Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1971, page 13

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Directors serving their linol term. Back row from lell: Mrs. W, Mullins, Mn. N_ Flulthcr, Mu, H. Empcy, Mrs, F, Tottle, Mrs. George Reist, Mrs. Annie Milligan, Mrs, W. Ribcy, Mn. David HomaltOn. Mn R Morrison, Mrs. Wilson Johnson. Front row from left: Mrs, George Meredith, Mn. Murray Smllh, Mn. H. Noblitt, Mrs. Austin Zoeller, President. Mrs. ll. Moliolt, Mn. E. Sine, Min Susan Ellm Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada The President. Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller. at- tended the Board Meeting of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada which was held in Ottawa. March 16th - 19th. At this meeting the F.W.I.C. Board voted to donate $5,000.00 to the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontar~ io towards the purchase of the Lee Homestead at Stoney Creek. Due to ill health. Mrs. Ruby Lockman has resigned as hostess at the Adelaide Hoodless Home. A meeting of the Homestead Commit- tee was held on April 30th to consider a new hostess and other business. Since there is no proper place to keep valua- bles at the University of Guelph. the posses- sions of Mrs. Hoodless which were left to the University by Miss Muriel Bostwick. her granddaughter. have been moved to the Hood- IeSs Homestead at St. George and Women's ln- stituie members will be able to see them there. Entries for the Triennial Competitions ot‘ F.W.I.C. in 1973 will be for â€" Handicrafts. at tote bag of macrame; and Cultural. a portfolio containing a description of programs as related to a convenership for one year. Social gather- ingS. regular meetings and activities are not to be reported unless related directly to the pro- gram. Ed‘s Note: See Pages 24, 25. 26. Mrs. Graham Spry. Deputy Vice~Presidcnt for A.C.W.W., attended a session of F.W.l.C. Board Meeting and gave an outline of her res~ ponsibilities at one of the forums oi Confer- ence to be held in Oslo and urged delegate participation. SUMMER 19']! The Stutux ol Women Ad lloc (‘ouuiuttee will study and he prepureti to luring uhout .tcA lion on such prioritim :1\ Dn} ('nre Centres. Ahortion and the ewluxiou ol \c\ in the Hit- man Rights (fode. National Seminar for (‘unwm‘n A seminar for Nnuonail .md I’rovtnctul ( on- wnen was held ill (lttuu‘u prior to Ii'IL' F,W.|.(‘. Board Meeting. Dr, MAIL Wuldrou. Director ol' liducztllon :tl Mtu'donuld College. ()uchcc. conducted u \Vothhop on "lender- xhip”. Mrs. Murrut' Smith. ('uliurnl .’\C|l\llit.‘~. Secretary for l‘.W.|.(). renewed [his wsmut. Dr. \Vilitil’ull \trexsed the importuncc ol the Women's Institute III the columunily to gnu it Identity and untphtlst/cd the need lor memle In be alert, uduptuhlc, utpuhlc :Iml crcttlnc. Mrs. R. (I Mollull. Provmciul Secret-try for the Unilcd Nulionx. reviewed the United Nit- tions Dixcuuion (iroup with MR Stank-t llride, National Convener, ilk lender. lixcullcnl me “as made of dexcriplivc pusluh allowing the work ol the UN. and rL'l.IIIUn\ittp with the A» \ociutcd (‘ollulry Women oi the World as well und \‘ztrious ultihuln oi the lCN. Hth and pamphlets Willi :uldruxses ol .tvuiluhh: l’CMllllL‘L' mutcriul \r‘vL'l'L‘ llhlrlhlllcti. Ihrce uimx oi the wminur were Llrultctl to improve .1 comatch understanding oi her wnvunerslup. Io promote holler two-way communication and to inspire .1 nation-wide programme. Mttll)‘ topics were dixctlsxcd: ii. programme kit on A.(‘,W.W,. malnutrition urouml the world. "Twinning" programme between provinces. United Nuliom l3

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