Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1980, page 15

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PROVINCIAL CONFEREVCE Joyce Canning. Regional Supervisor. Western Ontario The first annruz! 4â€"H Homemaking Club Leaders " Provincial conference was held at the Hardin}. In" Dmmwwm Toronto, in November. "The onus of education is on our leaders" 7 Denis Shackcl. "If you don't know where you're going. you may end up somewhere else” # Phyllis Meildejohn. “The responsibility of a (leader) teacher is not teaching so much as providing a setting in which learning can take ntace“ â€" Dr. Barbara Wand. Mr. Shackel. Mrs. Meildejohrt and Dr. Wand were the three key speakers for the 4-H Homemaking Club Leaders liont‘erence recently held in Toronto. From the quotes Jiven it is obvious that each speaker is trying to get lltL‘ .ume message across 7 A good leader must be organi/cd tknow where you‘re going). must plan ahead (provide a ~elting) and must be prepared to accept the final respon‘ 'tblllly of whether or not learning takes place. Why are you a 4-H Leader? (Because no one else would lo ill!!!) What are YOUR goals as a 4-H Lender? These were two of the challenging questions posed by Ken Knox, intarlo Director. Canadian 4-H Council. to the leaders .ttending the conference.What is YOUR answer? Maybe ou need to give it some thought. In the opening address on Wednesday morning. Mrs. \lciklejohn suggested that as teachers we should have live :oals in mind: to create ENTHUSIASM to develop INDIVIDUAL ability to develop basic SKILLS to develop a POSITIVE SELF-CONCEPT to develop INITIATIVE and RESPONSIBILITY she emphasized the idea of making learning a pleasurable «patience, of making the terms LEARNING and FUN tnonymous. Mrs. Carolyn Lambert. 4-H Homemaking Club Leader from Norfolk County sums it up this way. "Mrs. Meiklejohn discussed interest starters and gave us «me very helpful suggestions. She reminded us that one of he beat teaming tools is laughter. One of her ideas â€" a car- toon file â€" can add new dimension to our skits and/or dis- tlay boards. A MOST helpful session!" Mrs. Meiklejohn was followed by Dr. Barbara Wand who poke on the topic “Meeting Adolescent Needs". Dr. Wand tressed the fact that we all must learn to LISTEN. She also crninded us not to try to be infallible. Don‘t be afraid to ‘Jy â€" “I don't know". or course follow it up with “I'll try ‘-I find out“ or better still ~ “maybe you would try to find the answer for that question". Ken Knox, Ontario Director, Canadian 4-ll (‘ounctl._us well as an employee of the Extension Branch O.M.A.I-'.. poke briefly about some of the differences and similarities tn the 4-H Homemaking and Agricultural Club program In Ontario. He mentioned that in his position with the Esten‘ ‘ion Branch he frequently interviews young people for jobs Jnd has made some general observations about them. As leaders. he suggested we have the responsibilities? 7 to help young people develop a positive Self-allimdc (I'm just fine, thank you) - to generate ENTHUSIASM (for life in general) u 312. -',.l‘krt...r=_- . to set a good cumplc (be a role model) to accept INDIVIDUALITY and to encourage people to stand up for what they believe [dare to hr: different) lo Stress the importance of having [LNG and SHORT term (ROMS. Mr. Denis Shackcl. the Ill1.tl speaker on i'hursd.t_\‘ morn- ing Ierocd in on the |th.“.i of positive versus negative tZM‘l or rent (not reinforcement. lie dcttmnstrdted this theory very dramatically by ustng rllltllr'lh't: volunteers to show the cffcu‘t of positive retnfotu'tttcnt on an tndtmltutl us well as the opposite. in demonstrating: the negative reinforcement Mr. Shackcl used phrases that everyone III the room l‘tlllltl relate to c g. if I have to tell you that one more time. . .. How could you be \‘u careless. you'll have to do tlt.tt twct' I‘ve already It" “you tlt.tt.\\'h) can't ion ever be on time. Any of these sound lanolin" lltcn you are guilty of t‘ont- mittng tlr'rzntrve tt'tnl’orcr'tncttt. Mt. Sltut'lu'l stressed tli.tt Iltts theon rum he .tppl‘n‘d Ill day to tilt) livtttp. with \ltttltscv‘ .tnd hourly as well .Is to learn- ing situations. Another of Mr Shut‘kcl's tnlrtn thoughts w.t\ lhls lic- llJVlnllr ts detr‘rtttlned ht. Its consequences If we lItIVt‘ .I potllivc r'xpt-rlt‘nt‘c we wtll want to tl‘t‘t‘dl II. If we have .I negative t‘\]\‘llt‘nt‘t‘ we won‘t l'lnnk tthout some of tln- ~lrll Ittentbt‘rs who have druppcd out of vrtttr clubs. (‘nultl lllrs have been the nation? Also included III the program nuts .r spt-t’inl luttclu‘un tut Wednesday at winch Ilu- Mrrrrxlct ttl Agriculture the lion durable Lorllc llt'ntlt‘rsttn w.“ nut-rt \pt‘rtlu'r .tnd on Wt'tltn'x» day cvrnittp llltlt' W;I\ tlllttwt‘tl lot .I Will lo the Royal Wlt'tldt l’ut‘r. Several lenders sent ill wtttrrrt t‘tllllll‘tt‘tth .rlmttt the nut) lercncc uftct tltc‘. returned home Here are :r lt-w ol ll'll’llt. "The \PC.ILL‘I\ selestnl were eu‘t'llenl, Illltllll’l.tl|Vl.‘ and entertaining the intormatrnn presented will he helplul to me, not only as n 4-II leader but aim in my home lrlr, lmw ness and dealing wrtlt pcttplt‘ In rtenml l (‘il't'ft-Illy llkctl Dents Sluclrle's presentation on positive re-tnlnrrzenu'nl .tnd Ken Knox‘ address on enthusiasm" Mrs. Sharon Murtlnnultl Slurhol Like. lantrrl. t ‘unnly “I left the t‘nnt’ercncc tcchnu tcttrvltrtl .Illtl rejuvenated. l was anxious to return and nperttncnt with my new Ilil‘fl‘i So often the mcmhcn ml a club IL'L'ClVl' credit, applause, env couragement and rewards tn recrlgnrltnn oi Ihctr work. However. the leaders who put so much ot ourselves Into llll' cluhs, hccnme discouraged .tnd Wonder tl vu: arr wally urn able, This conference gave me the hllflil I needed " Mrs Beverley Miller RR. 2. llrat‘chrtdflc. Musktrlu No doubt, Mrs. Mlllcr is grvrng voice to thunth littll most lenders have had at some time. If so, stop right now and give yourself a good pat on the back If you are a d-ll rncmhcr retailing this, lake A hint. When wait the In." time you captured your apprccttttton to your dell Lender" To all 4-ll [radon everywhere from the Ilttntr: lico- nomlc‘s Branch staff a great big THANK YOUIOR TAKING THE TIMI-J TO CARL l3

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