Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1974, page 13

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ITIZENSHIP AND WORLD AFFAIRS Mrs. John Hermansen. Convener UNITED NATIONS This IS World Population Year â€" 1974. World Population Year activities are the vital be- ginning of a continuing efi'ort to achieve worldewide awareness of population matters and to find a rational. workable balance be- tween people and resources so that the quality of human life everywhere could be improved through better knowledge, in- d policyr and action. world-wide program has been set up by United us to accomplish the following objectives. prove knowledge of and information on the facts ncerning population trends and prospects. pulation problems and their implications by indi- u-ual governments. non-governmental organiza- ns. scientific institutions and the media. vide effective education on population. family _ and reproductive functions through formal and er educational systems. timulate discussion and thinking on alternate pol. es, 5 panel international coâ€"operation in population t lds and supply increased suitable technical assist- ‘ce to countries desiring it. he World Health Organization (WHO) is car» g out several action projects relevant to the objec- - of World Population Year. lts research programs ude: (a) the health aspects of family planning; (b) ies on relative eliectiveness. satiety and accept- ity ofa variety of fertility regulation methods, (c) ems in family planning: (d) studies of mortality ds: (e) studies on the interrelationship between th. population and economic development. (I) miss on information systems for collection of health istics. ' rs. Helvi Sipila of Finland was recently .ip- ted to an Assistant Secretary-General's post han- n Social development and humanitarian Elli-ill“ for United Nations. She recently chaired an inter- onal forum on the role of women in population development held in New York city. Only women eadership posts from each UN member state were tied. She also spoke in Santo Domingo on the u I y such seminars that will be held in various UN es to examine the links between family planning. ily size. and the promotion of equality bctoeen v n and women. In one area, women's suffrage. Mrs, Sipila secs at progress. At the start of the Second World Will’i w” says. there were only 32 countries where women 1d vote. Now there are only 5 where women can't i iechtenstein. Kuwait. Jordan. Saudi Arabia. and en. International Women‘s Year will be held in l975. A new University for the world. of the world. and the world. has been proclaimed by aeelamaiion at ’United Nations and been granted a Charter. It will arpen awareness and heightened appreciation of atus of Women in Family Planning". This is one of be called the UN University. and under its umbrella some ofthe best intellects in the world “I” attempt to find solutions to some of the pressing problems of hu- man survival. “STATUS OF WOMEN" The adumr) Council on the Status of Women con- \isting of 26 “omen and 3 men are currently \ttid_\ ing the following topics: Human rights. and the appointment of “omen (more) to the Human Rights Commission. head the list of PFIUI'IIIL‘N. They also “am to ltt.ll\L‘ sure that a limitation clause eliminating insurance coicrage In certain cases. is removed from the proposed amend- ment to the Labour Code “lilt‘lt \\t|tllLl prohibit tllxr criminiition on sex or marital status. The Council requests action on the rc‘c‘nl‘lllllc‘ntlir lion to include houscaiws in the (Honda Pension Plan. also changcw implemented in the DIHJR‘L‘ \cl. especially reducing. the \\ iiitiitg period to one yciti', llllll a more eqtiitable distribution of propcrl} riglth Also on the cotiiicil‘x list of [‘T'lorlllk‘\ tiic ‘llllL'lILl' merits to the Cit/,ciiship :\cl to rcmm c \c\ Lll\» crimination. Tltcsc include the I'L‘xlllttpltnlt of cm» [unship for Canadian women \\ ho lost lllc'll’ c‘llt/L‘l‘lNllll‘ on marriage to art .ilicn before changes to the x\ct lll N47. The council also prop-Hes tiv c\p|orc .iiicl “1.th I'L‘l' iimmeiidiitions on child care faciliticx in tlic \‘Iillt'tlfl. on women's aid serum-x. which tttL‘ltichIN Mlltl illL‘ \llll not a\.iil.ible to women “ho tit-ed IllL’lll mml. and on the possibility iil‘ using \.‘l11\\ action .t\ it llNll lo iitl'ctt cliangm in human rights. Let its study well these lonely llllc'\ll\‘tl\_ in urtlcr that our opiniom may he cmintcd Allentord W.I we 70th Anniversary celebrations Two oldest members cur cake (L) Mrs Harry Aiken and Mrs T K Newman. [‘4

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