FWIO "Edgemont". the property owned by the Federated Women's institutes of Ontario on which sits the Erland Lcc (MUSeum) Home, the Drive House and Tenant House is situated high on the Escarpment overlooking Lake Ontario on Ridge Road in Saltl'ieet Township. Stoney Creek. The Women's Institute members, not only in Ontario but beyond and local municipal govern- ments all helped to raise funds to purchase the home in l97l. The ‘Lee' ancestors received the Crown Deed back in [801 when a frame house was built. The next generation built the back part of the present home in IBM) and later in 1873 the front portion. Erland Lee. progressive farmer of Wentworlh Coun- ty. Secretary of the Farmers' Institute was responsible for asking Adelaide Hoodless to speak at the Ladies' Night of the Farmers' Institute. Because of Adelaide's grcal charisma and vital interest in women, she en- couraged the formation of a Women‘s Organi7ation. Erland and Janet Lee travelled the roads of Sultlleet asking the women to attend this special meeting. It has been often repeated that Erland Lee said. "if men need an organization to learn how to better feed their animals. then women need an organization to learn how to better feed their families." As a result of their effort. |0l women met tlt Squire's Hall and the Women's Institute was formed. The Erland Lee (Museum) Home. depicts life in a middlemlass farm family home. Some artifacts belong- ing to the Lee's still remain. among them. the cciling~ high pine cupboard. built in l80| and the dining room table. ERLAND LEE (MUSEUM! HOMlE [8 It was around this dining room table that thr. Constitution was worded by a Committee, i. Erland Lee, and recorded by his wife. Janet. A copy of the original Constitution, by-Iaws minutes of the first Women‘s institute in th. Stoney Creek. are to be found in book forri Constitution Table in the Dining Room The Drive House. has been converted into .: area and demonstrations can be seen on speciai days. Women‘s Institute members have raised SI] which is invested in a Foundation Fund, This i remain intact. and the interest will be used to a. part of the daily operations of the Home, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Beachin reside in the u: at the back of the Home and are on daily welcome all who come to visit. Both the Federated Women‘s Institutes of and the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Cflnllt seen fit to honor the foresight of Erland l Adelaide Hoodless, who together founded on «.- tion which now includes 8132 million people an globe. The Erland Lee (Museum) Home R.R.|, Ridge Road. Stoney Creek. Ont L86 3X4 Hours. . .1000 a.m.73.00 pm. Monday through Friday Closed month of February Buses book in advance with Hostess. Mrs. Victor Beachin Telephone 5 | 9-662-2691. I'iL'l Ht: ind ‘iic