Winners of Provincial and Advanced Honours at Achievement Day at Pelrolia for the “Working With Wool Proiecl". Left-right-front row -â€" Nancy Freer, Central Enniskillen; linda Smith, Bear Creek I; Advanced Honours recipient Judy Gray, Aughrim A; Margaret King, Aberarder l,- Mary Donkersr Brooke 3. Buck rowâ€"Dione lebrbass, Aughrim A; Marie Sharp and Mrs. Joan Gray, Ookdole 2. lumbton County Home Economist Mrs. Joyce Anderson; Susan Armstrong, Ookdote i. All at Ihesc girls belong to Women‘s Institute sponsored 4-H Girls' Homemaker’s Clubs. With The KW. I. O. Branches HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND CURRENT EVENTS Chippewa â€" A speaker from the lucal His- torical Society traced the history of the area served by the Branch of this Women's Institute from the days of the early Indian inhabitants to the present. Massie â€" The members of the Women's Inâ€" stitute toured the local museum and were shown how a hand-made sleigh was used to transport supplies and how shingles were made. Kemble -â€" A speaker presented it demon’ stration on “Writing Up A Family Tree“. Derry West â€" Members participated in a debate. Resolved that grandmother was more help to grandfather than the modern mother is to her husband today. Portlock â€"â€" Branch was the hostess for it meeting of the North Shore District Women‘s Institute directors where a display of heirlooms was planned. * t ‘k _ "A woman's ability to see subtle connections and interrelationships makes her aware that no woman is an island, no family is safe while others suffer. no country is stable while another is threatened." Quoted from an article in McCall's Magazine. WINTER 1969 CITIZENSHIP AND EDUCATION Coulson â€" Motto: “Knowlcdgc humblth the great mun. usionishcs the common man. pullth up the little man." Waubaushene â€" Motto; "Sell-control is the ability to idle your motor wan you I‘L'cl like stripping your gears." MneLennan -â€" This Women's Institute Branch held u cot'tce party l'or the tcuchcrs und the purcnts ol the children at the local school. Pluttsvillc # A spcukcr from the Farm Safety Council demonstrated how steel wool itlILl hair spray may become it fire hazard Troy 7 A teacher trom u ncurhy school cx- pluincd her work among girls with difficulties in learning and HS :1 guidance counsellor. She explained classes which then: girls may enter to lawn skills. such us needed by florists. hnir- dressers. and nurses' aids. The 3 A‘s in this kind of work * "Acceptance. Achievement. Alicction"â€"wcrc emphasized. Kimberley * Roll Cull: “A Place 01‘ lnier< cst Within Driving Distance of Your Home." Clyde and Scott’s â€"â€" Motto: “Bad politicians are elected by those who don't vote." Bur River â€" A speaker explaining “The Law and the Women of Ontario." 3|