Women's Institute history was made on August 9th i en over 400 Women's Institute members from 055 the Province and interested friends from all . er gathered at the Erland Lee Home. Ridge Road. 5 ney Creek. for the olï¬cial opening of the "Home" ght bus loads came from as far away as 350 miles. to present for the memorable event. The OCC‘JK'IUII was _ celebrate the acquisition of the property by the Fed 1 red Women‘s Institutes of Ontario “1 June. I972. 2. to honour Erland and his wife Janet. With Adelaide Hoodless providing the idea. JnLl. ' land Lee the stimulus. the ï¬rst W.I. was founded in 97. The original constitution was hand “MUCH bi =‘ net Lee on the beautiful dining room table, still Il’i e dining room of the Home. 7 The last of the Lees to reside in the house was " nIt. son of Erland and his wife Katie. Among the ' cial guests at the event were their daughters Mrs. L. Davis. Grimsby. Mrs. Frank Ryan. Oaknlle. iss Alison Lee. Guelph. and Mrs. Leslie Tulk of t wfoundland. also his two sisters Miss Marjorie Lee. vzmilton and Mrs. H. C. Freal. Stoney Creek. The crowd gathered at the front of the house for a el' ceremony in the shade under the tall trees. The ‘nourable William A. Stewart. Minister of Agricul- r and Food. brought greetings from the Ministry of _i 'culture and Food. and commended the Federated men's Institutes of Ontario for the great contribu- -,l| it had made over the years toward the growth of :- individual member. to the communities of On- :i0. and now in acquiring the “Home†for members over the world. .Greetings were extended from the Associated “ ntry Women of the world by Deputy Prestdent. ' Irene Spry: and congratulations were read by Mn. tin Zoeller from Mrs. J. McLean of Nova Seotia. A ident ofthe Federated Women‘s Institutes of ("tin- Mrs. H. L. Noblitt. President of the Federated men's Institutes of Ontario was Chairman of the . t. A short history of the Lee family from James. a 5 rich United Empire Loyalist who came to Canada : the United States in I792. to the pursuit. paying lute to this progressive. publiespiritcd lamin who _} played such a prominent part in the development I eir community and especially to Erland and his _i for their initiative and support in the formation of - Women's Institute. Credit was also extended to the bers of Wentworth County for their enthusiasm ccepting the idea introduced by Mrs. Hoodless. i for their efl’ons in promoting the idea which had d in Ontario to a membership of 29.000 within i en years. and has subsequently encompassed the Id. Mrs. Gordon Conant of Oshawa. daughter of the President Mrs. E. D. Smith shared some of her The 0135ch Opening of the Erland Lee Home by Mrs. H. L. Nohlitt Mrs. Allan Dickenson. Mount Hope. Mrs. Lilah Lumburner. Port Colborne memories ol‘thuse dtiyx. Mry. Leslie Ttillt \pitltt.‘ tor the Frank Lee family exprcwttg their plea-titre thal lllt.‘l|' home is now being preserved by the Wonien‘~ In~.ii» lute. Mrs. Tliomtn McCreadie. President of Went» worth South District. recalled the day May 28. WM 7 when the District erected at memorial plaque till .i large boulder at the front of the house in ICL‘IIgnllItlll of Erlttnd and Janet Lee. Mrs. Everett Small til l‘uev a past Presiident. told of the ceremony iiliich took place at this identical site on October I. I‘lh‘l. when the Historic Sitct Board. at the inyiigiition ot' the I ed- eruted Women's Institutes ol~ Ontario. erected a plaque in honor of the part played by Iirliind tlllll Jil- net Lee and Adelaide Hoodless. The ribbon to ofï¬cially open lht: "Home" wan cut by Mrs, Russell Wise of Ptitlineli along with M rs. AI- Ian Dickenson. Mount Hope. both of Whom were members of the Committee which was instrumental iii initiating negotiations for the ucqunition ol‘ the "Home". and by Mrs. Liltih Lymburncr of Port ('oL borne. Pres‘tdent of the Federated Women‘x Institutex of Ontario during the early period of ncgnllutiitm. Following the impressive ceremony the gucsh toured the house and Drive House and then enjoyed refreshments sen-ed beneath a large marquee erected at the back of the property by members of Wentworih County Women‘s Institutes. Wentworth County Day The warm Wishes of the guests was surpassed only by the warmth of the summer heat as Wentworth County ofï¬cers gathered at the Erland Lee Home on August 8. {continued on next page} 5