Mrs. Everett Small, right, presenting the oil painting to Mrs. Austin Zoelier as Mrs. Zoeller completes her threery-a term as F,W.l.O. President. This autumn scene was painted by Miss Muriel Newton While of Hoileybury. The Gare! is Passed 0n Closing the ~cssions of the Annual Meeting Mrs. [Heller e\pressud the hope that all had gained much worthwhile information from the meeting. She welcomed the newly elected President Mrs. Harvey Noblitt saying. "It is with great sincerity and pletutirc that l hand on the president's gravel and the work load of the President of the Federa'cd Women‘s ln‘ti~ llilL‘\ of Ontario. I can assure you that the Board of Directors will be most willing to co- uperate and that the Ewcutive will be behind you one hundred per cent, May your days ahead as President he very happy," Accepting her respomibilitics Mrs. Nohlitt cxprcs‘ctl her appreciation to Mrs. Zoeller. She said. “At the moment. it's bewildering but with your wonderful cooperation and your tel- crant understanding I hope we have a wonder- ful three years." Mrs. Zocller expressed her personal thanks to Mrs. Everett Small “who has been so very. very helpful" and her grateful appreciation to Mrs. Diamond. Public Relations Officer and to Mrs. Miller. Secretary Treasurer. On hchalf of the Board of Directors Mrs. Sam C‘awker expressed thanks to Mrs. Zoeller. assuring her that she would always have a place in the hearts of th0se uith whom she had worked. to Mrs. Everett Small. to Mrs. Clarence Diamond. retirin': Public Relations 16 Officer. to Mrs. Miller. Secretary TFCRtKIlI. and to Miss McKercher Director of the Ht r: Economics Branch. Best wishes were extended by Mrs. Cav.l_ to Mrs. Harvey Noblitt newly elected I’m-- dent and to Mrs. Harvey Houston new elected Public Relations Officer. Mrs. Harvey Noblilt Born in Alberta. Mrs. Harvey Noblitt l‘ graduate of Aberta‘s Teachers' College. 1 menton. She and her husband, a minng w neer and metallurgist spent thirteen ycar~ mining camps in Northern Ontario and \. ka‘chewan. In 1951 Mr. and Mrs. Nob; moved to Ottawa and Mr. Noblitt is no“ \the Bureau of Mines and Technical Sun-r Mr. and Mrs. Noblitt have travelled est. sivcly in connection with his mining occur tion. in the United States. the British lslcs a Europe. They now live near Ottawa. M Nobiitt is involved in church and commut activities and enjoys caring for a lovely _L'. den. The Noblitts have one daughter. Shirl-2 HOME AND COUNV