Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1977, page 30

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TWEEDSMUIR COMPETITIONâ€"COMMUNITY HISTORY KIT OBJECTIVEito encourage WI members to pre- serve muleriuls and documents useful in the possible compilation of ti community litstor}. I A collection of materials that would proude re, \Uul'L‘L‘x for .‘1 history. should this be undertaken at some future dtitet This is an exciting new project to Ltllllilt' the skills of many Wl members and involve them in the preservation of local history in :t munner fresh LtFlLl dilliercnt. REGULATIONS l.The 'ltiecdsnitur Histor} Kit is to he the \tork of Women's Institute members ti». Ll (iroup project I. Historicnl material for the kit (examples). a) Ctimplltllltin of bulletins, booklets and reference muteriul relating to the community. including tin) historytesl previousl} produced in the commu- mu. l:X‘(‘i-.P'l IU‘NSiConimuntl} Histories thtit have uon the Tueedsmtur cup during the past three trienniums MAY NOT be included as reference h) I’hotostittic copies of fClL'Hll'Ll material from the records of communin orgtinirulions and instittr lions_ pust tind present. L'lDC\L‘l’lpll\‘L' brochures pertaining to eusting or- guni/itttons, d) Pertinent nitips [Pthl und presentt e] Pliutogmpiis zind snapshots. f) thpes of lnlL‘l‘VtCUt‘x with pioneers rind other per- sonalities. (20 minutes In tottil to he designuled fortudgingl gifilidcs (minimum It). mnumum 30) ol‘ historical \llL‘N. pilnfifunilC \'l(‘\\\ (iii [i‘lLI (‘UITHâ€"ITUHII). JUL] pictures of pioneers, 3 Written. oped or other duplicated material should he org‘tnI/cd in some arrangement upproprizite to those Illillelill\ cg. louse leut' hinder. 8‘: in. K II In. dl\‘ldL’l\. pockets. etc. Some form ofke} or index to the contents of the kit to permit effective use is desired. 4 THE WHOLE‘ KIT \httllld lie .tccomnioditted in LI container not to exceed l7 in \ l3 in. x 5 in. cg. small suitcnse. The Bicentennial Rose A single red rose has been planted at the Inter- ntllllll‘litl l’euce (itirden (lute in North Dakota to honor the 600,000 Extension Homemaker Cltlh meni- hers in the United States. The ruse. ti hicentcnntul lrih- ute hy the lcdcmtcd Women's institutes of Canada. will become u purl ot‘ti full rose bed to he plunth at this site nc\t spring according to Murilvn Buckniun. Extension Service. US. Deptirtiiient of Agriculture. who snys the rose “'1” he Llll. tnsptrutiontil identi- licattiun for friendship and international peace to rural women. Mrs. All' Dzigness. president-elect of North Dukotti Extension Homemakers representing the United States. accepted the gift. from Mrs. Olive Thomson Souris, Mtlnllnhil. FWlC's representative on the Pence gurdcn. Lll‘lLl suid "us the roses grow ttnd flourish so will friendship." The rose was named after Adelttide Hoodless‘, the co-l‘ounder of Women's Institutes 30 IMPORTANT NOTICE In futureâ€"all FWIC badges to be pur. chased through FWIC, Ftrn 28, 46 Etgm St., Ottawa K1 P 5K6â€"$8.00 each, LAURA ROSE AIDS HOSPITAL Branch members over a period of two vezir~ completed projects which enabled them to it .‘t $1000.00 cheque to South Waterloo Memoriul it t tal. The funds to be used in the cancer (chenioth. clinic. Laura Rose branch was stimulated to raw money after an active member died. This will an the financial support of personnel in social work 5 patients and their families in facing their prob. .000.00 cheque Lâ€"r to Sour terloo Memorial Hospital Lâ€"r Mrs. Wendy Cr ' Chemotherapy Department. Mrs. Carol trr'zarry. .‘ 'I-t Sociat Worker; Mrs. J. M. MoGri'gor. Chairman Hr Jl Board; Mrs. J. H_ Gillespie. President Laura Ros- t and Mrs. J. L. McQuay Branch Secretary ALLISTON W1 received commendation for 1‘ erection of an attractive sign identifying the Won o Institute Hall tit the Memorial Library which was ll with Institute funds in 1923 as a trib'utc to those ‘i' served in the armed forces, English visitors [t "L' town‘ saw the WI sign and attended a meetin 4* guests.

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