Junior Women’s Institutes Convention By Sharon Pawmorc "Hey Iook. she‘s taking our picture," said Donna Lompmon to Beverley Murphy. "What a place!" Jone Nelzke and Mary HuerOn 0' Madame Tussuud‘s Wm; Museu-nr WINTER 1972 “My moIhl-v lold mr Hum-d hr dnyn Mn lluu, \md Morgmcl Oliplmnl hnvmq pruhlr'mn wmrlmq hlm cnlu a reel‘ .I I’Im‘r' In Sluan “lht rnlurc ul Inmnr Wmnun'a InsIIIlIIL-s ul' ()nluriu i\ m yum Immla gmlh (In In it. [Unit] n and “.‘llk'll ll cunlnlmu‘ In 1hr pummul dcvclnpnwm ul um lllHIIL'N um! I'Illl" L‘uunlry.†Al 1hr Annual l'nH ('nntcnincu. Mixx Margu- rL-I Ollphnnl. I'm! [’Iuwlunl .I.W.l.(). 1U“ Uh uilh {his rL-muIL In IhinL :Ihmll. [I is ;: HlillC- mun! L'VL'I)‘ “no HI |I\ m. Illmur anun'x Inui- lulu nlcmlaura \Iulllltl L'Hll'uillL‘l will: much Ihmlyhl, 23