. an: included in discussions about goals and the resources availâ€" :thlc it) mL‘Cl them, they are more likely in lend their support and co- operation, ('hildrcn need to know i. Name the first woman doctor to pritcttcc in Canada. 2. in what yeztr did Grace Anne Ittekhurl become the first woman In turn ll degree in Canada? it Who was the first Canadian woman will correspondent? 4 In what year was the ï¬rst mnnnn elected to the House of t'utttrnuns‘,’ 5. (ii‘vC the year in which (litmdttk Olympic team included women for the first time. WOCS that even when income is low. i needs will be looked after. [en Ryan is family mom n r- agement specialist with the it '..l Organizations anti Services In: t» 6. What is the name or the woman to design an airplane she also built? 7. Canaan’s first wow m was elected in 1951. What was name? 8. Name the ï¬rst woman w in as n fedenl cabinet minist 9. Who was the ï¬rst woman the world to hold a milk gallery? 10. in what year was the l woman accepted by the RCM Answers are on page 15. Resources for community gI'OllP_ lhc Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture him a new book available. It'\ culled Resources for Commuity (lmups and it toners how to apply for gnlnh, “hen: to get money from. and other topics. Copies at: 32.50 M" and available in English and WritetoSmt W» 5th Floor. 880 Bay Street. 15'0"“ M7A lNS. 5 ll .\ t \i‘lli. Mm. illllt‘ 1%"