Adelaide Hoodless Homestead Fund: F.W.I.O. has paid to F.W.I.C. $3.000 since October 1. 1963. F.W.I.C. Foundation Fund: F.W.l.O. has paid to F.W.l.C. $1.300 since October 1. [963. UNESCO Coupon Plan No. 367: Since Ocâ€" tober I, 1963. 55.1162} has been contributed to this fund by 497 branches, $5,000 has been paid to F.W.I.C. to use in the promotion of Women's Institute work in the North Wen Territories. International Scholarship: The cash on hand in this fund is $598.25; invested capital $37,â€" 500 making the total contributed to date SIR.- 09825 toward a goal of $0.000 Pennies for Friendship: 77 branches and a few districts have contributed $509.30 since October l. 1963. This of course docs not in~ elude contributions to be turned in at this year's District Annual Meetings. These meetings were all held after the Board Meeting. Miss McKereher Reports Miss Helen McKereher. Director Home Economics Service reported [hut the overall picture of extension service showed that 35.- 000 women and girls participated in the service this year. Each year interest grows and women in the community and neighboring institutes are included in the Extension Services. The main role of the Home Economics Service Ithe education of women. We seem to be in an era where there I\ a lack of concern of people for people. tel basically we are concerned about our neigh- bors. We are struggling to keep up our stand ard of living and people don‘t want to do an)- thing for nothing. Miss McKcrcher raised the question. have we stressed degrees to much and skills not enough? In extension education the question ol‘ t’ltoll' vation constantly comes tip. Why do some participate and some not‘.’ What teaching methods are most effective? We will come for what we want but we do not always want What we need. There is a need to press for social research. We can no longer afford the slow and can) adjustment; it is time to face change squarer Cooking and sewing are becoming more :ind more lost arts. It seems there is a greater need for specialized courses, What was best a few years ago does not meet the need of today. it is most important not to waste time in educa- tion. to know what you want and strive for a goal. it is more important than ever to get some- thing every time we go to a meeting, We must define the purpose of the Institute clearly and the services of the Home Economics Service must also be defined. SUMMER I964 Mrs. C. E. Ycules and Mrs. 5. Printing present the F W.| O Secretorytireosuier, Mu Holder wall! a $2,000 $Cl’tOlfll’5th from the lnstilulns ot the Northern Aron â€" Muskolto, Nipissinq and Parry Sound Mrs Trivors ut rith i‘ood I'ortims are popular. More group iii- struetion must he gut-ii and iiiettiods must he more et‘l'iucnt because ol less teacher contact. ll‘iure |\ it need tor .t\\l\ltltiL‘t.‘ especittili in buying and lttilltilgtlty and. as :ilu';i\s. .i need tor ntNNtNEttttL‘C iit ttltltlllttlt. 'lhis thought \ttts introduced It} Miss McKcrchL-t': Would the “omen come tor a tla}. to (iiiclph and pair» licipiitc iii a Fk'll'L‘\ltL‘|‘ lvpc coorsc'.’ the \lllt- tect might be Home Mdiidgt‘iiit‘iitâ€"sut :i slttt|ol eqtiipiiieiit. \\Ill1 suhiect iii.ittt-i ooold hate depth. 'lhis \\.I\ the thought lL'li oillt the members. ‘llie liist'itules‘ Safety Project MIN N, \n‘kiiick IN ( ttlt\t.‘llL‘l til the t oitl inittue on Halt-ti. She reported t| iiitilt'riiil on "Use and anc at I'oimiix", |_\\‘,I_(]'». Stilctt l’titjcct tor lltl\ \L‘tll‘V will shortly he prepared and sent out to branches. Mutt) llll'ttN arc :i\iii|‘.ihle and Mia. Vickt'itck watiicd that u ltlm \ltiiuld never he LlL‘\\L'tl uitlitittt l‘t.‘t\’|ttt_: .‘t hit/l \L’\\lt)ll “1 gain lllL‘ most iiiliiriiitititiii: that \ixtml 21I\l\ tutd tlt\L'll'\\Ittlt\ \Htl'h hand in hand. All lirimchex should send .1 report til lltL'lI Safety Meeting to Mrs. N. Vickriielx. KR. .t. Port Arthur by October I5, IUti-lt Your Div lrict Health Unit and Department ol [ratispoil have pamphlets :itailahle on l-ligltwtiy Safety. The Ontario SillL’l)’ League has iiitortiialinii :iuiiliihle on Home Sittely through Judy Adams. ltttt King West. 'loriiiito I. Local driiggists have intormatioti and tiltiis iivtiiltihlc tor the asking. Because there is a growing concern for more intoroialmii on Sate-1y. this is ot prime importance to each Women's lnstittile mem- ber.