Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Spring 1980, page 3

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Hummphy and the Child Marrr pimple feel that lime rhurrizt be rtu r'errsurslrr‘p ufubxcenv brmks. rimgrzflncs and flirty. believing that cr'cn'om' has [he ubilr'rr' m deride Jar rln-rrrs‘c-liiz's u-lmr l/ll't' nrr‘izlrr Wish [U see or rl'lltl ' ‘ ‘ Hermite adults do him: doubts and [can alum! I'lr? cflci-rr nj's'rrrlr a [irrlirgr' on vhr‘hln-rr. urr 0pm lorrrrrr hrka at purriugruplrr, parn'mlurh- a: it ri-lares Io r-Irrlzlrcri Doe: pornography Imrrrr L‘Ifl‘ltllt‘lf ’ [-‘rrdt'r what conditions " Dal-'5 W35." aL'cES: Io porrrugl‘rrplrr help (u rrrcrrei‘t L'Irr'fdrz'rr by providing rm rrl'ténralr'r‘v turtle! for child Irrulr'strrs. rtc" Dues i'ertsorshr'p r'rrrrcasr Iltt' harm fir! r'jjr'crs uf'ptprrrngruplri- " 1‘” L’ "MT ’11” H!" wa‘i's Ufprrth'r'fittfl cirr'l'rlrt'rr Imm- rlrr‘ ill (Uh-hrs nj'ptrrringmplry ' All these questions were asked and discussed at tlll lit‘L‘n lururn rL'L'culIy.Purtclistswcrc in varying fields ul'cducatiun. and family cnunsclling. Over the years. resolutions dealing wrth porno-grail} have been sustained by FWlO Provincial Buard Directors. Nu member will deny Ihl‘ fact that purrrugrapliy L'l " [cs pruh~ lems for all ul'snc'itty. hut smnchuw we are most aware u!" the effect this abuse has on the children. Especially the psychuliipiual abusu. There have been many discussions. equally as many questions and strli lltL‘lL‘ remains "1'41 UHJHSWER‘G ‘lilESltL|n. how does society cups? what is th¢ right appruach. il'tnducd there is a right upproacli or a singli- appmarh‘.‘ The panelists all expressed upiniuns that frccdmn nt' L‘\1\lL'SSllII| was a hertur mcrhtid than that ufcrnstirship. but still thch is rm 'whulc’ answer. It was interesting that the tilt] lhcurt i-vcryunu has the :rhrlitv in dm'ulc I'ur tlu‘m- selves. (if ynii do nut “kl‘ what ynu See U“ TV_ turn it off) w s nut a valid point. In fact uni? paneliSI felt nn child under [2 should bi: allowed In \\» [ch luluvisruu alone. Utultll parental guidance. cxplanatinns mnlrl be made and a hrnndi'r midi-islandnn: nt' many programs cuuld he more fully undcrsruod by the child. 0n the other hand, a participant felt children shuuld hc .rlluwcd in make clinics: (In their own. in CDIlL‘L‘tt with pan-ntal guidance. it was pninted nut. that in llcmnark Ill 1%“. when censorship nl‘ pnrnuurapln was lifted. that acts of Violence and cwluilatrun nl‘chrldrcn decrcasrd till' t. Interestingly. this u‘liulc SUhil‘L‘l iif ‘purriu' was appriiaclrrd l'riiiii an crrlrrclt ilit'l'crcut point of View. Whether this is the right approach is pussihli‘ not as unpnriani as the fact that it gives us annllicr iluncnsmn In csplurc. As many positive and rcrnfurcr 'i-nut-w an: needed as can hr rrruslurL‘tI. in unrulmtc strength. to approach this distasteful! attitude hi it tttlllLItllt' I|\'l'f rln- tlli|1rllll\. lluu' tlrc child will benefit is impuriaut. One point came llirmigh hunt and ulnar ltltllt) hint-s "dn talk in mint children". especially the 3»ll age group. Thi- qncstmn was askud. dn parcrrls Lilk crmiipli .ilinur marriage, divorce. birth and death. Statislius prtrVL' less than lfii.’ ut pan-ms tall. shunt sexual intercourse. Parents an.- wntrnually puttinu ul'l‘ ‘quinp' until the LILLY when ihu Child is :1 little older Rurncrnhvr, L'Iuidrt'u arc susirrillv utrrmis. uhun llh'\ .hh .i ilui‘slrun try to give a dlrL‘Cl answer. Parents Shuuld be L't'llCL‘lllCd .thnirl vducatrnnal wrisrtrtris tu Ihv rulrru l‘llHllflIlHL‘lil. childri'n need artiw and urpurims tint-rpla). \Jlllldu‘ll talkinu in ILIIL'llh ulllll Pillt'llh talking to Children. A good pnim in tclttultthcr. the was (ltlldlltll \cc lllltttfi‘ is uni ncccs- sarily the way adults interpret lllL‘ umc situalhiu. ("ltildti'ii lll‘Ell .i cuslrlnn. wrucuni‘ in help (parents. clcr" IL'HL’ltL‘tl put day in day happcuunts min INHI‘t'I' |‘L'l\|tt'tll\t’ Discussions. a l'cclrngr ul' npunncss. \‘tlllltJUllt! in talk in Iml .ilumt thc Ll.“ 's atrium-s. wrll help children feel strum. hunt. and .: pant ul rln- l‘amll) |ltlll. When children ask iprcstruns. ht- mindful nt‘a prriltlvc art-l rcmtnri‘init answer The pancl memhurs l'i‘ll ucnstirship cutrld cmnurapc an attitude «It liztlri'd. Purim}:- raphy need not be a priihlcm unless wr- inakc it sit, Thl' purnl Ihc pain-lists WL'll' .rttcmp- ting tn makc. children need a suundinp hnard. sunwunc ti» Ivan .nn. Smut-«mu Iu .isk questiuns uf, and in fuel mmt'ntlablu with. during Ihc tlrsciissmn. Sumcurn' who wrll hu hnncst. We are talking about purnupraphy and the childmut the adult l‘rnrn an adult purnt nl view it's a different situation. Think about yuur own approach as a parent. lluw you lrnmllu lllt: ||llt:\llutl\ wlrcu yum child brings home a picture ur tulls about a situation, in ynur adult npriuun. slmnld nut be seen or heard by children? 7 ‘ The thought prrijucicd was then: are better ways ul prulcctlnu children Inuit the ill effect of pnrnugraphy. Panic and fear tactics arc-nut tlic riplil apprnauii. klndrruss. understanding. truthful <tatcrncnts, and grind value judgements. will gain thi- confidence “muf‘hgimse trying in minimjze pnrnugraphy as it affcc-ts the child. Only II.) point out. that as parcmsl [his uppmuch just might help the child to talk at hirnic. abtiut Situations, that otherwise might always remain unspoken.

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