The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Directors, Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, Lambton Hall, University of Guelph By Mrs. Harvey Hauston, F.W.l.0. Public Relations Officer. Mrs. Harvey Noblitt, president. welcomed 32 Senior Board Directors and two Junior Diâ€" rectors representing the Junior Women's insti- tutes of Ontario, with the wish that the delibâ€" erations of the week would be fruitful and an inspiration for all. In her address Mrs. Noblitt said. “In the four months that l have been in office. there would ordinarily not be too much to report to you. and yet it has been a thrilling and busy time, filled with exciting activities. First. there were letters H many congratulatory messages and good wishes â€" others asking direction. to which 1 had to give some thought before an: swering. “The first big event was on February 12. the 75th Anniversary celebration of the founding of the Women’s Institutes with the World President Mrs. Farquharson as our guest. The anniversary committee, lead by Mrs. Zoeller and assisted by Mrs. Diamond. Mrs. Miller and Miss McKercher. had done a marvellous job. So with the blessing of fine weather and the enthusiasm of the over six; teen hundred members and guests, plus the charm of our guest speaker and the talented entertainers, our “special day“ was an unfor» gettable success. “I shall ever be grateful for the opportunity to travel with Mrs. Farquharson during the week following the anniverSary. to be able to enjoy the many functions that had been planned and to meet so many Ontario Womâ€" en’s Institute members. "After the Anniversary celebrations we had two delightful days at Miss McKercher‘s home. During those days we attended a Sun- day Morning Church Service. were inter- viewed by the press and on television at the Kitchener T.V. station, enjoyed dinner parties at the homes of Mrs. Clarence Diamond and Mrs. Austin Zoeller at New Hamburg. We en- joyed an Anniversary celebration with mem- bers from the Districts of North and South Waterloo, with the Haysville Branch members as hestesses in New Hamburg. We were over- night guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munro of Embro. Mrs. Munro is president of the London Convention Area and we had the opportunity of meeting the members of her executive at a luncheon. We were guests for 6 two days with Mrs. George Dixon, Brampi. past president of the Central Convent Area. Mrs. Dixon held open house for as L" ing us opportunities to meet many more \V en‘s Institute members. “Mrs. Farquharson. Mrs. Fulton and l ‘9, guests of Dr. and Mrs. John Charlton in I’ for two days and our hostess took us to -. the Adelaide Hoodless House where We . members from North and South Brant t tricts. At the Adelaide Hoodless House were guests of the hostess Mrs. Loveless dinner. On February 19 Dr. and Mrs. Ch ton drove us to Stoney Creek for that annl‘ sary celebration and on the way we drove I the Erland Lee home. “Mrs. William Miller F.W.I.O. Secret was our hostess for one night, then Mrs. l ton and I returned to Ottawa and Mrs. Fil' harson went to Michigan for another cont. ment. Later the World President returneo Ottawa to be the honoured guest at the tawa 751h Anniversary celebration. Highlt. of this visit were attending a regular mow branch meeting and a luncheon at the In of Dr. Irene Spry attended by several Vi en‘s Institute members from Quebec women with International contacts. "We had beautiful weather during Farquharson‘s visit until it was time for he leave. Visibility was nil that day when she to leave Ottawa for Montreal and in onto her to catch her Overseas flight my hus‘u had to drive her to Montreal. “During her visit Mrs. Farquharson the hearts of our Ontario members and left them richer in their appreciation of part our organization has played in startint idea that has spread far beyond our hot and in the great work A.C.W.W. is doing over the world. “In addition to the celebrations, I atteH with Mrs. Farquharson. I have been to ‘- 75th Celebrations each time taking to I! your greetings and best wishes. In addii there have been several trips to Toronto regular business, a day at the Safety CON meeting and attendance at the Royal Wi= Fair meeting with Mrs. Miller. “Again, I say thank you. to the Annivers committee, and also to Miss McKercher. 7\‘ ZOeller, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Miller their generous aid in helping me to get ‘ entated in my new office.“ HOME AND COUNW "