Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1970, page 15

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The F. W1. 0. Annual Meeting Each branch is asked to continue to eo-op- crate by reporting their Cultural Activities through their District Secretary to the Bonn] Director, who makes a summation and sends only one report to the Secretary of Cultural Activities for the Provincial Board. This is necessary in order that we have a full report to send to the Convener at national level. Reâ€" member, no report is complete unless it has all the statistical information filled in also. Cultur- al Activities form a part of our adult educa~ tion and the future lies in our participation. UNITED NATIONS Mrs. Gowan Young gave a summation of 1045 branch reports on programs or activities for United Nations in the past year. 91 Branches had a program on United Na~ tions: 179 had an International Day program: 154 had exchanged program material: 125 gave support to UNICEF; 235 branches and some districts have foster children in various countries: 78 supported UNESCO projects and 47 study these projects. Mrs. Stanley Bride. F.W.I.C. Converter for United Nations has suggested a program on Norway where the 1971 Triennial A.(‘.W.W. Conference will be held. Mrs. Young stressed that the United Na- tions, in spite of its imperfections has demonâ€" strated its capacity to respond to most of the basic needs of the International Community. It does not have miraculous power to move or level mountains of misunderstanding. suspicion and rivalry, but it can build passable roads of conciliation to the other side to try and re- move bars in the way to world peace. THE ELIZABETH FRY SOCIETY Mrs. Edison Sine was unable to attend the Annual Meeting of the Elizabeth Fry Society. From a newsletter it was gleaned that a panel described the work of the committee and also various ways in which volunteers serve the Soâ€" ciety. A request was made for saving of Do- minion Store Tapes. Construction of new housing for the Society has been delayed due to strike. * at it In the 800d old days, the man who saved money “'35 a miser: nowadays he's a wonder. WINTER 1970 ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE .Mrs. Lowell C. Ellcr rcporlcd to the Board Dtrectors re the Annual Convention of the Onâ€" tario Federation of Agriculture with its theme, “Road to the 70's ‘ Drive or Be Driven." Speakers included Mr. Charles Munro. Presi- dcnt of the Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture. and Sister T. Moore of Illinois who chalâ€" lenged farmers to pay attention to consumers. Traclot's l‘t'om (‘Icchoslovakia were on dis- play. Breakfast with six ministers of the Pro» vincittl L‘Ltl‘llnL‘l resulted in lengtht question and answer periods. (iordon l-lill. \‘arna. was elect- cd president of 0.l'7..-\. lor lhc coming year. ONTARIO \l'lQl.F.-\Rli COUNCIL Mrs. J..-\. Charlton reported re the Diamond Anniversary (‘onlcrencc and Annual Meetng ol' the Ontario Well'arc (‘ottncil uhicli shc :IIA tended in Toronto May, I‘lh‘l. the theme. "listening" mo: .1 1-\\.iv cwhange based on artsuers lrom registrants at Iormcr conl'cr- cnccs. A '|‘\' Iaping was heard contrasting the opinion of too gtotips or people Hill] cm- phasis on parlicipalion ol' thth receiving and those point; scn'iccs. Workshops on Housing. thc lmlrans. I’m-cr- t_\’. and Youth \vct‘c IIL'IlI and MI'. (‘arntan Guild. Assislant l'larl llonsc Worth-n. gavc a summary at the plenary scssion, I‘nlll' circtl~ latcd resolutions were presented. Mrs, ('harlloo recommended "lhc ()Itlnlio \Vell‘arc Reporter" at :1 cost ol’ .‘slllll which in: cltttlcd onc \car mcmhct'sliip into Wcllarc Council and can hc ohtainctl Irom the Ontario \Vcllntc (formed. 21 I):t\‘i\\'illc /\\'c.. 'lot‘otlltr. ONTARIO I'I'IIIJC SCIIUUI. 'I‘RIiSTICI'IS .-\SS()('I.«\'I'ION Three organi/alions. Ontario ('ummillcc lot htlllL‘llllttl'l, ()ntario KSchool TI‘thcs, and Mn. nicipttl Councillor's Association. amalgamated in I969 to form the Ontario l’IIhlic School Trustees Association. Mrs. (K licamcr, I".\V.I.().‘s (‘LIITVL‘IIL‘I‘ ul- ('ilivcnship :rntl Irtill‘ cation was unable to attend nit-clings lattt copies ol' minutes were received. This :Issociar tion was responsible for the Ontario Commit- Ice for Education chk held in North Bay. September I“). 196‘). k * i A drop ol ink makes .1 million think. Lord Byron l5

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