Silks Ruth Sayre had a discussion on alco- hoiilstinrth Thamesville says: “Our ‘backwards meeting proved very interesting and kept everyone curious about what came next. Even the order of business took on a-rnew look. We had coffee and dessert at 1 pm. and car- ried on from there.†' Fairfield reports interesting talks by the local librarian and the president of the local histori- cal society. I _ I Abingdon: “A talk by a provmcrai police of- ficer was interesting and informative and we believe more of this type of thing would cre- ate a better understanding between the police and the general public." Calton holds its annual meeting as a supper meeting to get a full attendance for the elecâ€" tion of officers. Castlemore: "We sent for the study kit on Canadian Art and Artists. We enjoyed this very much." Gravelridge: “Our program on the Institutes of the North West Territories was really good. the more so as we are asked to assist by Gift Coupon No. 367. It helped our members to understand the project." At Fullarton two members who are graduate nurses demonstrated mouth to mouth breathâ€" ing to revive a person taken unconscious from the water in a near-drowning accident. St. Paul‘s: “We have a twoâ€"minute entertain- ment by each member at one meeting, and current events by each member at several meet- ings. This means that more women have taken part in programs this year and the result is a freer atmosphere and a very happy relation- ship in our branch." Emo: “We had a great deal of fun and edu- cation at a meeting where each member was required to speak for not more than three minâ€" utes on "A Book I Have Read', or to pay a fine of five cents." Aylsworth: “As a result of a film on tubercu- losis shown at one of our meetings all our members and their families attended the chest Xâ€"Ray survey.†Carpenter: "Every meeting should have some amusing entertainment to lift the members’ spir- its." Locksley Rankin: A panel discuSSion by members on “What causes prejudice and how can it be remedied?†Also: “The greatest way to advertise our Institute was having four of our members present a thirty minute program on our local television station." Eifdl’: f‘Start and stop on time. This was a spec1al_w1th us this year and it added much to our enjoyment of the meetings.†warmiflster: “We had the Victorian Order Nurse from Orillia speak at a meeting and our members were surprised at the extent of her 32 duties and that she will go to an township.†Churchill: “As we are sponsoring i 4+1 Homemaking Club, on the completion yone in our . . . . "| Bath protect we invite the girls and their lea lers to a meeting to show what they have learnt . For our December meeting each member t .[ed a guest to havo evening dinner with u- n the hall; and the club girls, who also we. showed exhibits of their work with . imt‘i'l- taries. We had a very short business 'L'ling then a humorous contest and carol Sin Li." ‘ Coulson’s Hill reports a demonsir. .iicsts. it making empty plastic containers into i as? isters and decorative articles. Clear-vi: Hid i demonstration on uses for detergcn Mute; which are usually thrown away. Everett had a “Live a Borrowed 1 tea. ture, dealing with the lives of Adelait mod. less, Albert Sweitzer and Dr. Banting \- grew up in the district. Gilford has several members wh . on painting and they gave demonstratior ‘heir easels, had some of their pictures 0 hibiâ€" tion “and for a diversion they dress .p to represent Grandma Moses, a beam id .1 greenhorn.†Little’s Hill had an Inspector from lli iiinii' Health Department speak on food haw :. es- pecially in catering for large groups. .ti to prevent any danger of food poisoning Thornton advises having an address ‘ ilcn- tal hygienist on care of the teeth. Georgian has a member report at 6 wet- ing from the Canadian Association oi imi- ers. f: . . . - . .We- Plaque awarded for profitiencv "1 5197's“ b’ ‘c hi GWill Institute to Grade Vlll sludents in four 3;“: schools. The winner each year receives cl 5W lo keep, HOME AND C “NW