A Letter From Mrs. Dutt Dear Friends It was a memorable journey for me from sea to sea in your beautiful country during August to October, 1968. On the 5th August I flew to Halifax and then my tour of Eastern Canada began. I visited Nova Scotia. New Brunswick. Prince Edward Island, Newfound- land. Quebec. Ottawa. and then went to attend ACWW 12th Triennial Conference at East Lansing, Michigan. At the end of the Confer- ence I continued my Canadian tour and this lime went to Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta and British Columbia. On the 13th October. I took the plane from Vancouver and arrived home on the 15th. after losing a day on the way by crossing the international date line. In this journey in Canada, I have met hundreds of W.I. members all over Canada and members of Farm Union and Farm Womé en‘s Union in Western Canada. I have trav- elled hundreds of miles through changing sce- nic beauty. The changing colours of leaves of autumn is something so beautiful and unfor- gettable. I have lived in many of your homes and the hospitality and friendship I have re- ceived in every Province. is just as beautiful and rich as the beauty of Nature. 1 wish I could write to each one of you and tell you how much I have valued all that you have done for me and the honour you have shown to our beloved ACWW by showing your interest in its worldwide work. Dear Friends. do accept this letter as a per- sonal one. I want all of you to know that my journey through the ten Provinces of Canada. is an experience I shall never forget. and shall always remember with great happiness and love. I want to thank each one or you for that. With my best wishes to all mcmhcrs of the Federated Women's Institutes of (‘anada in all the Provinces. Yours in friendship AROTI DUTT (Mrs. Aroti Dutt) President Associated Country Women of the World 'k t i la the field of social service. our rule may he compared to a lamplighter who works in the for- lorn roads of villages in the eastern hemisphere. His duty is to light the lam In) that others can walk in safety. saved from arkness and Pithllls. Those who walk may never see the lam lighter, but that does not minimize the greatness o the service. We have to give our service for what it is worth and not in expectation of any reward." Aroti Dutt SUMMER 1969 f :1 Mrs. H. P. Van Wagner “I never thought in such a thing." said Mrs. H. P. Van Wagner when asked il \llL‘ ever thought that she would live to he one hundred years old. "You inst go on lroni day to tint." 0n Deccmhcr ,lllth Mr» Van \\';tg|it‘t'. a charter member of the ltrsl Women's Institute at Stoney Creek, celebrated her out- httndtt'dlli hirlhdav lhe only other liting charter Incin- her is Mrs. Van Wagner's \l’le‘l. Mn. Mr- Kinlcy Morden ol Hannlton. Mrs. Van Wagner “as horn Ill H.nnt|lon and her maiden name was (‘ln‘lslv Ann Mc- Farlanc. She married llcnl:('ol. llt'nlv l'it'lon Van Wagner who died III l‘HlL (iol. \'.ni Wag- ncr was a colonnder ol the tint Intuit-1's ln- stitule and Mrs, \'.in Wagner \sns .Ill ilL'll\L' memher ol the Stone} (let-It Worm-It‘s Instr lute as long .h she “as .ililt- ru Lilo.- out "Tn-at .Ill turn .LlIl-s’t‘. mu; than .1†the \.Illll' lim. giu- them all .l Il|.IIIIl' to liir .unl gm“. l'he earth Is the mother ol .Ill pt-oph', .illll all people should hau- ulual tighh upon it. Let me ht: :I “'11: Illttn; lrut' III Ir.|\'t'l_ lll'L' It: ship. frt't‘ In work, and hue In lllllIHl' my Hun [unlit-rs; fret: III fullun lhr relight" til mt.- ltltltt'h; ll’t't' In think :lllll lH JIII lur l'll\\l'll; and l will nht-v every law and suhmit to ewry penalty." From Ihll of Nights wt clown hy- ( hit-l jmrph of the Ne] l'l‘rtt‘ lntlinm nearly lUll yum nun. [.Jlll'll'tl ll’lllll The l)runL