Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall 1974, page 13

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In Ihc Iunc of "BmuIII‘III l.II.I_\" Ihc I’rmInImI nuian .\Ir~ H L. Noblin. cnIcch Ihc IIIIII III II‘IL‘ cpmn Sporbpk‘x In 0II.III.I. “I'Icfc \IIL‘ ‘I\.I.\ II.-n- m] h} Ihc \Vomcn‘x Inflllllic IIIL'HII'IL‘T\ III [gnu-m rc.I Appmumnlcl} 25H I‘ncnds mmc Ir-Im III: IIII.III.I .IIIL'} IU lrlhlllc' III (III: PM“ IIIL‘I.1I I’rancnI In IIII Iern-__' Ihc I.J.~I _\I:.1T 01-th IcrnI I'hc SIurmunl "1..Idlc~ In \‘-h1lc"chI:hch IIIL' .ILI‘ Iumc “III! IthI' Usuth Iinc L’I'IIL‘I'LIIIIIIICHI \ IIil'I'III I-r IIIIIIcn L'xpcquI} for IIIc \JIII "I’I- \ an I my \ I‘III ‘chthIur Escr} Ont" \\.I~ JpprcuIch Thc .IL‘IH Ilch “cm In L‘IIIIrgu I-I IIIC \rm I‘rchI-III In V. m MIIL‘LIan .md Ach Scuclan \Ih III‘\\.II\I II“ mm Mn, Hugh \IIMIIIIII III IIIC um.“ I IIIcrI.IInmcnI Includcd .I \IIII "IL'J IIIr \Ir‘ \IIIIV 'II" II} \Ih. Ralph Johnmn .lIIkI \In Jumcx I L’IIIIIII'I] (IcI,-1II\II_\()II.I M;In“1'mm .In mid \VII( ham gIJIIIII. hIIm "from awn} hdtk MIL-II" IIIHI II \CII\\,I‘I>\ ,IIII-a ung \LrIIIcn L'Ighlccn Imrx .Igv Icmmmcm I»! wIIu I IIIC pI.I~.'Cx nu“ IIIkIdcd. I ung SJIIII -|”LI IIII‘ RJI‘I‘J‘ ugcn, ()ur Lad} III (imu: (IIIIIIII .II E)ILI\('II‘UII~ .ll'ItIIIIIc. IIIL‘AICLI .II IIIL‘ cnlmnw III (III; II'LkV I'll llIc L':|LL'I~UI SI. I..Iwrcncc Mrs Nari CIeary aI puano, Mrs Kathleen McMIIIIIn and Mrs H Nob/III enjcy the musIc \Ih. Franco Emu-n hmughl ycclmgx I'II hL'ILIII III lhc Home Ecunumu’s Hmde mun; \II» \IcKcruhcr um Indccd wrn “III I-- I'm .IbIc I" \A'IIH' hnucwr "I‘m glad II‘ hc Ilcrc In Mr pIIIIc" \II‘ Huucn wcnI an In sax IhIII xhc Ind qwnI m Im pIIxn JI‘II hours amending IIIsI I.I.'.II‘~ -\rI:.I (uIIxcnIIIIm uIth \Irx', Nnhllu m lhls man «In spcuml WI. President Retires in Tune. (In I‘L‘I'IJII III .III IIIL’ '\I‘C.I mcmhcn \Ir~ Hugh \Ik\‘IIIJII prcwIIIcII J u‘IIIII III \ln \III‘IIII "\\ I' Ihc Bumh mcmhcn .II IIlecrn \Im III Ihc churnlcd \\\‘IIIL'I‘I'\ IINIIIIIIN III UIIIJIIII ILIIc 1:.IIIII'II'II hurt IodJI III IIUIIIIIII \UlI .Is IIIII I'II‘\|II\IIII I‘chldcnl \\ c Arc prI'IIIJ IIIIAI ILII‘I‘V II- IIIHL' ~IIIII .III I'xlucIIIcII I‘x’r- ‘|'ILII|I\ In our "IL‘J \\ c Ic.III:c \I‘II II.I\c \IIInL' IIIIIL'II gum] angh. I)I\l|’l\l .IIIII \ICJ \mrk. I‘III‘I In III-mg k'Ih'ka'lI III III: I‘IIIIIIIIIJI IIILIIII .I|I\I IIII‘II I-I l‘l-WIIIL‘LII I'IC‘I‘Jk’III. IIw IIIEI‘ILWI PINIIII‘II IMMII‘II‘ III IIII' l‘IuI Inu' III UIII.III~- IIIIKII IIII' ‘L-\||n\I IIII'\III\I.II I'InhIcle III In‘ cII-III‘II IEI‘II‘. III: I.I~II-III \ls’.| I\II~ I .IIIII‘ III-III Ruhurlwn l.III.IIL L I'III|I\ I'IL'IJ IIII- .IIIIII' I-I I'IIIIIII \IJI I’II'xIIIcIII IIIIIII I‘IIVI ."I III "ILIL'I 1|I.II nIII \Ic.I IIIL'IIII‘L'I\ IIIM InII-x II'IIII'IIIIwI ‘IHIII .IIIIII'II'IIIcIII \\\' II.I\¢ L"I.II‘II\I\C\I II \LIII‘I.II\IIII‘ I.» III" LIImIII .I~ “IIII' IIcInIIL' \III’IIII \xIII‘IIII\IlIF‘I IIIIIIII.IIII. 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