Charter members at the Woodiord Women's anniversary. lefl-righIâ€"Mu. Alexis Duncan, Mu. Perry Keeling. Mn Pelt-r Morrison, Mn Elmmn Womti. Mrs. Colin Spence, Mrs. George Best, Mn. John Morris and Mn. Robert Corr. A member of :i Constituent Society in Nor- way saw the item and wrote to the AfWW of‘ fice for the address of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada. Her letter has now reached that office. In it the writer tells of her interest in the story and goes on to say. "I would like to know the technique. My hiishand hunts elk in the Autumn and I am \srondering if I could use their hair in the saint: way. May I please have the address of the Fort I‘mi‘iâ€" dence W.I. as I would like to know him this embroidery is done". It will be interesting to hear the result, Will an ancient Canadian craft he transplanted to another Northern Country? We hope to hear if the experiment is successful. From the Sarawak Federation of Women‘s Institutes comes the nevus of the successful completion of their headquarters building, In the newsletter received at the oftice til the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada. Ulta~ wa. from the Administrative Secretary. the Rugayah Majid. she tells of the \‘ls‘il tn the Centre of Her Majesty. the Raga Permaisuri Agong. and her royal party. The place was griin decorated and a special exhihitinn of handicrafts arranged for the occasion. Alter touring the building and admiring the display, coffee was served and a gracious message giv- en by Her Majesty. Through the kindness of the Ministry of Welfare. rcprcscntaiises 1mm the various Divisions of the Federation cnuld be present for this event. In the newsletter. (‘hc Ruguyah also tells of courses held at their State Council Annual Meeting. A talk on "How to Plan Your Meals". was given by a lecturer from the Teacher's Training College. This was well it- lustrated with posters and pictures. Following this members were asked to plan their own SUMMER I969 institute in City County North celrbvctc u loiIu-lh menu [or lunch. “till a given amount 01 food. and then to cook the dishes "Inch tittillll turned out dishes nhich \\.t.‘lL' \erv interesting as “ell as tlelit'miis'] \stiti-s (llt‘ Ri'einah. "and hettet' still. II sliimed the memlieis that they could plan .i simple inml quite cheaply \shtt‘h contained .I'ctl diet" The Satuiuak Red (toss and the Isuuliiiii: I1FL‘ Brigade iilsn giise Lillss .ind ds‘ltiilitstta tinns on his! .itil Lllltl s.ilL‘l\. and him in use \.it'tut|s lire lighting L'i]lll|\lllt'lll. 'Ihis I‘t'tlL‘Iélllttll is continued n1 lite Iliu- \tltltx I [Help llt‘u Iristtttilcs ll.|\l‘ l‘L'L‘lI Ii‘lllll‘il stnL'L' Illl\ Nuts, a total mm at [SN iziuiips. um- .†the ncuct lL'llL'l.IIlUl‘I\ hilt mic that is grossing rapidli. Manx. lWlt lltL‘llIlufls \sill recall nii'i'tlni! (he Rtigmah at the l'NVI \ (, utiii'ti- tum in Wiillulle. “hi-ti she and lIL‘I’ liiisliainl were lt‘lllllIL' in t anada She has lIL't'll the Ad lIIInlsll'.iIt\i’ \et'ii-lais for mine tiiiic .llIIl this W l. inst-s IIlllL‘ll In IIL'I cut-let and enthusiasm (tits! I N‘IMI .‘sl lls linsalir lniircii M It is (tilt little linini, H||(‘Il It": .i glinsltln. lather \iitli lIl\ pit-r, ttiutlu r uttli l'lt'l' scum“. Suit-r dining III'UI'IIIIH 'nmtli tin hanging lamp. llill .iml .\'ul still talluuu 'lmiii lllt'll siirnuur him]! I just Ln .t-tlillikilig. like .I IIIW “Ill ll“. Mumhmu IIII an apt-Ii. lapping “Illt int \Imt', .Vitc tn hau- .I f.iin'li Ill'l .i limit titulit, Makes int- It‘ll irtitmrtant .iml (-s'nthmg Just right 2|