Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1974, page 4

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The President is C omer Mrs Harm; Hobbit, Presw dent the Federated Women s Inslilules of On- farm I )ctlf “i i \lc‘iiihch ‘ {Hitch-liilliltulix tn .ill til _\|lll who hcclimc new t'Il- llll'l‘i ill||i ( A-nxcncrs .it “ranch :\.:Iiiiti| meetings and aunt litttmt '\rlllll.l|\ll1H‘Pl’lldnd Ma}. You “I” have lill' nippurttiiiilz nu“ III Itillllliiig uttc til the objectors ul Ilii: \VIIIIIL'II's IflxllllJlL'L Ili.it ul dcxcluping Icud- whip l llllpt' lli.|| ‘unll tirc .ill lacing your new plut- llHJlx “till L'lllltllnllel'I and unit .i genuine dL‘Nll’C In truth lilt|r pmitIt-il .i hotter IIIIL‘ than it h.i~ cxcr hccn hl‘llllt' ltliitiL II at.“ Jiihii kcnncd) “htt \lld worth [0 Iltr k'ilk‘t' "Iliitik lllll \Lli.il lilt.‘ i-Ilttc can do Mr )tili. Inn ‘.\.ll.|l tutu tttn lill tor the ull'itt'", .II'ILi this would he ipplitJlilt’ llt'lt‘ \liim c-I \iill \Hll lct-I IIL'INIIIH rind pcrhtipx iniidc- ipmrt- ,it llhl iiIL'H' l~ iii-thing “mitt: \tith that as itInE .i. Hill hour the June In |t'.itn, In make the W I. It het- ll'l Itl"tI|Il/.Illt|ll lict.iti\c \tzti li.i\t' pliwtl .i part in It's L'lultklll lltv ttirrcttt \ltil‘. II. itllltilhtln lititigxtttn Scat. L'Illl Iii. kitlmrtl limit I\ .III interesting ltlllu n.irr.iti\c nuts-sitting) ulitil \.in hr .ituiiitplixlicd ht thmi: who llll'llllilllll “1h eager Iii riw .iln-w Ilit' tutti-uric il.l||ll|L‘tI in th’ usti.i| hIIILlL‘ Ul‘ It: hL‘L‘P ming higher and higher. l.|lilll!’ titxii tragt-ilt but illuil‘wi tiith determination. tl‘-|ll!‘ |:- ||\ .iL-.ilti. lL‘dl’llllltJ. tiixt'.irtliitg. itttilxing .ttt' IIIIiVlltiilln In |t:.itii it I’I'itlllllll,‘ \CIH'IIIIK lilij'lll‘. Ili|lll\ llt' ~.|l1|,“\\ig'k‘nn||ll ti||[\L'|‘uL-\ nut Hf l~~iu~i.ttut' \\\' l'tlll lititl mint-hiss .is LfC-IIUI'L“ Hi cwclâ€" I. Iltl' IllIl ititt'llit-t'titt' .iritl \kl” \\ e run he I’rcc'" -\nd .tt lit.‘ llama-ll llllllL‘ i'lL' t'stliiitttctl. "lltm much. more lllu'lt' i-t ltt'“ It- lititiu'" \Ixmu thc tlntlt hold him Ill shame. .iu‘iiscd hint ul HILL-n IllL'sl‘tvllwll‘lilH nl \Illltlllllll thc dignih lllli It.itlili«-t1nl lill‘ titill lllllllhn V Ill-u tlll“llk-l\l .ititl IlllNL'f-ihll‘ hL' u.t~' Hut it: kept tllL'llll‘ Ilium-ll In yrcatcr llclglth, ll' UH‘JICE .icciinlâ€" plnltiiwtu» k ‘Ilit‘ uiiils ll'llL' Lin B Ili.il “huh IL'LIli\ In freedom. lllt'lt‘ i» no tilllt'l’ " lit- \.lltl."l|1.ll l'rcctlum IN the ten ll.IlIIlt' u-I lit-int: " ‘ ‘it-itic ml the Iltx‘lt \tnll't'tl mung ltc “its special. L'If- tcil .tittl \llHlIl‘. but In: \iglitcd nthcn \thu had icarhcd in do ,u hL' did He r'CPlll'd. “Nu t'lIUI'L' than \uti. The unit tlillcrt-iitt', the ion unh uric I\ that lhm-l‘IMC ho gun to understand tili.it the\ are and lime bui‘iin Iii piattitt- it " ()tict- .l-inJllhtn cutitinccd them thact thcx tutti tin llllllh to learning. ht: hitd m.in\ .tpt pupils I H.I\l‘ wit cit-r questioned in win mind .i practice n1 ‘vtllll “much” You scour the Handbook and the 4 Branch Bylaws, if you have any. bu} find no justifica. tion for the practice. When you begin to enquire from the members you find that this was Just a practice that. like Topsy. had just grown! But while it may he“: been founded in good common sense. years ago. ,1 u now not very relevant. Or if do still relevant ind proven a good practice. should it be made a Brumh bylaw? Perhaps as you begin the year of WJ. Int-ct tags, it would be an idea to. take a look at your Branch and see ifsuch practices extst and if so, what the mum. bership now feels shonld be done about them. At your District Annuals your Board Direi .ln hroughi you their reports‘ from the Semi An “t Board meeting in April. This was your business h Ed on decisions made by them on your behalf, More and more is being expected of Board D t. tors as W.].‘s grow. More often they are being .1 A1 for vour views and for other information from t" subdivisions. Please recognize them for the impo m officers they are and keep them informed. tax {I them in as. many of your activities as you can t thlr advice and let them do things for you. The t ‘1. they know about their subdivision. the better the it represent your interests at Board. Since their trav. 1; and living expenses are paid by FWlO only fl.‘ t;- sessions on the Provincial Board and for attendin it- LiiSll’iCl annuals in their own sub-division and It own Area Convention. it would be a courtesy on if part to offer to pay those expenses when they 3‘ ml any ol‘your branch. district or area functions to u n you invite them as board director. We will be looking forward to a few of you jot _v us on the long flight to Perth. Australia. in Octoht It promises to be a wonderful experience. Wishing you all a happy. healthful summer. Sim‘c Bernice B. No! ill "Ill could have hutjusl one plea I think that that one prayer would be With all that such a prayer portends “Lord make me worthy of my friends." Help me to be the kind of person Thut loyal friends believe I am Help me to be as true and fine .‘\I\ they believe â€" these friends of mine Giu- me the courage under stress That they expect me to possess: And when they smile and look at me. Oh. let me be Lord, what they see! Help me all pretense to forego. And simply. without pomp or show. Repay with true sincerity The loyal faith they have in me. And if sometimes I may have erred. In any thought or deed or word. Then help me Lord. to make amends â€" Lord. make me worthy of my friends." (Helen Lowrie Marshall)

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