Tho loulh Women's lnslilute picture Inlen when the branch n‘rmbp _ Toronto. INTERN ATION A L heltenlnm â€"â€" Motto â€"- "To know them u understand them “The meeting I'cnturcd um. costumes. and souvenin of Japan muse tea was served with Jupuncsc Imth lunch. "oleri0ge ~â€" Molto -â€" "Thu world IS my nlry. mankind is my friend." :tnseltill â€" Information on Austraiiu and » Zealand was presented at a brunch nm-t stunnechere Valley -â€"= After the roll cull. mu: :1 country in the United Nations and mmcthing about it." a talk and diwllxxhlil '1 place on the European Common Mulkct wung ~â€"â€" Roll call â€" Each member hrmg .nrucle from homu: that was mutlc m .m- cr country. tut , . . Mumb-n al Draw Woman . lruhturn «ole-nmmm I' '- I “ l ninn .‘~»_ lhl' l mutt lk‘lll.1ltt'lx.|,\\. \luph- \:|“|'‘\l,l\IH.I w |~ nuun- It Ilmtl L." .1 .uul llml Kunnhuu‘ “I'HIHH'H (HHIIH'JIHH hlt‘â€\h 'n‘ Lllul "limb - HT" \mh Hu‘ J!