Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1981, page 3

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How Do We Fit The Pieces Together? Thrrx‘ M III: rum I ImIp-‘IIIIIUI III III!’ uIIrII III-u I mime "Ix I'IIr I mun h "UNI" 1011:" .45 I" I'Ilr TIHII' ('I MI IIIIIII' Ilt‘l'u‘hW‘ ’ In InmI'IIIInI' In I’M! v'III'I 1' II A HIM- In'r In In IIIHIL, IIIIII I‘mI. III MU" IIII-rr urrr \II umrn IIu'Imm III (hum-I r; II muIII" IIIIImrrImm mun, II‘IJI rI-IIIII III-'u- “In a;- Ih‘l” IIInIIIy du'x‘nmpIqu'II w mm II III.” III". I III- mm III "l I," our .mI-IIrrr Irr nI-II Inmml‘ nupnuuhlhn II-r I-Im 'III-I Hmu‘n'r. IIIIIII I mm! In I'IIIIL IIIvIII I\ IIII‘ II'IIIIIII'I'I .IIIII q-I.IIIIIIII\ III:- II'I-IIII'II'A ImIIIIIII' TIII'rI' I\ II rump/run I»! "HIII'I'H’ "In. I] .InI I 'In'" 1'117IIIII'hl II I IIILI ' I‘" \I m‘ mm! n'mrmbrr uI' I. I‘ll" .IrI-ImII fur Ir II-m- :um- \I- III' mmI IIIIII nll‘nl' J‘Hflll'lhllu.’ nuhnmd uI-IIII I.» Am IIII IInmI .II {III' XII I pull In II'II‘I'J Ilmalmu “1' "In" I'I' In'nnI IIIIII nIIuI "II In I’m. III "IV" "" ‘I'I' "1'" l‘rl'llf" ‘Il-I’IIIH' HIM him I»! In.) nmxIII II IIII'\ IvII\ IIMI II II n wan InII IIIII I' [m run (In !' I‘I‘IIII IIIIII I-IIIm II III. II I'I‘Jfl Inr' u IIIII III‘I II film I. II .nu'u'n' UN l-IH' IIIIII‘r IIImII. III III II mI-n IIIIIIIIIIIrml I:l\IIII'lI n IIIIIIII‘ IIH' lhIl'IMlIId HI IIIm II- III-I mun-IIIer .II'III \I‘I'Il I III'IllfIl II' In I-I :- III In III and IIIvu I'IIUIII'II NP IIIIH II III” I\ I'lIIII um \IIIIIII III: II \I .II III. u and mm TINA “IIIIII’U IIIUI I Illlll I’M: II III mm“ mm ‘ I U!” III‘I M II rmnt HIIM'I'II‘I, IIIIIII ll IIIIII II'III munc‘ I III.” III-m mm In III'II III. Hunu‘n IIIJIIIIIII' II\ \II-u mmmc IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII.I\ III III" hum IIIIII In IIIIIIIL \ \I-I II IlIIc nIII' I” IIII' H'IIIIIII‘I‘I n IvIvrII n I ncmiul mud n \l'l I II II II IIIIII n w II" II "If IIIIIIIIII‘f I‘Iyl'l'l‘f’ll’ uIru mulr mm In II'IIIIII'II I III" In I spa I II .I M "h “In: H. IIII IUIII lur Inpn mlulm and [III mm" “In” II I'm:ng III“ II III I'III\ IIHIIPI II II III. [an-II.