Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Spring 1978, page 4

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Between The Lines Mrs Clarence Diamond President Federated I. Women's Institutes of f C 1 Ontario Dear WJ. Members: Spt'tiipttinc and II\ i‘uhirlli III natiiru um he liltunud iii the ritvgiitiitiipx ill antitth it-ar's W I actnittcs .malwltiii}; th in .i I'L'rdtjtilL'dlIllli I:- (III! thJuL'tncs Lind IL'\[‘I|II\II1III|IC\ Ihu Annual Mix-tings Iran.- hlJL'n huld illlli I illipt' \lill did llii[ mi “\n" uhcn .ixkt‘tl in Ialu' .III Ililltt' ui "I i'iuiiltl IIIII Lln I| IILL‘ Ml". Sn tlIILI Sn.“ NH lll'lL' Liitt itLIlw IIIL' i3L'\l Hi itt'l' till-Illllt'H It'xhc ptitx them I” Uliti HIlI|.|:Jt‘ Utic nl Ihu ‘t-lI'L'JIL'NI t‘iinlrihliliiit‘ix )titi L'.|il titan-Ixht'nttuiiial Ili‘lil£‘;1lr}‘(‘l]LVL‘P). htildtting lilL‘ hth \IIII txiit \tiiii pt-t'xniialili, itill add a nun i'llL‘.liil HI \pt‘tng: HIJIIIL‘II rcpt-m \\III haw ‘L.'I\t.'\l ,i\ an L‘\:litttllit|ll HI IilL'llil’.|\\1Il| Innittnlul III i.|\l \cat‘s I‘lrtl'r'lfllllh .iiid I i'IHI‘L' .Ilw .III |lI\L'|l||\L' In Ill‘l git .tluttg thinly the \iliilL‘ lillII_L'\ ll| llic \lllllk‘ \\.1\i Ilttw \Illl IIIULI thinning .t iiIL'IIIL' litl IIIL' \Cill .Iiid lIlL'll adaptingI it nndcr Luith tiittwrit'isliip" iilt' \t‘iiti~\iitttt.|l chlfll \IL-L'ltni; I].|\ luxl hut-n t‘uitiltlt'lt'il. .Itiii i)IIL‘\|t|l\ lmvk .it'tinit tin xpt-tilit' \lli’ir |L'kI\ Returning tn lltt'it i)I\I.I'I\| «\unuiilx liIL'\ utli m- Illillll IIIL‘ IL'tl\I‘ll!||t_' IHI [lit-it LIL'LINltll]\ llim mil rc- Iiitiiil \t'll ml (’Iiiilllll \\‘| \‘\L'l‘h .II tht' It-c lliiinc, liiiit- 35‘! illlli nut \ill\l.‘ In iiiit ihL' IHIIIILI.IIIHII llintl H\L'| IiIL‘ in]: In I‘llx‘li .llil'llltilllttllx Int APPHIIIHHL‘III HI .lll |\\IU St‘t'it’ian .iiiii .I lllll\l he \lIiV- Illlilt'ti It» I \\'lt) .illitt- In \t'ptriitht't I‘ll .intl |‘EL'\\ Ill? il't‘.|\l|l'L‘l IHIIIMIIM' hint-ltiitt'x uill hr :‘illltLKi \ilttlih iiit' KL'Hlillllillh ( HIIIIIIIIIL‘L‘ um. lilL' Iit~.| Standing (ivtiitiitllt't‘ ulahlisltctl h\ |\\I(J in I‘ll‘) .lllti cuff \Il'll'l‘ \\L‘ haw minimum! In [L'Nt'tlltli limx. nit-m and L'I‘llt‘t'llh ,Il'lti ||I| :\ pivwiil :__'U\L‘Itllllt'lll\ |Iltil|'~l|’L‘I\ \\ith lL'.I\Il|I\ tut L|I.II|:JL'\ \w tuL‘I ~|Inti1d hr ninth1 ( lllltt'Ili \\.I\ mptmui iit|\ \k'tll tlial lhul’c \\ll\ .Igtcu- IIIL'III illlti \IIIII‘HII ltl pittii'iplt‘ IHI mam Ill lilt‘ Rcmlu- l|i||l\ xiihiiiillul htit it I\ up In mun nit-mm iii wing. lllllt‘\l.lLt'li|C.ItI1IllI \‘it‘ \\.ml L'II\\'1'|ltllt't1l\ «Ir .illicr .I‘L'L‘IIHL". In ht- the \LIIEIHII‘IVW I'I‘UIII mulch hut \tltal til HIII Ik‘\|1t‘ll\l|‘llilllt‘\ .I\- tllllk‘li‘." \\ L' \iIIIiL'lililL" .l‘ix liii Lii.lll_‘_'t'\ “Iii‘lillll cuihidti'iit; IIIL‘ .it'uiuipiittiiiiu \‘l'tllilillilt' iiiililttattnm iilL' [hm-El ul Hitting IIILIIHLI: Iitli |ultur~ in |C_L'|\lt‘l t'uiitplaintx tillk'L’Ih In tllc \nlirt'c \\.t\ t‘lliPiLlNl/L’ti \lm I'L‘M‘illllt‘th lllti‘lrtIL'Ji “1th xpc- Clii\'\ l‘l u-ntcnl .Illtl tillk‘t’lltitl milit-t than \Pk‘ilklll‘s in gcnctiilttic» it‘I li'lL' L'Iiaitucx I'L'kllIL'\lt.'Li IL'I ll\ t'iintittiiu 4 in be vocal with constructive criticisms and idcux hut also voice appreciation for improvements iniptg. mcnlcd. Soon we will pick up our Handbooks and be Hi .