The President’s Corner Mrs. Austin 5. level- ler, President, |he Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. the mu rim-t not <lop because it has reached the border of a country. not (lid the work of the Woinen'q Institute remain in Onv lurin, Energetic women expanded their think- ing and enthusimm far beyond our borders. ‘The Assoctuted Country W0an 0f lhk‘ World Conference in Oslo [his summer was proof lhul the titer had flowed far beyond. The LIOU delegates formed a mosaic and attitudes vtere receptive toward working to nether through A.(‘.W.\i\v’. All Societies were .inxiom to \htlFC their knowledge and tell of their uork among the women in their own eountries. 'lhis learning experience extended into the educational forums and it was soon .ipp.irent that whether we were listening to members \PL’lelng from developing or develâ€" oped countries all ha-«icully focused their ener- eiex around home and family as well as a hope tor peace that wine day would he world unlc. The dil'lerenees |e|| within the confines of priorities. rexouteex and desires. Perhaps the lexxon “C Ltll learned \ht'» "that nothing Comen eaxilt. that “herewr we live or whoever we are we mmt helime in ourselves. uphold our image and strive to attain our ohiectives." We left the Conference knowing we must walk those pathway-x to experience progress. 'lhis ifs my last message to you and it is almost urtl'ielievahle that three years have paved. l have certainly had an interesting term ol ot‘t'iee .ind have enjoyed my work. It has hecn iot‘ely to meet so many Women's lnsti~ lute memhen throughout the province and be» mum! of theae friendships. Ontario means much more to me. No longer are towns and \‘illngex only names. hut suddenly I can asso- ciate them with many friends and acquaint- .mees: M _\' philoxopht' hax always been that ohjcc- ll\L"\' can only he \uecquful and gmâ€; reached Ii we “ork together: that no one person or no one executive can achieve anything without the wholehearted xupport of the membership We have completed aome of our projects; some oI our dreams. have Come true. but we still lime xo much to do. hm hm that it“; WM. il a should be? Always striving. reachm. higher, adjusting our thinking Iowan: rizons, moving on and forward in :5. ing world. They were wise women in their ‘ stated a provincial president's tern: .3. should be three years, for this is t. a and enthusiasm take on “new life" n w tion of each president. Each bringx it and ambition for the success of the lion upon election and all leave a lit! character and personality behind up. tion of their term. I must Say farewell as your prom dent and an especially warm “than all. You have given me the opp“. work with so many people. travel or more about Women‘s Institute; and n the new president the very heat .1 term in office, M zirgarei Have mercy Upon us. Have mercy Upon our efforts. That we Before Thee, In love and in faith, Righteousness and humility, May follow Thee, \Vith self-denial, steadfastness. and on And meet Thee In the silence. Give us A pure heart That we may see Thee, A humble heart That we may hear Thee, A heart of love That we may serve Thee. A heart of faith That we may live Thee Thrill \Vhom i do not know But Whose I am. Thou Whom I do not comprehend But Who hast dedicated me To my fate. Thou â€" â€" Dag Hamninrakjol HOME AND (0 l“