“ IIrr.I "IHII'\ .In :mInmeuI IIIIIII ‘11"! IIIIII III‘I'IIIInIIII- Um mm H I“ III Ip III-"II ll IIIIIIIIII mu III \ n. u I rum»: nun II- IIII’III‘I [IflIIIIl'IPIl II 1' I my IvnII mm I HM and npuunluml I'I I I'm. Hm: I .m I ‘ In mkqu rnh IIIIII Irunu II III] In £an II III: II IIII IIm l’I n In” . .m I‘I Arc n'c' pn'flurnl III! III: I IIrIIqu'I m IIII .Immm. II II- [In-IvIrm \IIII my ‘ III In (LI I'IIIJI'IIJ, Il‘IIIHllf. HI "II-II uuvarI'urIlII III-II II" In" Irl' III-III/II I-l-II III: IIm rm; ImmnI II mun' ['uumr IIIIIII'rIIIIII Hun H mm IIvaIIIIuII IIIIII III. mu Nrmuumnrnn llt‘lll'll‘ II" IIIIunIrIr I" III.‘ IIIII r-IIIII-IIIIIIII 'I'IIIIIIII'HHI \'rl'll['| IIL'I'UILH‘III'HIIII‘ III: II mun IIIIIII In III- I-IIIIII III [III 'I'IIIIIIH'IIIII u an II" I “III” In In‘rnmr Imnlwzl m IIIHIHH'I IIIIII IIvuI II rIIIn 'Ill $ IIIIII III 'JIIII IIIr‘\ II'rI I'm-ugh ulmru III I’l’IIt'f In \IInIn- II n II/IIIIIrrIIr IIIIII ur mmr III-Willa ImII III III IIIIII :II‘mmuh If] u mung" cmrmnun ('IIIIuI-I‘ II-mr “I III" lll‘f'U‘dI In \ um mu- III'n'. unr IIII'IIIIIIII III [Inn I'IIIm, IIII Ihru HIIEIII Iu II III uI.I w l uquIIII m um n-nmh‘m and w” Hum III‘\ II- IIII IU'IIII WI' ImnI' “dull! IIIII III'II‘r IInI am! Mr «(um IIIIII Inn mun-urn! In III! u mum \‘(II/‘J. I Tim "Hum-M's Immm- hm Inn-n lum'I \I-n II-I'ImIIImu- n IIIIuwum. pm Hall)- I" rnpunu- In (Imam-I m nu If“ “I II “III-II Imr mth I-I'I IImI‘ ,Iu'IrIIII‘ llIl' I‘IIIIIIIgum IIII'II’ Im- \IIII-I IInIl ain'II‘IIIIIIm \furr Imu‘ InI-n [’IrlllIr‘ II-rm Ill hr‘ It'mung ImuInI III: ('lf'l‘lllflh'll n! wnurr Ian-nuluhn In [IIIrIrIu-Imrw m III'PI'I'IIIIII-IIIIIKIIIII' II'IIIm'II Iln' \v'l'hm: Ihmr uppullumhr‘ In! [annual I'mth mIdfuIJIIImrIII. urnlmu IIII l’nrll'l‘ In In- Imml Sm‘Irn H rI'uIIIIIrg “p III: muh IIn' lhflrlrlllc‘ II Mk III mum ,ll'l'l'lf' moving mm mar I'nmIIImIIIII'I IIII-IIIII III- In‘ It I IrIIImI; IIIr Irm. n! I munmmn IIIIII our: wm (hr .IIrrIIgIII H] mm! “mum- ' Perlmpx Irr xIImI'ILI IIr M'I'kmg In mnIrnIumI IIIr mum pmmrr um I III n Im II I'OIIInlc'I-ring hm rIIuIIII'rII. um] Imu (In! H r I m: mrrr Ill'll Ilfl"ll| III Mr I umumn In- â€"amI IrrIp Irml I'IIr mn In «I In'u'rl [Man (In! Mr Humru‘ I IrIIIImI'a' IIIrqu-r ~01? 1,!) Hr Il'llIlI In IIIIrrIu‘r IIIIIIIIImII. l'r Imul In'umm m mmr ml: ' I n' H In IJIIIII 2:11,;“1 IImII uhmu hrnrl lulurn and un 'VI'II Iu'IIn-r III In hr" I - _ Pflvflr "hum" um] Impr, Ium'ru-r, rrvlymdll III: .SIIIII AIIIIIIu I/IIImlm It: i!" __ wards. "Wr'II :rr II whrn ur IwIIn-r II IIIII'IIII Iran Irr II ('urr YIN: ' mmciw

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