From left â€"â€" Mrs. Leonard Trivers who has painted Mrs. Farquhurson with a copy of the "Ontario Worm- lnstitute Story“. Th: Honourable Wm. A, Stewart, Mrs. Austin Zoeller. Miss Helen McKercher. The Celebration ()\‘t.'r Loon enthusiastic members. guests and Iriends Irom all parts of Ontario gathered at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto. on Febru- ary I2. I972 to celebrate the 75th Anniver- sary ol' the founding of the Women's Institutes at Stoney (reek, Wentworth County on Feb- ruary I9. 1897. Mrs. H. 1.. Nohlttt. Ottawa, President of Ontario Women's Institutes “as chairman and eMentletl a uarm welcome to all present. A toast “as proposed to Her Majesty the Queen lollmtetl hy the Women‘s Institute Grace. 'lltis “as an historic occasion with head table guests including Mrs. Olive Lanyon Far- quharmn til lâ€"nglantl. President of the Associ- ated Country Women of the World; Mrs. E. \'_ Fulton ot’ Manitoba. President of the Fed» cratetl Women's Institutes of Canada; Deputy World President [or 2\_(‘.W.W. Dr, Irene Spry ol‘ Ottawa: Area Vice President for Canada Mrs. J. Philip Madiemn of Prince Edward Is- land; as uell as Miss Marjorie Lee of Stoney Creek. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erland Lee. \lrx. Farqnharson, Mrs. Fulton and Mrs. D. H Rogers representing the Stoney Creek Women's Institute. assisted Ontario President M'rs. Nohliu in cutting the birthday cake. a beautiful authentic replica of the Erland Lcc Homestead. made by Mrs. Willard Gingerich of Baden. Ontario. All attending the celebration received book- lets illustrating the over one hundred greetings 20 and letters of congratulation that hate l~ received on this occasion. Among them messages from Queen Elizabeth. Prime M ister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Prime Nllt'llklc't‘ Ontario William G. Davis, The Honour Wm. A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture Food in Ontario, and many from Consul-r Societies in A.C.W.W. "How could the weather do Oth‘l'uiw r favour such a gathering?“ said the Honou: William A. Stewart addressing the aoent “It is impossible.†continued Mr. Stewai: measure the influence the Women's Inuit have had on the history of the people ot I ada in elevating standards of homemalin. their contribution to farm organization their work with the 4«H Homemaking 1 programs, and in so many other activitie- from the people of Ontario we thank you congratulate you on past achievementx wish you continued success." Mrs. Fulton. Dr. Spry and Mrs. Man all spoke briefly and presented congrutul w from the Societies which they rcprc-z Mrs. Austin Zoeller. past F.W.I.O. Prc introduced guest speaker Mrs. Olive I Farquharson. O.B.E., President of the .atcd Country Women of the World. The world president brought greeting: the A.C.W.W. Constituent Societies. In the founding of the Women's Institute " HOME AND cou: r