Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1977, page 13

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DIRECTWES, OUTLINES. AND GUIDELINES FOR EVERY CONVENER, PRO AND CURATOR The guidelines in the Handbook are printed for your use. ' Refer to the appropriate page and follow step by- .[m It has been pr0ven that the breakdown is at Branch level but there is obligation on each District grim-enter to assume her responsibility and follow hrough as to why a Branch did not send in a report. .|) Branch â€"Present report at Annual meet- ing in April. Mail to District Con- vener, PRO. Curator immediâ€" ately after meeting, â€"Present report at District An» nual meeting. Mail to Area Con- vener, PRO. Curator immedi- ately after District Annual. iPresent report at area Conven- tion. Mail to ProvinCial Conâ€" vener, PRO. Curator before Octo- ber 1. Refer to Home and Cairiilri' [or reportsâ€"printed i‘wi‘es are no longer sent to Branches. .‘i District - i Area PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER Mrs. J. Harvey Houston 1 every level: All reports include a written and statistical report. Follow the instructions on the forms sent to you in \\ l0 and refer to Handbook. ' ' iiinations sheet: Make a rough working copy first. so reports for srmanent use are legible. Items such as honorariums. life memberships. cost ' printing. meeting expense. postage. fees. etc. it“? not .cluded. IT WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BE A FI- ANClAL STATEMENT. Get to know your news media. \GRICULTURE AND CANADIAN INDUSTRIES Mrs. J. A. King Follow the Handbook page 66 Suggested Topics. Duties: Branchâ€"page IZ, Districtâ€"page 3|. \reaâ€"page 40. Now you have read your Handbook and know mur dutiesâ€"programming is one of the most impor- ldnl phases of your convenership. Stress the importance of preserving prime agriculâ€" ‘Ur'dl land, Conservation ol'energy. Metric system as it .itlccts our homes. agriculture and industry. In a time when rural and urban are living closer to- :cther. and we are becoming surrounded by non-l‘arm neighbours. we as WI must try to learn the changes that are likely to take place in rural communities and Jdapt our WI programmes to meet those chang s. “I would suggest that it behooves every citizen to work toward a better understanding between the Con- ~Umer. Industry and Agriculture. "Many years 330v" Thomas Jefferson said. “While the farmer holds title lo the land. actually it belongs to all the people. be: cause civilization itself rests upon the soil." EDUCATION AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. Russel Harrison Follow the directions in \‘OLIr Handbook before starting your report, i It is important that the Branch Convener cit-ordi- mate the programme. motto. roll call and music around a central theme. Almost always the perfect re- portinf:l is broken ill this levelâ€"DO NOT LET IT BF. YOU. As District Convener. ifyiiu itI'L‘ missing .i report it is your duty to contact the delinquent Branch con~ vcncr. Do not he sittislicd With less th.iii ltttiri iii DI» trict Annual. Compile the reports taking the highlights of Branch nicctings. Don‘t set your report astdc send it on immediately alter District Annual. As Area Convener it is your rcxpoiisihility to t‘ollim up and question why District reports are not in. Don't leave the compilation ot'y'our own report too long 70L“- tobcr l deadline seems a long way ottLdo it immedi- ately. NB. Write the name it] Your Arm. and mm name and address in her-inning oi repiiri. Separate iidtitilllnfl and Cultural .>\cti\ itics illILl placc intiirmutiun in l'ollotiiug order. nioitocs. roll L'tlllS. prugrumiitcs. spciikcrs. papch lilms .ind \ltdL‘N, 1mm. demonstrations. CUIIIIIIL‘I‘lh. rccotnIiiciid.itioii\. FAMILY AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS Mrs. Harold BIIISII‘IR May lsiiggcst to kill liiiniily and t‘oiisutiici :\tl'.iirs Convencrs at Arcii lcvcl that you try writing in your district comcncrs including .t Ic“ suggestions .iiid ideas. Start iill‘uitli the the whim-headings In their re- ports. Ask them it" they in ttirn hayc been in contact with their Branch (‘iiiivcncrsl lct‘s duiii tip the tip- ward stream of information Llntl let it hiick iip .iiid flood sonic information hack downstream! ! l ! The Rights of Women “I” need our study .iiid iiii- dcrstanding. But let‘s not torgct th.it \tc iirc Women not Men. and be proud tit ll‘lh tact. Might I suggest ll'l.‘tl it' you had .i programmi- last year that C‘dllIL’ utidcr Iimds and nutrition. that this year you concentrate on clothing .iiid tc\ti|c~ or any iithcr'siihhcaidinp you lILI\'L' ncrcr Il\l.'Ll hclorc vacr tricd a paper on "(tiir l'cct What Show“ Keep up the good work on the Metric system. "Remember when the dollars imth at griiccrics wouldn‘t tit into one bag. let alone onc's stomach" could be it very thought-provoking subject lt‘ I can he ut'iiny assistant-c. do \\‘I'tlt." and I'll try to come tip with something. 'I'WEEDSMUIR HISTORY ("URA'I‘OR Mm R. C. Walker I, A conccrtcd ctl'ort to get houw ltip\ started through- out our communities. How much cimcr our ctImleA ing of Twccdxntuir llislorics Would have been it these were in all homes. 2. Have competitions iil' lioiise Lugs in the commu- nity. sponsored by local Women's instlltltt.‘\, 3, Encourage displays of Home Lugs at Full Fairs. Art Shows and other functions. 13

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