Mlss Maud Row 7 oldest charter member of lhe Maynard Women's institute â€" cutting the cake when H Branch celebrated its sixlle1h anniversary. Willi Miss Row are â€" left-righl â€" Mrs. Robert Burton and N Nellie Bovciird, charter members; Mrs. Erwin Fretwell, a life member; Mrs. C. L Carson. Mrs. Carmen How; Inle members, and Mrs. A. E, Carson, a charter and life member. Miss lily Hull, 0 charler member. Mrs V‘w Conklin and Mrs Wm. Byers, life members, were absenl at the time the picture was taken. l-TCHlNhHAM \V’OMEN’S lNSTlTUTF GOLDEN JUBILEF ln \axun timex, when lowly Etchingham \‘C’aa but a hamlet, humble and obscure. lZdLi’l woman had to spend her days within Her simple home. hardworking rind demure. And when the Norman: came. small change was \Et‘" In woman's Int: she still must ply her broom. Bake bread. make pasties for her lord's delight Or as :1 variation. tread the lnnm. When England 53W a woman on the throne In (int-d Queen Bess's famous Golden Days, The Ladies with their Lords might venture forth7 Take part in hunting. see \Vill Shakespeare's plays. Hut Hill her lutd directed what was right Pnr modest spouse in fill her days withnl â€" She'd \‘i-uil atill-rnnrn. rattle household keys~ Contrnl her Children 7 but remain in thrall. Vittoria “(EH a woman truly great 7 Frnm every point [if view. a model queen. But still Vittnrian husbands ruled the most. Their wives must bide at home. he rarely seen. But mnre than half a century ago The wurnen of our country saw a change. They looked beyond their narrn“ sphere and strove To break down barriers and extend their range. \X’as it rebellion at their low estate? No longer did they sit at home forlorn. They got together. laid down simple rules 7 The Village \Vomen's Institute was born! They planned their meetings carefully and well â€" Appointed officers the show to run, Found Secretary, Treasurer and such 7 Fur whv s‘hould Brother Man have all the fun? And not in village only. far and wide In ann and Country banners are unfurled. And women inin their hands in ardent hope To right the wrong and make a better world Here now we telebrate our Jubilee, Our lift} years of high endeavour meant To help each other. find some common plan Advance the better cause, the worse prevent Ed. note 7 This poem was composed by Mir» Mabel Hnlland. BA. of Etchingham. Sussex. En; land. a member of the jubilee Women's Int-(l1 (Eng) to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary. it was sent to Home and Country by Mrs. Lillian H. Field Of Marburg Women's Institute in 50ml Norfolk. THE SNOW/STORM The sky is hid in a snowy shroud, And the road in the woods is whim, But the dear God watches above the cloud In the centre of light. In the woods is the hush of the snowflake? MI And the creek of a lumberman's sleigh, But in Heaven the choirs of the Master of all Make praise alway. Up than: is the throne of the Triune God And the worshipping multitudes, And here is the long white winter read And the silent woods. Frederick George Stm: