"‘19 - Righf â€" Mn. Olive Farquhulson, 0.8.5, addrening Women‘s lmlifuln members ul Nu- Ollnwa Arr‘n 75lh Anniversuty celebrations wilh â€" 1mm lell # Mn. Hurwy Ncbhll, F.W | E) Prt'udonl, Mn H Tuop, Ollawu Area Preside"! and Dr. Irene Spry, Dcpuly World Preside"! [or A.C W W ‘k k * "God loveth rm: the speaking uf in mi mum: in public." - Thu Knran Members of Hue Burnharl Branch colebroling Mu: 75m Anniversary and Ihcir own 63rd Anniversary, Front row Thl'. perlmmuncn was pm on th-n mc luum Rom from left â€" Mrs, J‘ Puleuon, Preï¬denv; Mrs. B, Ou-nn, Branch ceï¬ebmlnd lhr: 75â€: Anmvr-rmly. LnH i Mr, Post Prefldenl; Mrs, Rogozinski; Ruby Smilh, Secretary and Mn. Albcrl Iaylol porlruy John and Adelaide Treuiurer. Back row from In“ â€" Mrs. W. Harrison. Hoodlcu, and David Barry and Mrs Fwd Slcwuyl am Mrs‘ G, canes, and Mrs. Thuyen Mr and Mrs. Erland Lcc‘ SUMMER 1972 15