Q i "’4 TWO QUESTIONS '99:} i womdn'l it be imeTesï¬ng [0 know about {he Women‘s Institute participation in community and educational affairs i throughout the Provrnce'.’ Information was sought once before but the response was poor.Ferhaps this time “2 could do better. ‘ Regardless of the level if this Concerns you. please appoint someone to take time to answer. Send information 10 the L ~.w10 office, 8th floor. 801 Bay St. Toronto, MSS l9Y. DO YOU OWN A COMMUNITY OR DO YOU PROVIDE A SCHOLARSHIP OR WI HALL? AWARD FOR A WORTHY STUDENT? . did you provide furnishings? level Branch, District. County Area. Provincial. s to what extent? school Public. Secondary, Further education. 2 what is its function? value of scholarship 0r award WI activities only andl outside groups orlrental? â€" interest from invested money 1 how much money have you spent over the _ amoum lake“ from WI fundS Yearâ€- years? give details. Give details. Welcome The Honourable Lorne Henderson, MLA. was ap- iinted Minister of Agriculture and Food. succeeding c Hon. Bill Newman, who resigned from the position is to ill health. Mr. Newman will continue as a mem- r of the legislature. The Hon. Mr. Henderson has had many years of gov- viment experience. first being elected to the Ontario islature in 1963 representing Lambton. During four elections, he served on many select committees. luding Utilization of Education Facilities and Land .iinage. Because of this broad experience he was appointed as -linister without Portfolio. Chairman of Cabinet and nister of Government Services before moving to :riculture and Food. x life long resident of Lambton County, Enniskillen M'nship. home is R.R.3, Oil Springs. l-le farmed with 1 David, however in 1975 David took over the farm to ‘uw his father more time to devote to the business of .rliament. Like so many Ministers before him. he worked at the :al municipal level in Township and County Council, ~o Past President of the Lambton Trustees and Rate- ii‘ers Association, the local Agricultural Society. local :strict Boy Scouts Association and many other volunâ€" :r groups. Mr. Henderson and wife Reta have three children. avid, Shirley and Marion. The Women’s Institute members throughout the The Honourable Lorne Henderson. Mll’llSlEr ol rovince certainly wish Mr. Henderson well in his capa- Agriculture and Food 43' of Minister of Agriculture and Food and hope lime :{rmits him to attend some of the provincial functions '1 FWlO. IS