.‘lcmbers oi the Ontario Women's Institutes at Ihe Oslo Conlcrcnco ot the Associated Counlly Womt-n at tho World “nix picture was taken in iron! of Blindern University where the Conference was held. ACWW rho Thirteenth Triennial Conferenceâ€"-Usln. Nor-1m)- theme â€" Pathways To Progress. To the blaring of trumpets King Olav V ot ~orway entered Sjolyst Hall at the Congress cntre, Blindern, Norway. The twelve hundred cople assembled there stood to honour him nd to show appreciation that a busy king ac- nmpanied by his prime minister would he resent at the opening ceremonies of this im- mrtant international conference. As Mrs. John Cornell, Honorary Secretary ~l A.C.W.W. called the roll. Norwegian 4H members. each carrying the flag of a country upresented at the Conference. and one carry- ng the flag of the United Nations. crossed the \Intform. tipping the flag to acknowledge the \resence of the king. When the flags were in place, A.C.W.W. l’resident. Mrs. Aroti Dutt, called for a moâ€" llcl'lI of silence in which the delegates might neditate on the underlying aim of the Con- lei'ence. the hope for understanding and peace 2n the world. FALL 197l Greetings and u \‘-‘L'lL'ltl1|L‘ tn NHH‘JJV. l‘tslu and the Conference WL'tL' presented by the Presidents of the two hostess societies. Mrs Inga Krogh Hunsen of the Norweginn ('ountr)‘ Women‘s Association and Mrs. lilin Wetlugt- ot the Norwegian “oust-Wives {)tgnnimtion. Prime Minister ilrygx‘t' lilultt‘ll :tlttl the Mayor of Oslo. In her openltlt: address Mrs l)utl described the group us no .Issetuhly tIl Iunny notions tutti countries from all of the continents who came together to discuss problems. successes and luilures. When representatives ol .‘tll the countries present brought greetings on behalf ol [hunt orâ€" ganizations, Mrs. V. Fulton, President of the Federated Women's Institutes ol Canada, spoke on behalf of the Canadian societies,