‘ the ()fl‘icers' Conference. By the rcgistrulions u: ; pleased that so many of you have set a pritirii, handing a delegate. As they return home the} M pnrt (incumng specific duties but a]s(= from thcir it ration pass on to their Branch. District or Area nu, burs the "know-how“ they received B) antic... with members from another area Ufthc Prm'incr. ' will have taken part in understanding .sumu “i great human causes of the times. One reason WI formcd a PTOVIHL'JLII organui “as w \\'L' could speak with a united voice. F\\‘Iii dCLH‘tllJr‘i tu pruvidc some basic uniformity but i-.. tcll Brant-hex xuhiccts they must study each _\c.ir I (itinvuncrahip struclurc was initiated to give mum in all parts 01' the Province the rEsponsibilit} UI ii their im‘n initiativc. thinking up new ideas rclmtii their UWI‘i communities or buynnd. un which to I We must still take pride in our llhjcclhcs it. pcnplu help thcmsclvex. The distinction or tlniqllt'i of WI. lies in itx purme tu wurk for the gum] ui titittiI}. That means ever) individual and thtix grind iii‘ the community. One ol‘ the central dilciiii at utility‘s overlapping generations LN huw tn lit-ur- Ilirntcd amidst the Lil/1,}ng success of discuvcrio uvuntx. Dues thc answer lie in the capzthtlit} tn lintl the zinchrs tn qucxiinm and train ourselves to ill “What action can wt: take“ in>tuad ul‘ “What I\ g- tti huppcn tn Inc or what do I get nut uI' it?" Our 'i can be that I'urum. The A('WW Council Meetings in .Iiil_\ \‘t‘lii l challengu and udut'uliuna] upptirlunil} I trust I pim mt I am lmiking l‘nrward Wlli'l eager tll‘lIlL‘th in greeting su mun) iil'yiu personally at Area ('uti‘ tlunx, You WI“ he darting new Buttrd DII’L’L‘IUFN in v \tihdivisiiinn. A» Women's institute l'l'ltJl'l‘li'WI'h div ccpt inur ruaputtxii‘iiillih ilnd alltm your naiul stand in nutninatinn. Your inuihumcnt at £Illt'l ii.‘\‘.'i \\i|l ttMllrt: incrcttxcd kntm‘lcdgu and hctici dunlunding hut ~ii|| iilltiw \‘llll “to do )utir imn tilt: III a rcxpuimhlt- “at. V Wu iirc approaching thc htnh Anniwrxari' Hi uruani/atiun «if our PI’IWIIICIHI Biiard. Mcinhun = haw huun Buard I)II'L'L'll|I’\ \inu: 191‘) plume \Pt'm )titti’ pruwnt Board Diructnr and let her knmx it .Iru intuit-stud in (timing in a rctinmn nl'pthl and It L'III Buard DIFUKJIUB lU yulchntlu I"\NI(I).\ Nith I‘ll din. .\\ I’;1drc W. A. Yflllng said in prinur Itc \\ rntc thc hilth Aunnursan' ut‘ WI beginnings, "in UnlLi'I‘ ul' tl\ :i IIL‘W vmun iii' thc UPPUI’IUHHIUN that lit- hit in: an awarcnc» iii the Lulu that \lill arc unlinhl and .l duturininatitm in do our part. largc “I' W uht-rc \iu arc. in mtiItc the harden» nt‘ othcrx ilL‘l And illlt' L‘utintrt u hcltcr plauc in which tn Inc." V- lhlx hc )tvtir grail in liils 81nd )uar ul' anun'K Ill tutu prugraming. ( a. ‘ .

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