Al the F.W.|.O. Board Meeting. Lab to right: Mrs. Gerald Holder. Secretory t Treasurer; Mrs. l. G. Lymburncr, President; Mrs. Just Huggeriy. Prettdenl F.W.|.C.; Miss Helen McKercher. Director Home Economics Extension. y 568 branches. 673 branches contributed 78l.39 to the F.W.1.C. Foundation Fund. ennies for Friendship is a continuing fund hrough which branches may collect and for- ard monies to further the work of A.C.W.W. he sum of $l.564.00 had been sent in by ll3 branches and districts. 3l1 branches had contributed 51.30000 to the fund for exten- sion of Women‘s Institute in the Northwest Territories. To the International Scholarship Fund. 319 branches had contributed a total of $9,349.00. Mrs. Holder spoke of the amount of work done by Miss Montgomery at the F.W.I.O, office; also the extra help arranged for by Miss McKercher. In addition to the mail sent out from the office. 484 pieces of mail had gone out from her home. Substituting for Mrs. Lymburner when a brief was presented to the Minister of Education had been an interesting experience. The program for the Officers' Conference was reviewed. To date there were 497 applica. tions and 33 cancellations. It was decided that the 1963 Conference be for secretaries at branch and district level. Home Economics Extension Service “One thing above all else that will govern extension programs of the future will be the needs of those we are privileged to serve." said Miss Helen M. McKercher. Director of the Home Economics Service. In expressing her pleasure in working with F.W.I.O.. lVlivt McKercher suggested that we try to include the Indian Homemaking Clubs in F.W.l.(). work and activities. The problems of financing an expanding program were discussed and it was suggested that, as the Department of Agricul- ture pays the rent of balls where needed for leader training schools and Summary Days. interested members might influence school boards to make such halls available free of charge. The services of the Home Economics Service are available to all members in the community. not just to Women‘s Institute members, so this could be a real community project. SUMMER I962 New Home Economists have been added to the staff as diamond rings continue to take their toll. Miss McKcrchcr announced a new clothing training school for No]. “More About Finishes". which is a l‘ollonuttp for those who took "Focus On Finishes". If a course has to be cancelled it is requested that the Home Economics Service office be notified so that no instructor may arrive to find no one in attendance. Summary Day is quite optional and does not have to be a necessary part ol any course or training school. Asking tor suggestions and constructive criticism. and revicwing the incrcascd number of people taking short courses. Miss McKcrclicr suggested that TV videograph tapes might be used to reach a larger audience. 'lhc regular broadcasts by Miss Ruth Moylc reach a large listening audicncc and bring valuable inlorma- tion right into the home. ’I his kind ol program could be mtendcd and intcnsil‘icd. "Arc more Workshops needed at district lcvcl'.’" the Dirt-U» tor asked. The Department will increase the number of training school» it [his is ncccssart. €113 short courses had been given. With an audience of than: persons. Lona 4-H Home- :uakutg ('Iubv ucrc sponsored. With a memberâ€" \l‘tlp ol H.071; 7| training schools were hcld, uitlt hlt) groups taking part. lll\'tll\‘lttl_' 3.5116 uomcn. In addition lti‘) Junior training schools were held. With regard to the giving of gills to 4-H ('lub members upon completion of club projects. Miss McKcrcher questioned the need or necessity of this. an lull rt'cttgnilitui is given by the Department. Often the givrng tll gills by Women's lnsttltlle branches is looked upon as a premium. whereas. lltc girls are really gaining much valuable knowledge in taking part in 44"] ('Itib work. the Department hm been glad to assist in the 65th Anniversary ('clchration by assuming the mpcnses of Mrs. Haven Smith and by pay- ing for the birthday cake. A tape recording or Mrs. Haven Smith's address had been made and is available for loan from the Loan Li- brary. Home Economics Service. A vtht amount of minieographing is done for F.W.l.0.; the printing and distribution of 7